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We Have Her to Thank, or Blame, for Calorie Counting

A profile of Lulu Hunt Peters

(Newser) - Someone had to invent the concept of counting calories as a way to lose weight, and that someone was Lulu Hunt Peters. As Michelle Stacey writes in a fascinating piece for Smithsonian , Peters had quite the science CV for a woman of her time. She graduated with an MD from...

Your Snacking Habits Really Do Add Up
Your Snacking Habits
Really Do Add Up
in case you missed it

Your Snacking Habits Really Do Add Up

Study finds Americans eat roughly a meal's worth of calories in snacks each day

(Newser) - Those snacks you're grabbing between meals add up, or so says a new study out of the Ohio State University. A survey of nearly 24,000 Americans over age 30 indicates our snacking clocks in at an average 400 to 500 calories a day—or between 19.5% and...

You Can Stop Counting Calories to Lose Weight
Study: You Can Stop Counting
Calories to Lose Weight
in case you missed it

Study: You Can Stop Counting Calories to Lose Weight

Researchers find intermittent fasting is as effective for dropping pounds as consciously cutting calories

(Newser) - If it's easier for you to keep track of when you're eating than what you're eating, a new study may bring good news for the long haul. For research published Tuesday in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal , scientists wanted to see who lost more weight and...

New Jimmy John's Sub Is a 'Cardiologist's Nightmare'

The 2,190 calories in the Gargantuan exceeds the US government's recommended daily intake

(Newser) - Construction workers and college students are apparently ravenous. Those are the ones, among others, being targeted by the Jimmy John's sandwich chain with its newest offering: the JJ Gargantuan , a 2,190-calorie beast that exceeds in caloric content what the US government recommends most people should eat in one...

Key to Longer Life May Be Smaller Portions
Restricting Calories 
May Mean a Longer Life
new study

Restricting Calories May Mean a Longer Life

Study suggests smaller meals can pay off for humans in longevity

(Newser) - A new study suggests that those who hope to live long lives should start reducing the portions on their plates. The study in Cell Metabolism followed 53 non-obese men and women over the course of two years, some of whom reduced the amount of calories they ate by 15%, reports...

Cheeseburgers to Vanish From McDonald's Happy Meal Menu

As part of an effort to make the meals healthier

(Newser) - McDonald's will soon banish cheeseburgers and chocolate milk from its Happy Meal menu in an effort to cut down on the calories, sodium, saturated fat, and sugar that kids consume at its restaurants. Diners can still ask specifically for cheeseburgers or chocolate milk with the kid's meal, but...

These Are 5 of the Unhealthiest Meals You Can Order
These Are 5 of the Unhealthiest
Meals You Can Order
in case you missed it

These Are 5 of the Unhealthiest Meals You Can Order

Including a breakfast with 1,990 calories

(Newser) - The Center for Science in the Public Interest is out with its annual list of chain restaurant "meals" that are so packed with calories they're more like a full day (or more) worth of food, the Consumerist reports. Highlights from CSPI's list of eight:
  • The highest number

Sorry, Cannibals: Humans Just Aren't That Nutritious

Try a boar instead

(Newser) - A human heart might seem like a hefty chunk of meat, but its 650 calories would hardly fill up a hungry cannibal living in Paleolithic times. It's a finding that is forcing researchers to rethink why cannibalism was practiced in that period if not as a last resort to...

Restricting Calories Could Improve Longevity
Restricting Calories Could
Improve Longevity

Restricting Calories Could Improve Longevity

At least it does in rhesus macaque monkeys

(Newser) - Studies on a wide range of species have found that calorie restriction almost always extends lifespan—and this is true in yeast, worms, flies, mice, and more. But whether this applies to primates has been the subject of considerable debate since studies by two highly reputable organizations have reported such...

Customers Suing Chipotle Over '300-Calorie Burrito'
Customers Suing Chipotle
Over '300-Calorie Burrito'
in case you missed it

Customers Suing Chipotle Over '300-Calorie Burrito'

The chorizo burrito made one man 'excessively full'

(Newser) - Chipotle's chorizo burrito as diet food? If you read the description of the menu item, available since October, you certainly wouldn't think so: It packs chicken, pork sausage, rice, beans, and cheese into a tortilla. Except that same sign also said "300 calories." And so three...

Squirrels Prove It: Females Do All the Work, Guys Goof Off

Males appear to spend a lot of time basking in the sun: new study

(Newser) - Science has given tired women everywhere their I-told-you-so-moment, and it comes courtesy of the hapless Arctic ground squirrel: The males of the species appear to spend most of their non-hibernating months soaking up the rays above ground while the females are kept busy either nursing their young below ground or...

Coming to Your Beer Can Soon: Calorie Count

8 out of 10 beers sold in US will soon include nutritional info

(Newser) - Be prepared: Drinking beer is about to get a little less fun. The four biggest brewers in the US will be listing nutritional information on their beers—which means that every time you take a swig, you'll come face to face with the exact calorie count of the beer...

6 Most Calorie-Clogged Items at McDonald's

You might want to think twice about that shake

(Newser) - If you're eating at McDonald's, you probably aren't counting calories, but you might be surprised at which of the restaurant's menu items are most clogged with calories. Take the Double Quarter Pounder With Cheese, for example. It's one of the more substantial meals at McDonald'...

It's Astounding What Another Glass of Water Can Do

Upping your plain water consumption the tiniest amount can have an effect

(Newser) - It's a frequent entrant on New Year's resolutions lists: Drink more water. Now, research out of the University of Illinois provides some compelling reasons to make the Herculean effort to pick up another glass. Researchers found that upping the proportion of plain water consumed by one percentage point—...

Messy Kitchens May Tempt Us to Overeat
 Messy Kitchens May 
 Tempt Us to Overeat 

Messy Kitchens May Tempt Us to Overeat

Study suggests you may not want to leave that sink full of dishes

(Newser) - Research has already suggested that people in neat work environments are more likely to opt for a healthy snack than people in cluttered ones. "Messy rooms are, sort of, enabling people to break free from what's expected of them," one researcher from that 2013 study tells NPR...

America, Getting Fatter? Not Anymore

Food consumption is changing for first time in decades

(Newser) - America, fat and proud of it? Not quite as much anymore, according to new data showing that Americans have been eating better and have halted a decades-long slide into obesity, the New York Times reports. Among the takeaways from this mishmash of government numbers , food-production estimates, and food bar-code data:...

Cooking Method Slashes Rice's Calorie Count
This Cooking Method
Slashes Rice's Calorie Count

This Cooking Method Slashes Rice's Calorie Count

Coconut oil, cooling could be key to cutting obesity

(Newser) - People in the world's biggest rice-eating countries are developing some of the world's biggest bellies, but chemists in Sri Lanka say they've found a way to combat obesity by dramatically cutting the calorie count in rice. The researchers say cooking rice with a small amount of coconut...

This Exists: 59-Item, 8K-Calorie Breakfast
 This Exists: 59-Item, 
 8K-Calorie Breakfast 
in case you missed it

This Exists: 59-Item, 8K-Calorie Breakfast

Thank those crazy Brits

(Newser) - There's waking up hungry and there's, well, this. A British cafe has introduced the queen of all breakfasts, a 59-item spread that packs in 7,778 calories. The Corner Cafe's Monster Mega Breakfast comes across as slightly redundant: It contains eggs and omelets, fried potatoes (four portions)...

Thanksgiving Fliers to Eat 7M Cinnabon Calories per Hour

Company expects people stuck in airports to consume 1M rolls over next 5 days

(Newser) - You don't want to give in, but many people stuck at the airport usually do. The allure of the Cinnabon is too powerful, and this holiday weekend, its maker anticipates that about 1 million of the sweet cinnamon rolls will be consumed in airports around America, Businessweek reports. From...

FDA's New Calorie Rules Are a Bit of a Shock

They're more far-reaching than expected

(Newser) - Whether you're headed to Chili's or the movies, you'll soon be seeing a lot more calorie counts posted. The FDA is today announcing what a nutrition expert calls "one of the most important public health nutrition policies ever to be passed nationally," the New York ...

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