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It Takes Three Dogs to Make a Clone
It Takes
Three Dogs
to Make
a Clone

It Takes Three Dogs to Make a Clone

New Yorker explores the ethical questions involved with cloning a beloved pet

(Newser) - The question posed in the headline is straightforward enough: "Would you clone your dog?" Arriving at an answer, however, is far less straightforward. In the New Yorker , scientist Alexandra Horowitz explores not just the logistics of the cloning process but the bigger-picture questions involved. In the US, ViaGen is...

Scientists Clone Endangered Ferrets
Scientists Clone
Endangered Ferrets

Scientists Clone Endangered Ferrets

2 more black-footed ferrets born, with hopes of breeding them

(Newser) - Two more black-footed ferrets have been cloned from the genes used for the first clone of an endangered species in the US, bringing to three the number of slinky predators genetically identical to one of the last such animals found in the wild, the US Fish and Wildlife Service said...

This Little Guy Marks a Cloning Breakthrough
Scientists Have a
Cloning Breakthrough

Scientists Have a Cloning Breakthrough

3-year-old Retro is the world's first rhesus monkey cloned using somatic cell nuclear transfer

(Newser) - His name is Retro, he's 3 years old, and he's the world's first rhesus monkey cloned using somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. Chinese researchers announced the July 2020 birth on Tuesday, noting "the first live and healthy cloned rhesus monkey" marked "a big step...

'Dolly the Sheep' Scientist Is Dead at 79
'Dolly the Sheep'
Scientist Is Dead at 79

'Dolly the Sheep' Scientist Is Dead at 79

Scotland's Ian Wilmut set off a global discussion on the ethics of cloning

(Newser) - Ian Wilmut, the cloning pioneer whose work was critical to the creation of Dolly the sheep in 1996, has died at age 79. The University of Edinburgh in Scotland said Wilmut died Sunday of Parkinson's disease, per the AP . Wilmut ignited a global discussion about the ethics of cloning...

After Settlement Over Henrietta Lacks' Cells, a New Complaint

Family of Black woman whose cells advanced science file another suit, now against Ultragenyx

(Newser) - Just over a week after Henrietta Lacks' descendants settled a lawsuit against a biotech company they accused of unjustly profiting off her cells for generations, the family's attorneys have filed another claim against a different corporation. The new lawsuit, which targets California-based biopharmaceutical company Ultragenyx, was filed Thursday in...

Henrietta Lacks' Family Finally Gets Its Due

Family of Black woman whose cells advanced medical science reaches settlement, 70 years later

(Newser) - More than 70 years after doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital took Henrietta Lacks' cervical cells without her knowledge, the AP reports that a lawyer for her descendants said they've reached a settlement with a biotechnology company they sued in 2021, accusing its leaders of reaping billions of dollars from...

FTC Warns of 'Terrifying' Phone Scam Driven by AI

Agency says voice cloning can make caller sound like a loved one begging for money

(Newser) - Many of us have heard of the old hoax in which victims receive phone calls from "police" or a "doctor" (actually scammers) saying that a loved one is in trouble and needs money sent stat. Now, in what NPR says "sounds like a plot from a science...

President Has to Tell His Nation: I'm Alive, I'm Not a Clone

Nigeria's Buhari slams 'ignorant and irreligious' rumors

(Newser) - Former President Obama had " birthers " to contend with when he was president. Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has deathers. At a conference in Poland on Sunday, the leader addressed persistent rumors that he had died and been replaced by a lookalike or a clone, reports Reuters . "It'...

Streisand: This Is Why I Cloned My Dog

(Newser) - Barbra Streisand revealed this week that three of her dogs are clones, and now she's explaining why. Seems the death of her trusty dog Samantha led Streisand to ease the pain with DNA technology. "I was so devastated by the loss of my dear Samantha, after 14 years...

Streisand's Dogs Are Clones of Her Other Dog
Streisand Had Her
Dog Cloned, Twice

Streisand Had Her Dog Cloned, Twice

She harvested cells before first dog died

(Newser) - Two of Barbra Streisand's three dogs are clones, the iconic singer reveals in her new cover interview with Variety . Before Samantha, Streisand's Coton du Tulear, died at age 14 in 2017, Streisand had cells taken from the dog's mouth and stomach that were then used to clone...

22 Years After Dolly, Another Breakthrough in Cloning

Researchers clone primates for 1st time

(Newser) - For the first time, researchers have used the cloning method that produced Dolly the sheep to create two healthy monkeys, bringing science an important step closer to being able to do the same with humans, the AP reports. Since Dolly's birth in 1996, scientists have cloned nearly two dozen...

Big Breakthrough Could Mean Pig Organs in Humans
Big Breakthrough
Could Mean Pig
Organs in Humans

Big Breakthrough Could Mean Pig Organs in Humans

Scientists who've created genetically modified piglets say perhaps in 2 years

(Newser) - Pig organs have long been eyed as transplant options for humans, as the organs are about the same size and pigs are plentiful, but it's been challenging to overcome the human immune system's possible rejection of such organs. Now, in what one medical expert tells the New York ...

Diller, von Furstenberg Clone Their Dog (Twice)

Billionaire and his wife now have 2 puppy clones

(Newser) - Barry Diller loves his dog, Shannon, so much that he and wife Diane von Furstenberg cloned her—twice. The IAC chairman and the fashion designer likely paid as much as $100,000 for the cloning, Page Six reports, and a rep for Diller confirms they now have two new puppy...

5% of China's Beef to Come From Huge Cloning Factory

BoyaLife says it will produce 100K bovine embryos per year

(Newser) - Facing a serious meat shortage as its population continues to grow and industrialize, China is set to open the world's largest animal-cloning factory in the first half of 2016. But it's not just cloning and raising cattle for beef. Commercial genetics company BoyaLife , which is building the center...

Netscape and Joe Camel, Class of '18 Never Knew Ye

Saturday morning cartoons not a big thing for them

(Newser) - Kids these days, with their Firefox and Chrome … Members of the incoming Class of 2018 probably never used Netscape or got hooked on Saturday morning cartoons, according to an annual list apparently aimed at making you feel old. Beloit College in Wisconsin notes in its yearly Mindset List that...

Team Clones Stem Cells From 75-Year-Old's Skin

Technique could be used to produce tissue perfectly suited to patients

(Newser) - A team of researchers has made a sure-to-be controversial breakthrough in both stem cell and cloning research, creating stem cells from two adults using cloning techniques. The researchers took DNA from skin cells from two men, aged 35 and 75, and injected it into unfertilized eggs whose DNA had been...

Scientists Hail 'Revolutionary' Stem Cell Breakthrough

Scientists find they can make them using blood cells, acid

(Newser) - A new discovery promises to make stem cell research cheaper, faster, and less controversial to boot. Scientists in Japan have shown that stem cells can be created in less than 30 minutes by simply dipping blood cells in acid; the new cells have been dubbed stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or...

China Has the World's First 'Cloning Factory'

BGI is producing about 500 pigs a year without Mother Nature

(Newser) - Remember when a cloned animal was a big deal? Welcome to the brave new world in Shenzhen, China, where the company BGI is churning out 500 cloned pigs a year, reports David Shukman at the BBC . Shukman got a tour of the facility and even watched the surgical procedure in...

Scientists Clone 'Unclonable' Tree

Critics thought John Muir's famed giant sequoia was too old to clone

(Newser) - Big news in the world of horticulture—literally. Scientists have managed to successfully clone a genetic replica of a famed giant sequoia. Three reasons why this is a big deal: The 70-foot tree was planted by John Muir, who had a heavy hand in the founding of Yosemite and Sequoia...

Dentist's Plan: Clone John Lennon Using Tooth

Michael Zuk bought the rotting molar for $31K

(Newser) - Remember when a Canadian dentist bought one of John Lennon's teeth for $31,000 in November 2011? Turns out Michael Zuk wanted to do more with the molar than display it on a shelf. Zuk hopes he can use the decaying tooth to clone the dead Beatle. Seriously. Zuk...

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