Green New Deal

11 Stories

Blackouts Prompt False Claims About Renewable Energy

Failures in thermal energy sources have caused the most issues

(Newser) - With millions of Texas residents still without power amid frigid temperatures, conservative commentators have falsely claimed that wind turbines and solar energy were primarily to blame, the AP reports. “This is a perfect example of the need for reliable energy sources like natural gas & coal,” Sen. Steve...

Biden Unveils $2T Climate Plan: 'What I Think of Is Jobs'

'The Climate President that America needs,' Wash. Gov. Inslee said in an email response

(Newser) - Joe Biden released a $2 trillion plan Tuesday to boost investment in clean energy and stop all climate-damaging emissions from US power plants by 2035, arguing that dramatic action is needed to tackle climate change and revive the economy. In remarks near his home in Wilmington, Del., the presumptive Democratic...

Here's Joe Biden's $5T 'Big Idea' on Climate

He says it will get us to net zero emissions by 2050

(Newser) - Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is pitching a $5 trillion-plus climate proposal that he says would lead the US to net zero emissions of carbon pollution by 2050, the AP reports. Biden's plan calls for $1.7 trillion in federal spending over 10 years, with the rest of the...

AOC May Get 2nd Documentary
AOC May Get
2nd Documentary

AOC May Get 2nd Documentary

Report says it would be on her Green New Deal; another is currently on Netflix

(Newser) - A sign that the buzz around Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't dying down: She's prominently featured in one documentary currently on Netflix, and Axios reports that she might get more of a solo treatment in a second film. AOC is one of four women in the 2018 elections featured in...

Senate Shuns Green New Deal
Green New Deal
Fizzles in Senate

Green New Deal Fizzles in Senate

But Democrats call it a 'sham' vote

(Newser) - The Senate on Tuesday defeated a proposal to take up the Green New Deal as both parties shunned an opportunity to debate a comprehensive climate change plan offered by Democrats. Majority Republicans forced the vote as they seek to turn the Green New Deal into a wedge issue in the...

8 Big Lines From Trump's CPAC Speech

President has a strong word in regard to the Mueller investigation

(Newser) - President Trump addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference for more than two hours Saturday, going off-script frequently in what ended up being the longest speech of his presidency, reports NBC News . "This is how I got elected, by being off script," said Trump. "And if we don’...

AOC Fires Back at Ivanka
AOC Fires Back at Ivanka

AOC Fires Back at Ivanka

'As a person who actually worked for tips & hourly wages in my life...'

(Newser) - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fired back at Ivanka Trump on Tuesday after the president's daughter criticized the jobs guarantee in the Green New Deal and spoke to Fox News about "what workers want." The Democrat didn't mention Ivanka Trump by name in her rebuke but it was...

Ivanka's Comments on What Workers Want Get Picked Apart

'I don't think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something'

(Newser) - Ivanka Trump isn't so keen on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, and her thoughts on the subject have been quickly picked apart and mocked. In an interview with Fox News' Steve Hilton that MarketWatch reports will air Sunday, Trump was asked what she would say to people who...

Senator Clashes With Kids: 'I Know What I'm Doing'

Sen. Dianne Feinstein resists pressure to back the Green New Deal

(Newser) - Sen. Dianne Feinstein disagreed with a group of schoolchildren over climate change Friday and saw a video of the tense exchange hit the Internet, CNN reports. "I've been doing this for 30 years. I know what I'm doing," Feinstein tells the dozen-or-so children and several adults...

Democrats, Beware the Trap of 'Empty Slogans'
Democrats, You're
Turning Into Republicans

Democrats, You're Turning Into Republicans

Catherine Rampell says 'lazy sloganeering' is replacing nuanced debate on policy

(Newser) - Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post thinks Democrats are starting to look like the Republicans of 2016, and she doesn't mean that as a compliment. They're "emphasizing empty slogans instead of evidence-based policy, rejecting experts in favor of cranks, handwaving away questions about implementation, and promising that...

AOC Unveils Her 'Green New Deal'
AOC Unveils 'Green New Deal,'
and Pelosi Isn't Wowed
the rundown

AOC Unveils 'Green New Deal,' and Pelosi Isn't Wowed

Resolution aims to make the US run fully on renewable energy

(Newser) - The Green New Deal is here. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled a resolution on Thursday that would give the US a blueprint on how to wean itself from fossil fuels and remake the American economy in the process. Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts is introducing a companion proposal in the Senate. As...

11 Stories
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