Election 2020

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Democrats Want FBI to Investigate Trump Call

'The evidence of election fraud by Mr. Trump is now in broad daylight'

(Newser) - Experts have called President Trump's phone call to Georgia's secretary of state legally murky —but a few congressional Democrats say it was clearly criminal. In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray sent Monday, Reps. Ted Lieu and Kathleen Rice called for an "immediate criminal investigation"...

Trump Responds to Tom Cotton's Move

Republicans 'NEVER FORGET,' he says

(Newser) - President Trump has fired back against a member of what he calls the "Surrender Caucus"—also known as the majority of Republican senators. In a tweet Monday, the president slammed Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton, who said Sunday that he would not be joining the dozen or so...

What Pro-Trump Outlets Say About His Phone Call

He 'acted properly,' declares Newsmax

(Newser) - After the Washington Post came out with its scoop about President Trump's phone call to Georgia election officials, critics accused him of running afoul of the law. But Trump's supporters see things much differently. Two examples of positive coverage:
  • Newsmax notes that the Post, referring to Trump's

One Trump Ally Calls Senate Challenge a Bad Idea

Tom Cotton says the move would 'essentially end presidential elections' as we know them

(Newser) - About a dozen Republican senators are expected to formally object to the election results on Wednesday, but one usual presidential ally will not be among them. Tom Cotton of Arkansas said Sunday night in a news release that he thinks the challenge led by Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley is...

Trump's Georgia Phone Call Was Legally Murky: Experts

But almost certainly won't be prosecuted, they say

(Newser) - When the Washington Post published its scoop on President Trump's leaked phone call with Georgia's secretary of state , the newspaper noted the POTUS may have been skating on thin ice, legally speaking, with his attempts to get Brad Raffensperger on board with overturning Joe Biden's win in...

From All 10 Ex-Defense Secretaries, an 'Exceptional' Op-Ed

They note Biden has won, warn the military has no place getting involved in any election disputes

(Newser) - "The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived." So reads an unusual op-ed that appeared Sunday in the Washington Post , co-signed by all 10 living ex-defense secretaries. The...

Biden to Skip Traditional Inaugural Parade

He'll instead receive a presidential escort to White House

(Newser) - As expected , President-elect Biden will be skipping the traditional inaugural parade due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But he will still get a presidential escort to the White House after he's sworn in on Jan. 20, the Presidential Inaugural Committee announced Sunday. Some key Inauguration Day differences, per USA ...

Trump: 'I Just Want to Find 11,780 Votes'

Washington Post has recording of the president's call to Brad Raffensperger

(Newser) - “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes.” That’s what President Trump said to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Saturday in an “extraordinary” hour-long phone call, the Washington Post’s Amy Gardner reports. The Post...

Pence Backs GOP Effort to Invalidate Biden's Win

Vice president, who will be presiding, 'welcomes the efforts' of congressional Republicans

(Newser) - The Republicans in Congress hoping to throw out President-elect Joe Biden's election victory this week still don't have enough votes—or evidence—to do that, but they'll evidently have the support of the official at the microphone. Vice President Mike Pence, who will be presiding over the...

Trump Calls Georgia Races 'Invalid' Amid Record Voting

President says state's runoff elections are 'illegal'

(Newser) - Nearly 40% of all Georgia's registered voters have already cast their ballots in the US Senate runoff race. More than 3 million early votes were cast, a record in the state, Reuters reports. Early voting ended Thursday, but the votes will not be tallied until Election Day Tuesday. Per...

Last-Ditch Election Lawsuit Tossed
Election Lawsuit

Last-Ditch Election Lawsuit Tossed

Suit aimed at overturning results dismissed by Texas judge appointed by Trump

(Newser) - A federal judge on Friday dismissed a last-gasp lawsuit led by a House Republican that aimed to give Vice President Mike Pence the power to overturn the results of the presidential election won by Joe Biden when Congress formally counts the Electoral College votes next week. Pence, as president of...

Pence Wants Last-Gasp Election Lawsuit Tossed

Suit seeks to give him power to overturn the results of the presidential election

(Newser) - The Justice Department has asked a federal judge to dismiss a last-gasp lawsuit led by a House Republican that seeks to give Vice President Pence the power to overturn the results of the presidential election won by Joe Biden when Congress formally counts the Electoral College votes next week. Pence,...

GOP Senator Slams Colleague's 'Dangerous Ploy'

Trying to block Biden win is 'playing with fire,' Sasse says

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Josh Hawley plans to challenge election results , forcing a vote when Congress meets to certify them next week—but his colleague Sen. Ben Sasse definitely won't be voting with him. In an open letter to constituents , the Nebraska Republican slams the "dangerous ploy" of attempting to...

Trump Makes Abrupt Change to NYE Plans

No official explanation has been given why president, first lady are heading back to DC

(Newser) - Usually on the morning of Dec. 31, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump are prepping for their annual New Year's Eve bash at Mar-a-Lago. This year, however, there's been a change of plans. Per Fox News , the White House on Wednesday evening suddenly released a schedule showing...

Trump's Call for Kemp to Resign a 'Distraction'

The president continues to claim that he won Georgia

(Newser) - Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Wednesday called a tweet by President Trump demanding his resignation a “distraction,” the AP reports, and said he was focused on the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic and upcoming runoff elections for two Senate seats. Trump said earlier in the day...

GOP Senator Will Force Vote on Certifying Results

Josh Hawley will object on Jan. 6

(Newser) - House Republicans planning to raise objections when Congress meets to certify the election results have found their Senate dancing partner. Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley has confirmed that he also plans to object during the chambers' joint meeting, meaning they will then separate to debate the results from at least...

Pence Rebuffs 'Extreme Call' From GOP Congressman

Court filing by Louie Gohmert's lawyers says VP isn't on board with their plan to overturn election

(Newser) - On Jan. 6, Vice President Mike Pence will oversee the Senate's formal acceptance of the Electoral College vote—and so far, it looks like he'll be following the usual protocols instead of joining in efforts to upend the results. Earlier this week, GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert filed a...

GOP Lawmaker Sues Mike Pence to Block Biden Win

He asks judge to give VP power to choose 'competing' slates of electors

(Newser) - A conservative GOP congressman from Texas has filed what election law experts call an "insane" lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn Joe Biden's win. Rep. Louie Gohmert's lawsuit asks a federal judge to strike down the 1887 Electoral Count Law as unconstitutional...

Woman Charged With Threatening Election Official

'You have made a grave mistake,' she told Michigan Republican

(Newser) - A woman angry with a Detroit-area election official sent photos of a dead body and threatened her family, a day after a clamorous meeting at which Republican board members initially refused to certify local results in favor of Joe Biden, authorities said Wednesday. Katelyn Jones, 23, was charged with making...

'To Show His Support,' Trump Fan Cast Illegal Ballot

Bruce Bartman, 70, charged with voting as dead mother in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania supporter of President Trump has been charged with perjury and unlawful voting after allegedly casting a vote for his dead mother. Prosecutors say Bruce Bartman actually registered two dead women to vote as Republicans in Nether Providence Township in advance of the presidential election: his mother Elizabeth Bartman,...

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