male infertility

2 Stories

New Vision for Male Birth Control: Don't Let Sperm Swim

Control over sperm motility could help infertile men, too

(Newser) - Male fertility comes down to one thing in many cases: sperm motility. If they're not good swimmers, fertility can be an issue, reports the Independent . But researchers at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK are reporting (though not yet in a peer-reviewed scientific journal) that they may have...

Boys Conceived via Fertility Treatment May Inherit Dad's Poor Sperm

The findings are no reason for prospective parents to avoid ICSI, scientists say

(Newser) - Men conceived using a common fertility treatment appear to pass lower-than-average fertility onto their sons, reports New Scientist . Researchers found that the first generation of male babies conceived via a technique called intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection had lower sperm counts when they reached adulthood. ICSI injects sperm directly into an egg...

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