Walter becker

2 Stories

One Half of Steely Dan Is Suing the Other's Estate

Donald Fagen says he should have ownership now that Walter Becker is dead

(Newser) - Donald Fagen of Steely Dan is suing the estate of his late band mate, Walter Becker, over ownership of the band's name and music, the AP reports. Fagen's attorneys filed papers last week in Los Angeles claiming that when Becker died in September , his estate was obligated to...

Walter Becker, One Half of Steely Dan, Dead at 67

The band's other half, Donald Fagen, says the band will go on

(Newser) - Walter Becker, one half of the legendary rock duo Steely Dan, died Sunday at the age of 67, the New York Times reports. Becker, a guitarist, bassist, and vocalist, formed the band with Donald Fagen in 1972 after the two men met at Bard College in the late 1960s. Together...

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