The Daily Show

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Jon Stewart Will Take Break to Direct Movie

He'll be away from 'Daily Show' 12 weeks to work on drama

(Newser) - Jon Stewart plans to take a 12-week hiatus from the Daily Show in June to, surprise, surprise, direct a serious movie, reports the New York Times . What's more, Stewart adapted the screenplay for Rosewater himself. It's based on a book by Maziar Bahari, a journalist who was detained...

Stewart: Sequester Is Like Sexy Choking

Congress screws up, but 'we're the ones blacking out'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart last night took Washington to task over sequestration—which pundits once assured us would never happen. "It's as likely as Dennis Rodman being our chief envoy to North Korea ," Stewart quipped on the Daily Show . The sequester, he says, is a bit like autoerotic asphyxiation:...

Stewart, Fox Mock Sequester Panic

Get ready for the end of life as we know it: hosts

(Newser) - It's not often that the Daily Show and Fox News are on the same page—but it seems the sequester is bringing them together. Both shows are ridiculing the current automatic-budget-cut obsession, Mediaite reports, with Jon Stewart last night donning a hazmat suit. We're "four days away...

Obama Only Transparent About &#39;the Last Guy&#39;: Stewart
Obama Only Transparent About 'the Last Guy': Stewart

Obama Only Transparent About 'the Last Guy': Stewart

Jon Stewart takes on leaked DOJ memo, drone killings

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is pretty freaked out by the leaked DOJ memo authorizing the US government to kill American citizens, he confessed last night on the Daily Show . First of all, there's the fact that those citizens must be determined to be an "imminent threat"—but the government'...

Stewart Blasts Beck's 'Freedom Towns'

Jon Stewart rails on so-called freedom lovers

(Newser) - A group of ultra-right-wingers in Idaho who want to start their own community and live "in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of rightful liberty"? That's like catnip for Jon Stewart, who spent more than 10 minutes on last night's Daily Show focused on the idea....

Stewart Fact-Checks Obama's 'Tyranny'

Calls out right on gun-control fury

(Newser) - The GOP is in a tizzy over President Obama's gun-control plan, with some on the right accusing him of tyranny. Well, that's going a little far, said Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show : "When tyrants want something done, they generally don't ask their legislative...

Stewart: Lance Was Doping?! Um, Obviously

'Daily Show' host reacts to Armstrong confession

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took on the Lance Armstrong doping confession last night in a hilarious segment that also included a bit of riffing on Oprah Winfrey. "Lance Armstrong was doping? Of course he was doping! It's so obvious," Stewart said. "You can beat testicular cancer. You can...

Stewart to Krugman: $1T Coin Makes Me Look Bad?

Host hits back at ticked-off economist

(Newser) - Jon Stewart last week swiped at Paul Krugman's $1 trillion coin idea , eliciting a somewhat thin-skinned response from the economist, who told ABC News that "Obviously neither he nor his staff did even five minutes of looking at the financial blogs" and blasted Stewart for "ruining his...

Stewart on Current TV Sale: Fox Has a Point

But Fox News is also a massive hypocrite, says 'Daily Show' host

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took a moment on last night's Daily Show to weigh in on Al Gore's deal to sell Current TV to Al Jazeera—or, more specifically, Fox News' reaction to it. "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have our first Fox boner alert of 2013,"...

Jon Stewart Rips House GOP Over Sandy Relief

Republican House majority is our other major disaster

(Newser) - Jon Stewart unloaded on the House Republican majority in an epic segment last night about the Sandy relief bill debacle . Even when the House eventually approved $9.7 billion in aid for storm victims, that was far from the $60 billion the Senate approved. It's voting on all those...

Hugh Grant: Yep, I Was a Jerk on Daily Show

Jon Stewart was right to 'give me kicking'

(Newser) - Hugh Grant knows a diva when he sees one, even it's himself. He issued an apology via Twitter yesterday after Jon Stewart called him out for being a jerk during an appearance a few years ago, reports the Daily News . "Turns out my inner crab got the better...

Jon Stewart: I Nearly Quit Daily Show Over 'A--holes' on Staff

Stephen Colbert talks to him in NJ theater

(Newser) - Jon Stewart came this close to quitting The Daily Show—and after only one meeting with the show's staff, reports Third-Beat . "What I did not realize is, a lot of the people who worked there were a--holes," said Stewart during a sit-down last night with Stephen Colbert...

Stewart Bombs Fox's 'War on Christmas'

'Christmas is so big, it's eating other holidays'

(Newser) - It's that most wonderful time of year when Fox News starts drumming up the case for a "War on Christmas," and Jon Stewart isn't putting up with it anymore. Host Gretchen Carlson asked on air whether she was "nuts" to think the war was real,...

Stewart: McCain's Crusade Against Susan Rice Is BS

'Daily Show' host: Remember all the talk of WMDs?

(Newser) - John McCain and Lindsey Graham are very "troubled" by the idea of Susan Rice as secretary of state, but Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show wasn't having any of their self-righteous anger, considering they're the very pair that helped march us into unnecessary war in...

Why Attacks on Broadwell&#39;s Clothes Are OK

 Why Attacks 
 on Broadwell's 
 Clothes Are OK 
ruth marcus

Why Attacks on Broadwell's Clothes Are OK

Her 'skimpy' outfits make a statement: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Ruth Marcus has received a flurry of criticism for attacking Paula Broadwell's wardrobe. "Beware the woman who goes on The Daily Show wearing a black silk halter top and flaunting her toned triceps," Marcus wrote earlier this month in the Washington Post . A reader hit back: "...

Colbert Quits Super PAC Game
 Colbert Quits 
 Super PAC Game 

Colbert Quits Super PAC Game

But learns how to keep the money

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert spent a lot of time hawking his super PAC, but in the end, he admits it was all for naught. And after taking all that money from "anonymous, scary donors," Colbert feared repercussions, he said on last night's Colbert Report. After trying to blame his...

Stewart: Fox Had 'Avalanche on Bullsh** Mountain'

Kelly to Rove: Is that math, or Republican-friendly math?

(Newser) - Things went pretty smoothly for the networks on Election Night, Jon Stewart said on last night's Daily Show —with the screaming exception of the station he lovingly dubs "BMN: Bullshit Mountain News." Or as you know it, Fox News. Stewart runs down Fox pundits devoutly dismissing...

Jon Stewart Composes Debate 'Duet'

The 'Daily Show' blasts Mitt Romney for flip-flopping

(Newser) - To hear Republicans tell it, Barack Obama has been the weakest president on foreign policy since "Flinchington J. Craphispants," Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, so it was pretty shocking when Mitt Romney spent the entire foreign policy debate agreeing with Barack Obama. After...

Obama on Libya: &#39;I Wasn&#39;t Confused&#39;
 Obama on Libya: 
 'I Wasn't Confused' 
Daily Show Interview

Obama on Libya: 'I Wasn't Confused'

Jon Stewart asks about wiretapping, Congress

(Newser) - Barack Obama stopped by the Daily Show last night for the lightest of grillings on matters ranging from economic policy to the situation in Libya. Stewart pressed Obama on whether he thought Romney had a point about unemployment being too high. Obama defended his record, adding, "We could be...

Stewart's Guide to the Craziest Congressmen

Featuring Todd Akin, evolution-basher Paul Broun, and more

(Newser) - On last night's Daily Show , Jon Stewart took a break from the presidential race to focus on some of Congress' top nutjobs. Leading the pack of "magnificent bastards": Todd Akin of "legitimate rape" fame, who suggests that the female body has "magical powers." In fact,...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>