police horses

4 Stories

This Police Chase Definitely Wasn't Typical
This Police Chase
Definitely Wasn't Typical

This Police Chase Definitely Wasn't Typical

Cops on horses galloped after shoplifting suspect in Albuquerque, New Mexico

(Newser) - "It's not a common sight" is the understatement of the day, used by KRQE to describe a police chase that took place in New Mexico. That's because the chase in question involved a group of cops on horses trying to corral a suspected shoplifter in the streets...

Police Horses on the Loose Cause Traffic Jam on Highway

Horses trotted against traffic down the interstate before being recovered by police

(Newser) - Drivers on an Ohio interstate came upon an unusual traffic hazard over the weekend—a pair of police horses trotting against traffic on the highway, the AP reports. The two animals on the lam caused an unusual traffic jam Saturday afternoon as they wove through slowing traffic and then stopped...

Police Horse Left With No Food, Water for 16 Hours Dies

Officer got distracted with paperwork

(Newser) - MC Hammer had been with the Denver Police Department since November 2015, helping his human partners patrol the city—until one of the 10-year-old police horse's mounted officers had what appears to have been a fatal lapse of memory in September. The Denver Post reports that Officer Joseph Teeter...

Chicago Police Horses Attacked in Stable

'Agitated' equines released by unknown vandals

(Newser) - Chicago police horses are recovering after a late night attack in their stable. Some 27 of the 30 horses were released from their stalls and at least two were sprayed in the face with a fire extinguisher or struck with the extinguisher can, reports CBS . One 20-year-old horse suffered eye...

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