Hobby Lobby

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What the Hobby Lobby Decision Means
What the Hobby Lobby Decision Means
Reaction Roundup

What the Hobby Lobby Decision Means

Obama vows to work with Congress to circumvent it

(Newser) - The Supreme Court delivered another explosive decision today, ruling that closely-held corporations like Hobby Lobby can duck ObamaCare's mandate to provide insurance that covers birth control. Here's what the immediate reaction has been among pundits and politicians:

SCOTUS: Employers Can Duck Birth Control

...if they hold religious objections

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today dealt a decisive victory to Hobby Lobby , ruling in a 5-4 decision that closely held companies can refuse the ObamaCare mandate to provide birth control for employees. Chief Justice John Roberts, the swing vote that upheld ObamaCare two years ago, this time crossed over to side...

Key ObamaCare Contraception Ruling Due Today

Justices may be leaning toward Hobby Lobby

(Newser) - Following deliberations that pointed to a divided Supreme Court, justices will hand down a decision on ObamaCare's contraception mandate today around 10am, Politico reports. Americans appear to favor the government in the matter: Just 35% agree with the idea that employers' religious beliefs should play a role in determining...

High Court Sounds Conflicted on Contraceptive Case

Women justices and conservative justices at odds over health care mandate

(Newser) - The Supreme Court sounded deeply divided today as it heard arguments in a politically charged challenge to the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate , with its women on one side and its conservatives on the other. The hearing combined two cases—Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v....

When Did Corporations Find Religion?
 When Did 
 Find Religion? 

When Did Corporations Find Religion?

Supreme Court considers ObamaCare contraception mandate

(Newser) - This week, the Supreme Court is considering whether ObamaCare can require corporations to offer coverage for contraception. Companies like Hobby Lobby say that mandate violates their right to religious freedom, a claim that has some pundits raising their eyebrows:
  • Corporations don't seem too worried about religious values when they

Supreme Court Takes Case on ObamaCare, Birth Control

Companies object on religious grounds to covering contraceptives

(Newser) - ObamaCare is headed to the Supreme Court, but it's a case about the specifics of coverage rather than a broader fight on the program itself. More than 40 companies have sued because they object on religious grounds to providing their employees with birth control, as the new law stipulates...

Gov't: Religious Schools, Hospitals Still Have to Cover Birth Control

Rules for nonprofit, religiously affiliated institutions finalized; for-profit businesses hit back

(Newser) - Religious leaders may not like it , but the Obama administration is going ahead with its plan to require religiously-affiliated nonprofits like schools and hospitals to provide employees with insurance coverage for birth control, the New York Times reports. The Washington Post breaks down the final, slightly convoluted regulations on how...

Hobby Lobby: We Intend to Defy ObamaCare

Won't offer insurance that includes access to the morning-after pill

(Newser) - With a lawsuit pending , Hobby Lobby says it won't be providing workers with health plans that cover the morning-after pill—even though ObamaCare requires it. The decision could cost the company $1.3 million in daily fines, the AP notes. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor this week rejected the...

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