Michael Flynn

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Trump 'Evaluating Situation' Involving Flynn, Russia

White House gives an update

(Newser) - President Donald Trump is "evaluating the situation" regarding his embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn's conversations with Russia's ambassador to the US, the White House said Monday, deepening the uncertainty surrounding Flynn's future in the new administration. Flynn apologized privately for the controversy to Vice President...

White House Is Silent on Flynn
White House Is Silent on Flynn

White House Is Silent on Flynn

Senior adviser won't discuss whether Trump still has confidence in his National Security Adviser

(Newser) - The White House wasn't exactly resounding on Sunday in its defense of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. "That's the question that I think you should ask the president, the question you should ask Reince [Priebus], the chief of staff," senior policy adviser Stephen Miller told Meet ...

Flynn's Talks With Russia May Have Broken the Law

National security adviser allegedly discussed sanctions before inauguration

(Newser) - President Trump's national security adviser may be in hot water over his talks with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office. The upshot of stories in the Washington Post and the New York Times is the same: They say Michael Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, despite...

The US Is 'Officially Putting Iran on Notice'

Michael Flynn calls Iranian missile test 'destabilizing'

(Newser) - President Trump's national security adviser said the US is "officially putting Iran on notice," without specifying exactly what that means, Reuters reports. According to NBC News , Michael Flynn made the remark during a "surprise appearance" at a White House press briefing Wednesday. It was spurred by...

Trump National Security Chief 'Inappropriately Shared' Secrets

He gave foreign officers CIA Afghanistan info

(Newser) - The man Donald Trump has selected to be his top national security adviser "inappropriately shared" classified information with military officers from friendly countries while he was serving in Afghanistan. According to Army documents obtained by the Washington Post under a Freedom of Information Act request, Lt. Gen. Michael T....

Trump Team Fires Flynn Son Over PizzaGate Tweets

Adviser's son pushed 'PizzaGate' theory

(Newser) - The son of incoming national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has apparently gotten himself fired from the Trump transition team for sending dubious tweets . The New York Times reports that a transition team spokesman said Tuesday that Michael G. Flynn is no longer working for the transition. Sources say...

Trump Adviser Flynn, Son Take Flak for Peddling Conspiracies

They've used Twitter to push iffy reports

(Newser) - Donald Trump's incoming national security adviser is now the subject of a wave of negative headlines over his peddling of conspiracy theories on Twitter. The tweets of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn have been relatively tame since Trump picked him, but by Politico's count, he has pushed "...

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