Ted Cruz 2016

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In Cruz vs. Trump, One Iowa Number Matters Most

More voters means better chances for Donald, and there's a tipping point

(Newser) - Despite Ted Cruz trying to shame Iowa residents into coming out to vote in Monday's caucuses , he may not want too many of them to show up, unless he knows for sure they're voting for him. Per Politico , voter turnout will prove critical in the race between him...

8 Standout Attack Lines From the Debate

'The days for the Clintons in public housing are over'

(Newser) - Seventh GOP debate, seven candidates, and eight standout attacks at the presidential hopefuls' GOP rivals and at the Democratic contenders:
  1. Ted Cruz: "Now, secondly, let me say I'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. And Ben, you're a terrible surgeon. Now

Ted Cruz Gets Bristly With Fox Moderator

'I may have to leave the stage'

(Newser) - Without Donald Trump on the stage, can Ted Cruz take the heat of being the top target? (Which FiveThirtyEight notes he was, at least in the initial portion of the debate.) He and Fox News debate moderator Chris Wallace had a bit of a verbal tussle early on. Chris...

Trump Impersonation Opens GOP Debate

'Everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly'

(Newser) - There was no empty podium for Donald Trump, but his absence was immediately acknowledged as the 7th GOP debate kicked off Thursday night. The first question went to Ted Cruz, via Megyn Kelly, who said, "Senator Cruz, before we get to the issues, let's address the elephant not...

Ted Cruz Says He Has No Health Insurance

It's ObamaCare's fault, he says

(Newser) - Millions of Americans have lost their health care coverage because of ObamaCare, and one of them is Ted Cruz, according to Ted Cruz. On Thursday night, the candidate told supporters in New Hampshire that his coverage in Texas was canceled at the end of 2015 because Blue Cross Blue Shield...

Bob Dole: Better Trump Than Cruz
Bob Dole: Better
Trump Than Cruz

Bob Dole: Better Trump Than Cruz

He warns of 'cataclysmic' losses if Cruz is nominee

(Newser) - The GOP's 1996 nominee for president is worried that Ted Cruz might get the nod in 2016—and he thinks Donald Trump could be the only candidate who can stop him. Bob Dole tells the New York Times that he questions Cruz's allegiance to the party, and he...

Cruz 'Apologizes' to New Yorkers

He's sorry about all the liberals they have to deal with

(Newser) - Ted Cruz, facing a huge backlash for his "New York values" comments, issued an "apology" to New Yorkers on Friday—not for anything he said, but for the liberal policies they have to live under. "I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers who have been let...

Who Won, Lost GOP Debate
 Who Won, Lost GOP Debate 

Who Won, Lost GOP Debate

This could be curtains for Carson, pundits say

(Newser) - Thursday night's GOP debate in South Carolina may have been the last good chance for low-polling candidates to shake things up a little—but while it was a feisty affair, it was short on surprises, with front-runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz dominating. Here's what the pundits are...

Cruz Turns Tables on Trump Over Birther Question
Cruz Turns Tables on Trump Over Birther Question
GOP debate

Cruz Turns Tables on Trump Over Birther Question

'I’m not going to use your mother’s birth against you,' he says

(Newser) - Ted Cruz got the birther question about 30 minutes into Thursday night's debate, and he used his response to ridicule the notion that he might not be eligible for the White House because of his birth in Canada. He's eligible, he reiterated, because his mother was an American...

How Ted Cruz Is Prepping for Thursday's Debate: Zombies

And some Bible readings

(Newser) - Donald Trump may be preparing for Thursday night's GOP debate by scarfing cheeseburgers , but Ted Cruz has his own preparation strategies, he tells Politico in a look at how well the candidate is doing during the debates. While the site notes that the Texas senator's "brain trust...

McCain Says He's Not Sure Cruz Is Eligible to Be President

And this coming from a former presidential candidate born in Panama

(Newser) - There's a surprising new skeptic on the eligibility of the Canadian-born Ted Cruz to be president: John McCain. "It came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone, which is a territory," McCain said Wednesday on 550...

Cruz: Questions About Citizenship Are 'Political Noise'

'As a legal matter it’s quite straightforward'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has repeatedly implied this week that there might be a question as to whether the Canadian-born Ted Cruz is legally able to be president. On Wednesday, Cruz issued his first non-tweet-based response. “As a legal matter the question is quite straightforward and settled law, that the child...

Trump Thinks Cruz's Birthplace Could Be a Problem

He's turned 'birther' on Canadian-born rival

(Newser) - Donald Trump, who spent years peddling "birther" conspiracy theories about President Obama, is now targeting somebody who really was born in a foreign country: Ted Cruz. In a Washington Post interview, Trump warns that the issue of whether the Canadian-born Cruz counts as a "natural-born" American citizen could...

WaPo Yanks Cartoon of Ted Cruz's Kids as Monkeys

They were depicted as dancing monkeys in Ann Telnaes cartoon

(Newser) - The Washington Post has retracted a political cartoon featuring Ted Cruz's two daughters that caused the Republican candidate to warn his kids "are not fair game." The image, seen here , from Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes showed Cruz as an organ grinder dressed as Santa, led by...

Big Lines From the Debate
 Big Lines From the Debate 

Big Lines From the Debate

"Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency."

(Newser) - Here are some of the more memorable lines emerging from Tuesday night's debate, culled from CNN and the Washington Post transcript:
  • Jeb Bush: "Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency." (Bush has gone after Trump repeatedly, labeling him a

Debate's Big Question: Will Anyone Go After Trump?

What to watch for in Tuesday night's Republican contest

(Newser) - Tuesday night brings the last debate of the year for Republicans, and one common theme in previews is that in a year of relatively lively debates, this one might be the liveliest yet. Some things to watch:
  • Will anyone hit Trump? "Easily the biggest question" of the night is

Here's Why Cruz Will Be the GOP Nominee

One columnist lays out his reasoning, another disagrees

(Newser) - If you're still picking your jaw up off the floor after Ted Cruz unceremoniously dumped Donald Trump in the Iowa polls, well, you can put it back down on the floor. The fact is, Cruz "is the guy who looks best positioned to win" the GOP nomination, writes...

Cruz Opens Up a Dizzying 10-Point Lead Over Trump

'Des Moines Register' poll has seen Texan gain 21 points since October

(Newser) - Bad news for Donald Trump in Iowa, where Ted Cruz last week stole his polling thunder— registering a five-point lead among likely caucusgoers—and is currently continuing to open up that spread in what a pollster calls a "big shakeup." Cruz now has a 10-point lead in the...

Cruz Trounces Trump in New Iowa Poll

Texas senator can likely thank Dr. Ben Carson for his new 5-point lead

(Newser) - Ben Carson's loss may be Ted Cruz's gain—and responsible for the new thorn in Donald Trump's side, at least in Iowa. The Texas senator zipped ahead of Trump in a new Monmouth University poll released Monday, the New York Times reports. Cruz, who garnered support...

Best Lines From the Debate So Far
 Best Lines in the Main Debate 

Best Lines in the Main Debate

Things got testy on a range of subjects

(Newser) - As the eight top GOP candidates looked to make an impression in Tuesday night's debate in Milwaukee, here's a look at some of their lines earning attention, via Politico , CNN , the New York Times , and the AP :
  • Ben Carson: "Thank you for not asking what I said

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