
19 Stories

Major Banks Try to Ease Junior Bankers' Exhaustion

JPMorgan, Bank of America take steps to prevent overwork amid criticism

(Newser) - Two leading investment banks are taking steps to prevent junior bankers from working more than 100 hours a week following complaints of overwork. JPMorgan is instituting an 80-hour weekly cap for junior bankers in a first-of-its-kind move for the bank, while Bank of America, which already flags work beyond a...

Exec's Videos on Work Culture Cause Uproar in China

Baidu exec accused of glorifying overwork, showing no empathy for colleagues

(Newser) - The head of public relations at China's biggest search engine may be out of a job after posting a series of videos that were seen as glorifying overwork and the harsh treatment of subordinates. Baidu exec Qu Jing caused a PR crisis for the company with the videos posted...

Doctor in Japan Kills Self After 200 Hours of Overtime in a Month
Doctor in Japan Kills Self After
Working 100 Days Straight
in case you missed it

Doctor in Japan Kills Self After Working 100 Days Straight

He worked more than 200 hours of overtime in a month, labor office says

(Newser) - Before he took his own life last year, a young doctor in Japan had worked 100 days in a row and put in more than 200 hours of overtime in a month, according to the country's labor standards inspection office. Relatives of 26-year-old Takashima Shingo, who killed himself after...

You've Heard of Quiet Quitting. What About 'Overemployed'?

That workplace trend is about people working 2 jobs in secret

(Newser) - This year's buzzword about the workplace is "quiet quitting" —generally described as workers deciding to do the bare minimum for their employers. But the CBC and Sidekick explore a trend that's close to the polar opposite in terms of work ethic. It involves people working two...

15K Nurses in Minnesota Say Enough
15K Nurses
in Minnesota
Have Had It

15K Nurses in Minnesota Have Had It

They hope 3-day strike will give them the upper hand in contract negotiations

(Newser) - Some 15,000 nurses in Minnesota have walked off the job in what the Washington Post calls "the largest strike of private-sector nurses in US history," with some of 15 affected hospitals preparing for delays despite efforts to recruit traveling nurses. The three-day strike, which began Monday, comes...

Working More Than 55 Hours a Week Is a Major Health Hazard
Working Too Many Hours
Is Killing 745K a Year

Working Too Many Hours Is Killing 745K a Year

'Working 55 hours or more per week is a serious health hazard,' researchers say

(Newser) - Working too many hours in a week is a massive health hazard that kills an estimated 745,000 people worldwide—and the problem is getting worse, according to a new World Health Organization study. The WHO says that compared to a standard working week of 35 to 40 hours, working...

This Firm Cut Its Workweek to 4 Days, With Surprising Results

Microsoft Japan's monthlong experiment saw a nearly 40% boost in productivity

(Newser) - Japanese employees are known for their work ethic, to the point where it can often be excessive: As CNBC notes, there's even a term there—"karoshi," or "death by overwork"—that has cropped up due to workers dying on the job . Yet Fox News reports...

270 Vote-Counters Die From 'Overwork' After Huge Election

So says an elections commission rep in Indonesia

(Newser) - A cost-cutting measure during Indonesia's elections season seems to have been a fatal one. Reuters notes that this year's day at the polls on April 17 was the first time the nation merged its parliamentary and national votes with the presidential one, mainly to save money. That move,...

Bosses Publicly Apologize for Worker's Early Lunches

Japanese worker sometimes left 3 minutes early, was penalized

(Newser) - If you occasionally left work for lunch three minutes early, would your bosses A) ignore it, B) tell you to knock it off, or C) dock your pay and hold a televised press conference to apologize for your misconduct? If the answer is C, you may be an employee of...

French Baker Who 'Worked Too Hard' Fined $3.7K

He violated law saying bakeries must close one day a week

(Newser) - Is France unfairly punishing hardworking business owners? Or protecting people from overwork? Opinions are split in the case of Cedric Vaivre, the baker who wouldn't take a break. Vaivre, who runs the only bakery in the northern French town of Lusigny-sur-Barse, population 2,000, has been fined $3,700...

'Pushed to the Limit': 23-Year-Old's Death Blamed on Overwork

Japan's labor standard office certifies another karoshi victim

(Newser) - The Japan labor standard office has determined that the suicide of a 23-year-old man who worked at Tokyo's new Olympic stadium construction site stemmed from overwork, and therefore his family was eligible for government compensation, the AP reports. Hiroshi Kawahito, a lawyer representing the victim's family, said on...

Japanese Woman Dies After Working Almost Nonstop for Month

2013 death of reporter Miwa Sado only now getting attention

(Newser) - Japanese reporter Miwa Sado averaged five hours of overtime per day during a month in the summer of 2013 while covering Tokyo metropolitan government elections as well as a national House of Councillors election. It all proved too much. Sado, a 31-year-old who worked for public broadcaster NHK, died of...

Japanese Company Charged in Worker's Suicide

Matsuri Takahashi, 24, killed herself after several months at Dentsu

(Newser) - The Japanese company that employed a young worker who killed herself from "overwork" will face charges, reports the Jiji Press . Top advertising agency Dentsu faces charges of violating labor standards related to illegal overtime in the case of Matsuri Takahashi, 24, who threw herself from one of the company'...

Japanese CEO Quits After Overworked Employee's Suicide

Matsuri Takahashi isn't only victim of 'karoshi,' or 'death from overwork'

(Newser) - "It's 4am. My body's trembling. I'm going to die." That was reportedly one of Matsuri Takahashi's tweets not long before she killed herself last year by leaping from a dorm at Dentsu, the ad company where the 24-year-old worked, per the New York Times ...

Japanese Literally Work Themselves to Death

'Karoshi' demises are often from suicide, heart attack, or stroke

(Newser) - Work-life balance is the American worker's goal, but for Japanese employees, work and life may be one and the same. The Washington Post takes a look at Japan's toil-til-you-drop culture, where 12-hour days are typical and there's even a word ("karoshi") that means "death...

Goldman Sachs to Interns: Take It Easy, Go Home at 12am

And don't come back before 7am, Goldman Sachs says in new work-hours policy

(Newser) - When Moritz Erhardt, a 21-year-old Bank of America intern in London, died two years ago after reportedly putting in 72 hours straight at work, the banking industry turned the spotlight on its notoriously rough hours. Bank of America, for instance, suggested its junior workers take at least four weekend days...

10-Hour Workdays Tied to 'Risky' Drinking

Study: Those who work 48-hour-plus weeks 11% more likely to be a heavy drinker

(Newser) - That extra glass of wine you're downing every night after you've put in a 10-hour workday could be because … of that 10-hour workday. A review of 61 studies across 14 countries (for a total of more than 330,000 subjects) linked working more than 48 hours a...

Stress Kills 600K Chinese Yearly: Report

Regulator who died working called 'model'

(Newser) - Brutal work schedules and stressful lifestyles have put China in the midst of what Bloomberg calls an epidemic: China Youth Daily has reported that some 600,000 people die every year due to overwork, while China Radio International has put the figure at 1,600 a day. Bloomberg zeroes in...

Woman Tweets About 30-Hour Workday, Then Dies
Woman Tweets About
30-Hour Workday, Then Dies

Woman Tweets About 30-Hour Workday, Then Dies

Mita Diran was 'going strooong' ... and then she wasn't

(Newser) - It's not just banking : A copywriter for ad agency Young & Rubicam Indonesia collapsed last Saturday and died the next day, and fingers seem to be squarely pointed at two potential culprits: overwork and "Thai Red Bull." As Gawker reports, Mita Diran, who had worked for the...

19 Stories