
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Judgment Day Is May 21: Christian Group

Second coming almost here...

(Newser) - All right everybody, empty those pension funds, quit your jobs, and repent, because the end times are so nigh you can mark them on your calendar. Apparently, the second coming is scheduled for May 21, 2011, according to Harold Camping, the leader of independent Christian ministry Family Radio Worldwide. He’...

Megachurch Targets 'Grinch Stores' That Ignore Christmas

Baptist pastor won't tolerate 'minority voices'

(Newser) - A Dallas megachurch is getting downright Black Peter and landing like a ton of coal on stores that aren't celebrating Christmas. "Politically correct" establishments shying away from the Christian holiday get no peace and goodwill from the First Baptist Church . Instead, Pastor Robert Jeffress has launched a " Grinch...

Coming to Kentucky: Creationism Theme Park

Complete with 500-foot Noah's Ark replica

(Newser) - Disneyland, pshaw. Soon the new hot amusement park will be located in Kentucky, and called ... Ark Encounter. The Christian theme park will include, among other attractions, a 500-foot-long Noah's Ark complete with live animals, a Tower of Babel replica, and a re-created first-century Middle Eastern village. "Make no mistake...

Pakistan Sentences Christian to Death for Blasphemy

Mother of 5 says she was persecuted because of religion

(Newser) - Pakistan has sentenced a Christian woman to death for blasphemy against Islam, the Telegraph reports. Asia Bibi, a farmworker and mother of five, made derogatory remarks about Mohammed while arguing about religion with Muslim colleagues, say prosecutors. "Essentially the blasphemy law is used as a tool of persecution and...

Faithful Flock to Jesus Theme Park

Visitors can pose for 'walking on water' photo

(Newser) - Christians seeking a more hands-on religious experience would do well to check out the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, ABC News reports. The park, which has been open for 10 years but was recently bought by Trinity Broadcasting—the largest Christian broadcaster—features interactive New Testament attractions that border on...

Religious Leader to Christians: No Yoga!

Practice uses too much Eastern mysticism, says president of Baptist

(Newser) - Yoga's popularity is growing in the United States, but one religious leader is calling for any Christians who might be practicing it to stop. Yoga’s belief “that the body is a vehicle for reaching consciousness with the divine” is just not Christianity, Albert Mohler tells the AP . Mohler,...

Ground Zero Evangelist: Glenn Beck a 'False Prophet'

Bill Kellar rages against Islam, says Ghandi's in hell

(Newser) - Internet Evangelist Bill Keller held the first meeting for his “9/11 Christian Center at Ground Zero” yesterday, slamming Glenn Beck, Imam Feisal Rauf, and … Ghandi? Keller wants to build a church near Ground Zero as a counterpoint to the proposed Islamic Community Center, which he has called "...

Obama, the Christian, Prefers to Pray Privately

White House goes on the offensive

(Newser) - Unlike his predecessors, President Obama prefers to keep his expressions of religious faith private, Michael D. Shear writes in the Washington Post , recounting the president's unpublicized decision to have a prayer session with three Christian pastors on his 49th birthday. He often consults spiritual advisers but hasn't joined a church...

John the Baptist Found—in Bulgaria

Or so claim archaeologists of reliquary found last week

(Newser) - Archaeologists excavating the site of a 5th-century monastery on a Black Sea island claim they've found remains of John the Baptist. A reliquary found last week at the site on Sveti Ivan contains fragments of a skull, a hand, and a tooth. Archaeologists cite a Greek inscription on the reliquary...

Vampire Novelist Anne Rice Quits Christianity

'Interview With a Vampire' author turned off by church

(Newser) - Novelist Anne Rice has quit Christianity for the second time. The Interview With a Vampire author—who had renewed her Catholic faith in recent years and penned a spiritually-themed memoir—says that while her faith in Christ is still strong, she's been turned off Christianity by the church's attitudes on...

Jordan Too Polluted for Baptisms

Environmentalists say it's been horribly mismanaged

(Newser) - It’s the patch of water where, legend has it, John the Baptist washed Jesus clean. And these days, it’s filthy. Thanks to “severe mismanagement,” the Jordan River is now too polluted for baptisms, an environmentalist group declared this week. Though the Israeli health ministry says the...

Christ Wasn't Crucified: Scholar
 Christ Wasn't 
 Crucified: Scholar 

Christ Wasn't Crucified: Scholar

Ancient texts make no mention of crosses, crucifixion

(Newser) - Christ probably died tied to a pole instead of nailed to a cross, claims a theologian who has pored through ancient texts. There is no mention of nailing people to crosses as punishment in Greek, Roman, and Hebrew literature from the time of Homer to the first century AD, Gunnar...

Oldest Known Images of Apostles Found

Laser reveals 4th-century painting in Rome catacomb

(Newser) - The earliest known images of the apostles Andrew and John have been found in a catacomb beneath Rome. Archaeologists found the 4th-century images after using lasers to burn away centuries of calcium deposits on frescoes in a Roman noblewoman's tomb, the Guardian reports. Paintings of Peter and Paul were also...

Idol Tanking Because Ellen's Gay
 Idol Tanking Because 
 Ellen's Gay 

Idol Tanking Because Ellen's Gay

Or it could be because the show kinda sucks now...

(Newser) - American Idol is floundering, and the director of Christian Newswire knows why: Because new judge Ellen DeGeneres is a lesbian. She’s a “left wing social activist” who spouts “lesbian one-liners” left and right, Gary McCullough writes, adding that “network television is on a pro-homosexuality bender" which...

Atheist Teacher Claims 'Holy Water Attack' by Colleagues

Teachers say it was perfume—and a joke

(Newser) - In another case of teachers donning the dunce cap, a pair of Florida women have been relegated to desk duty after they were accused of spritzing a fellow teacher who's an atheist with holy water. An atheist apparently without a sense of humor. In front of her class. The two...

Rentboy Minister Resigns From Anti-Gay Group

But Rekers says he's not gay, despite "false media reports"

(Newser) - George Rekers, the anti-gay preacher who took a gay rentboy on a European vacation and allegedly hired another male escort to massage him, has stepped down from his job as head of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality to focus on fighting "false media reports."...

Ad Attacks Ala. Candidate for Belief in Evolution

I believe every single word of Bible, Byrne protests

(Newser) - A candidate for Alabama governor is fighting back against an ad that accuses him of supporting evolution and believing the Bible is "only partially true." Bradley Byrne says the ad is filled with "despicable lies:" "As a Christian and as a public servant, I have...

Take That, Supreme Court: Mojave Desert Cross Stolen

Theft follows Court ruling that cross can stay put

(Newser) - Somebody unhappy with the high court appears to have taken the law into their own hands by making off with the controversial 7-foot-tall cross that the Court recently ruled could remain on display in the Mojave Desert. The cross, a memorial to soldiers who died in World War I, vanished...

Palin: US Law Should Be Based on the Bible

'Our unalienable rights come from God.'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was on the O’Reilly Factor last night talking about the National Day of Prayer, but she went a bit further than her usual party line of calling America a Christian nation. “I think we should keep this clean, keep it simple, go back to what our...

Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

UK Baptist charged with harassment, abusive language

(Newser) - A UK minister was arrested for harassment after publicly calling homosexuality a sin. Baptist preacher Dale McAlpine spent seven hours in jail on charges that because he had made the remark loudly enough for others to overhear, it constituted abusive language. McAlpine was handing out religious pamphlets in public when...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>