paris accord

7 Stories

Obama Concedes Doubts About Climate Action Progress

'We can't afford hopelessness,' former president says as he pressures Russia, China

(Newser) - Former President Barack Obama expressed confidence at UN climate talks Monday that the Biden administration will ultimately get its $555 billion climate package through Congress, and faulted China and Russia for what he called a "dangerous lack of urgency" in cutting their own climate-wrecking emissions. As nations complained of...

UN Climate Report: 'We Simply Have No More Time to Spare'

Carbon emissions on track to rise 16% by 2030, but they need to fall 45% to curb climate change

(Newser) - A new report shows the world is on a “catastrophic pathway” toward a hotter future unless governments make more ambitious pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the head of the UN said Friday. The UN report, reviewing all the national commitments submitted by signatories of the Paris climate accord...

Trump Returns to G20, Rails Against Paris Accord

But Joe Biden plans to rejoin the global climate pact

(Newser) - President Trump railed against the Paris climate accord on Sunday, telling world leaders at a virtual summit that the agreement was designed to cripple the US economy, not save the planet, the AP reports. "To protect American workers, I withdrew the United States from the unfair and one-sided Paris...

US Could Be 'Disruptor' at Climate Change Conference

Negotiators from almost 200 countries are in Madrid

(Newser) - The annual Conference of Parties climate change talks are underway in Madrid, after a last-minute change of city. The conference was originally meant to be held in Santiago, Chile, but Spain offered to host the talks as Chile's political crisis deepened. Representatives from almost 200 countries, including around 50...

Bloomberg: I'll Pay for US Share of Paris Climate Deal

'America made a commitment,' he says

(Newser) - President Trump says he wants to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord—but another billionaire says he is going to pay some of what the US would have contributed to the pact anyway. Michael Bloomberg, who promised last year that cities, states, and businesses are "going...

In Interview, Trump Admits He Tweets From Bed

He talks Brexit, feminism, climate change with Piers Morgan

(Newser) - President Trump spilled the beans on his Twitter habits in a wide-ranging interview with British journalist and former Celebrity Apprentice winner Piers Morgan that aired Sunday. The president said he needed social media to defend himself from all the news "that is very false or made up" and admitted...

French President Gives US Climate Scientists Millions

Emmanuel Macron announced the competition after Trump said the US would be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement

(Newser) - French President Emmanuel Macron is making good on his plans to turn France into a "second homeland" for American climate scientists who feel unappreciated and underfunded in Donald Trump's America, the Washington Post reports. Six months after Trump announced that the United States would be withdrawing from the...

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