
8 Stories

Giant Buddha Washes His Feet for First Time in 70 Years

100K evacuated along Yangtze River in China amid record flooding

(Newser) - The Giant Buddha of Leshan hasn't dipped its toes in the Yangtze River since 1949. But it's doing so now that China is experiencing its worst flooding in 70 years, per the BBC . Sandbags are being used to protect the 1,200-year-old World Heritage Site, including a statue...

More than 2K Pieces of the 'Buddha' Found in Box in China

Also 260 statues and pieces of an ancient temple

(Newser) - When Siddhartha Gautama, aka the Buddha, died 2,600 years ago, legend has it that he was cremated and his remains split up among eight royal families, then eventually dispersed to several different countries. Now scientists in Jingchuan County, China, say they've found a box with thousands of pieces...

Archaeologists Uncover 'Buddha Post Hole' in Nepal

The site could be hundreds of years older than once thought

(Newser) - In the first major archaeological dig of the area since 1962, researchers say they think they've found a post hole from a wooden structure from which Buddha gave his first sermon in Nepal after attaining enlightenment. In the 1960s, Indian archaeologist Debala Mitra concluded that the ruins at Nigrodharam...

Burma Jails 3 Men Over Facebook Buddha Post

Poster depicted Buddha wearing DJ headphones

(Newser) - A Burmese bar owner and two employees have been sentenced to two and a half years in jail over a Facebook post that promoted a night of cheap drinks. The post, which depicted Buddha wearing DJ headphones, was found in violation of Burma's Religion Act, which bans damaging or...

Tourist's Buddha Tattoo Gets Her Arrested

Sri Lanka will deport her over 'disrespectful' tattoo

(Newser) - A British woman learned the hard way that it's not a good idea to visit Sri Lanka if you have a visible Buddha tattoo. Tourist Naomi Michelle Coleman, 37, was arrested after arriving from India at Sri Lanka's main international airport yesterday; she was taken before a judge,...

Remnants of Buddha's Body Stolen

Golden urn was stolen from Cambodian shrine

(Newser) - A golden urn containing what are considered to be remnants of the Buddha's body has been stolen from its shrine near the Cambodian capital, officials today announced. The theft was apparently discovered Tuesday, when a guard found the lock to the shrine's door had been destroyed and the...

Buddha's Birthday Wrong by 200 Years: Experts

Archaeologists date timber shrine to the 6th century BC

(Newser) - Buddha may have achieved enlightenment two centuries earlier than experts believe—if an ancient timber shrine can be taken at face value, AFP reports. A team of archaeologists, digging under the temple considered to be Buddha's birthplace, discovered a wooden shrine that dates to the 6th century BC. Problem...

New Buddhas Made in China, Bejing Decrees

Tibetans forbidden to anoint successors to Dalai Lama

(Newser) - China's office of religious affairs has cracked down on the Tibetan practice of designating "living Buddhas," writes the Telegraph. A notice published yesterday forces Tibetan lamas to obtain Chinese permission before naming reincarnations. The exiled Tibetan government suggests the new rules signal that Beijing will try to name...

8 Stories
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