
5 Stories

Billionaire Plans to Prove It's Still Safe to Visit Titanic

Triton Submarines says OceanGate's imploded sub was the exception, not the rule

(Newser) - Nearly a year after the implosion of an OceanGate submersible en route to the Titanic's final resting place, a tragedy that killed all five people on board, a billionaire is planning another trip to the wreck. Larry Connor, whom the BBC refers to as an Ohio luxury real estate...

Submersible Debris, Human Remains Recovered

Salvage mission was follow-up to June effort that recovered wreckage of the Titan

(Newser) - The Coast Guard says it has recovered the remaining debris of the Titan submersible from the Atlantic Ocean floor, along with presumed human remains. All five people on board the submersible, including OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, were killed when it imploded during a dive to the wreckage of the Titanic...

OceanGate Suspends Operations After Tragedy

Company says all submersible trips are off, at least for the near term

(Newser) - Has OceanGate sent its last submersible to the deep? The company behind last month's tragic Titanic excursion has suspended operations, reports NBC News . Details of exactly what that means were not immediately clear: The entirety of the company's announcement on its website reads, "OceanGate has suspended all...

Titan Debris Is Brought Back to Land
Coast Guard Believes
It's Found Human Remains

Coast Guard Believes It's Found Human Remains

Wreckage from submersible Titan was found on seabed

(Newser) - This file has been updated with the Coast Guard's latest announcement. Wreckage from the Titan submersible was pulled from the depths of the North Atlantic on Wednesday, and the Coast Guard later said the recovered parts apparently contained human remains. The Titan was carrying five people when it imploded...

James Cameron on Sub: 'I Wish I'd Spoken Up'

Director details flaws he saw in Titan's construction, slams OceanGate's lack of third-party certification

(Newser) - James Cameron says he knew "in my bones" that the Titan submersible was gone as soon as he heard it was missing. Now, the Titanic director and deep-sea explorer is expressing regret at not speaking up more on his concerns about the OceanGate vessel, which he says "shouldn'...

5 Stories