eye color

2 Stories

Reindeer Eyes Change Color When It's Cold
Reindeer Eyes Change
Color When It's Cold
new study

Reindeer Eyes Change Color When It's Cold

Study suggests it's to help them find their favorite food in the dark

(Newser) - Forget the red, shiny nose—reindeer have a more fascinating story to tell through their blue-shining eyes. The reindeer are unique in that their eyes change color depending on the season, from a golden reflective hue in warmer months to a blue one in winter, per the Washington Post . Now,...

All Human Eyes Are Brown
All Human Eyes Are Brown

All Human Eyes Are Brown

The color we see depends on melanin and reflected light

(Newser) - Frank Sinatra crooned about blue skies, but it turns out Ol' Blue Eyes was really Ol' Brown Eyes. It turns out all human eyes are brown—or at least various shades of it. It all comes down to melanin and how much of the pigment we have in our eyes,...

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