Henry Winkler

3 Stories

Ron Howard Felt Disrespect on Happy Days

Sitcom star says executives changed toward him when 'Fonzie' became a hit

(Newser) - When Happy Days began its 11-year run in 1974, Ron Howard said, his "Richie Cunningham character was the undeniable lead of the show." Then Fonzie caught on. Henry Winkler's character elbowed Howard's to the side on the sitcom and elsewhere. "When we would go out...

Winkler Not Amused by Baio's COVID Tweet

Former Happy Days co-star mocked Texas Democrats who tested positive

(Newser) - The man who played the Fonz was not cool with a tweet this week from the man who played on-screen cousin Chachi. After Scott Baio shared an image mocking Texas lawmakers who tested positive for COVID after leaving the state to block a bill restricting voting, Henry Winkler t weeted...

'Fonzie' Recalls Robin Williams' TV Debut: 'He Was a Miracle'

Before 'Mork & Mindy' came a cameo on 'Happy Days'

(Newser) - Robin Williams fans know that the TV show Mork & Mindy launched him to national fame. But bigger fans know that he first played his alien character in an episode of Happy Days. Last night, Henry "the Fonz" Winkler told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC that it was clear from...

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