Election 2020

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What Elizabeth Warren Has to Say About Primary Loss

'Maybe I just wasn't good enough to reassure the voters,' she writes in new book

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren's third book, Persist, is out Tuesday, and in it, the Massachusetts senator muses on her loss in the 2020 presidential primary. Per the New York Times , she thinks the lack of an explanation for how her health care plan would be funded is partially to blame; Joe...

Newsmax Posts Apology Over Rigged Election Claims

Right-wing outlet reaches settlement with exec from Dominion Voting Systems

(Newser) - Newsmax has apologized to Dominion Voting Systems' security director. The right-wing news outlet had aired baseless allegations that voting machines had been manipulated and the 2020 election was rigged. Because of that, Eric Coomer, Dominion’s director of product strategy and security, faced death threats and has been living in...

Democratic Pollsters: We Got It Wrong Again

5 firms admit 'major errors' in predicting 2020 outcome, have no definitive solution

(Newser) - Five of the Democratic Party's six biggest polling firms are admitting "major errors" in their 2020 polling data, with "no consensus on a solution." A Tuesday letter signed by ALG Research, Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group, GBAO Strategies, Global Strategy Group, and Normington Petts describes a months-long effort...

Trump Donors Didn't Know the Charges Were Recurring

Reelection campaign has to return $122M

(Newser) - Former President Trump's reelection campaign had to return $122.7 million to donors after they realized they were being charged repeatedly. People who donated, say, $500 were being charged that amount not just once, but every month—or even every week—until the election. To avoid being overcharged, donors...

Iowa Candidate Accepts Loss by 6 Votes

Republicans were beginning to go after other Democrats over the issue

(Newser) - In the face of GOP threats to go after at-risk Democrats in races around the country, Rita Hart has withdrawn a challenge of her six-vote loss last November to Iowa Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks. A recount of the almost 400,000 ballots had confirmed Miller-Meeks' victory, the closest US race since...

'Lies Have Consequences': Dominion Sues Fox News

Company says network knowingly spreads lies to boost its business

(Newser) - Dominion Voting has already sued Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani , pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell , and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for allegedly touting lies about election fraud. Now, it's suing the network on which they appeared. Dominion on Friday filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox...

He Called Poland's President a 'Moron,' Now Faces Prison

Writer Jakub Zulczyk apparently violated article making it a crime to insult the head of state

(Newser) - A popular Polish writer is facing a potential sentence of up to three years in prison for calling the nation's president a "moron" on social media, per the AP . Jakub Zulczyk had criticized the manner in which Polish President Andrzej Duda—a close ally of former President Trump—...

Sidney Powell: 'No Reasonable Person' Would Have Bought My Claims

Former Trump lawyer wants suit against her tossed

(Newser) - Oh, those claims that Dominion Voting Systems machines were rigged to throw the presidential election to Joe Biden? "No reasonable person" would have taken those statements as facts, Sidney Powell, former member of then-President Trump's legal team, says in a new court filing. Powell is seeking to have...

Cops: 2 Rodriguezes on Ballot Was Part of Confusion Plot

Former Florida state Sen. Frank Artiles has been charged with election-related felonies

(Newser) - A former state senator in Florida is facing felony charges for allegedly recruiting a "ghost candidate" to help a fellow Republican win last November. After Democratic state Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez lost his seat by a razor-thin margin of 32 votes out of more than 215,000 cast, the...

Russia Pulls US Ambassador
Russia Pulls US Ambassador

Russia Pulls US Ambassador

Russia's Foreign Ministry says relations are at 'a blind alley'

(Newser) - Russia has recalled its ambassador to the US following the release of US intelligence showing President Vladimir Putin intervened in the 2020 US presidential election to hurt Joe Biden's chances . The declassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, released Tuesday, is the first official government...

Intelligence Report Says 2 Countries Tried to Sway 2020 Election

But there is no sign Russia or Iran tried to hack voting systems, officials say

(Newser) - Russia tried to boost Donald Trump's re-election chances and Iran tried to damage them, but there is no sign those countries or any others interfered with voting systems in the 2020 election, according to a newly declassified intelligence report. The report from the Director of National Intelligence states that...

Recording of Trump's Legally Murky Georgia Phone Call Is Out

Then-president had a 6-minute call with Georgia election investigator

(Newser) - Then-President Trump made more than one legally murky phone call to a Georgia official as the state worked to certify election results, and the recording of one is now out. The 6-minute call, which Trump made on Dec. 23 to the state's lead elections investigator , was to Frances Watson,...

SCOTUS Dumps Final Trump Election Lawsuit

The challenges to Biden's victory are over

(Newser) - More than four months after the election, former President Trump's legal challenges to President Biden's victory are finally over. On Monday, the Supreme Court, in a one-line order without comment, rejected the last outstanding lawsuit, a challenge to absentee ballots in Wisconsin, the Hill reports. No dissent was...

Call for GOP to Drop Trump Draws Anger

Wall Street Journal had listed the party's election losses under the former president

(Newser) - In an editorial this week, the Wall Street Journal built a case for the Republican Party leaving Donald Trump in its rearview mirror. Listing the party's election losses of the House, Senate, and White House under Trump, the newspaper's editorial board decided Trump's a drag. Referring to...

Mike Pence Emerges to Slam HR1
Mike Pence
Emerges to
Slam HR1

Mike Pence Emerges to Slam HR1

He repeats 'dubious' claims about 2020 election

(Newser) - Mike Pence was rushed to safety on Jan. 6 as rioters, some of them chanting "Hang Mike Pence," invaded the Capitol. Now he's speaking out about the events of that day as part of a criticism of voting reform efforts. In his monthly column at the Daily ...

Republicans Work State by State to Change Election Laws

Reducing turnout is main strategy, though one state considers letting legislators overturn presidential results

(Newser) - Across the nation, supporters of former President Trump are working to pass state legislation changing laws to limit access to voting and give them more control over election outcomes. With a rallying cry about the presidential election having been stolen from Trump, and basing their plans on the premise that...

One Word Used 10 Times in Thomas Dissent Raises Eyebrows

Supreme Court justice regurgitated baseless voter-fraud claims in election case out of Pennsylvania

(Newser) - While it may not have been a complete surprise that Clarence Thomas dissented from his more liberal colleagues in a Supreme Court election case on Monday, what is causing some head whips is his apparently firm support for former President Trump's debunked claims of election fraud. The case the...

Supreme Court Won't Hear Pennsylvania Election Case

Justices decline to consider Republicans' complaint about extending voting deadline

(Newser) - Monday is shaping up to be a rough day for Donald Trump at the Supreme Court. Not only did justices clear the way for prosecutors to receive his tax returns, they declined to hear a challenge to the Election 2020 results, reports the Hill . On the latter, the court refused...

MyPillow Founder 'Very Happy' to Be Sued for $1.3B

Dominion Voting Systems goes after Mike Lindell, too

(Newser) - "Please sue me," Mike Lindell said in January. On Monday, Dominion Voting Systems obliged in a big way, filing a $1.3 billion defamation suit against the founder of MyPillow, reports Forbes . The staunch ally of former President Trump has kept up his allegations that Dominion rigged its...

Dominion Says Mike Lindell Is 'Begging to Be Sued'

Company has sued Powell and Giuliani over election fraud allegations so far

(Newser) - Dominion Voting Systems has already filed defamation lawsuits against Sidney Powell and Rudi Giuliani, lawyers who backed former President Trump's false claims of election fraud and named the company in their allegations. The company has said more lawsuits are on the way, and it has dropped more than a...

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