Andrew Sullivan

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Sullivan Silences Atlantic Blog to Dissect Palin Book

He sees possibility of a 'huge scandal' and needs time to get it right

(Newser) - Readers of Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish blog will have to be patient: The site has "gone silent" for only the second time in its 10-year run so Sullivan and his two assistants can devote all their time to dissecting Sarah Palin's new book. "There is a possibility here...

'The Wasilla Whack-Job' Reads My Blog!

 'The Wasilla 
 Reads My 

'The Wasilla Whack-Job' Reads My Blog!

Sarah Palin's threat of a libel suit goes a bit awry

(Newser) - Back in the day, public figures were cautioned not to pick fights with people who bought ink by the barrel—namely, newspaper publishers. In the age of the blogger, it's more important to guard against fueling your antagonists with the 21st-century version of ink: attention. Paging Sarah Palin: "The...

The Onion's Favorite Procrastination Sites

(Newser) - When the editors and writers at the Onion AV Club aren’t working—which appears to be often—they have their own “favorite time-wasting” websites to frequent. A sampling:
  • CNN: "They’ve got some news there that you can read and junk," Nathan Rabin writes. "As

Blogosphere Reinventing Journalism, Not Bleeding It

(Newser) - The blogosphere might not be the future of news sprung fully formed from the corpse of old media, Michael Massing writes in the New York Review of Books, but neither is it “parasite” feeding on newspapers. “The practice of journalism, far from being leeched by the Web, is...

McChrystal Call Shows Obama's Long Game: Sullivan

(Newser) - With liberals and anti-war activists growing increasingly restive over recent Obama decisions, Andrew Sullivan takes a hard look at the choice of Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal—a man with links to prisoner abuse, Camp Nama, and the Tillman debacle—to lead the war in Afghanistan. It looks like the latest...

There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness
There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness

There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness

... But conservatives, gays can't figure it out

(Newser) - At age 8, Andrew Sullivan asked his mother if God really was omniscient. Her affirmative reply terrified him: “Then there’s no hope for me, Mum.” Despite his success, conservatives, Catholics, and gay activists might agree—even though he belongs to each of their constituencies, Johann Hari writes...

Iman Crosson for Prez... on SNL: Bloggers

Should he be Fred Armisen's replacement?

(Newser) - The race to find a new comedian to impersonate president-elect Barack Obama on Saturday Night Live continues, reports ABC News, and bloggers such as Andrew Sullivan and Anovelista have the man for the job. Meet Iman Crosson, whose Obama imitations can be found on his YouTube AlphaCat channel.

Despite Prop. 8, Gay Rights Will Prevail: Sullivan

All civil-rights struggles have setbacks, gay Atlantic scribe reminds

(Newser) - Though news of California banning gay marriage is “heart-breaking,” Andrew Sullivan takes solace in the progress that has been achieved for gay rights, he writes for the Atlantic. Marriages, like Sullivan’s own, performed in Massachusetts or Connecticut are still valid. The California initiative can be rolled back,...

Blogger's Pursuit of Paternity Issue Verges on Vendetta

Atlantic 's Sullivan engaging in 'Rove-style politics,' critics charge

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan, blogger for the Atlantic, has come under fire for hammering John McCain’s campaign on an issue everyone else seems to have gotten over: whether or not Sarah Palin or her teen daughter Bristol is the mother of 4-month-old Trig Palin, Howard Kurtz writes in the Washington Post....

Courts Finally Catching Up to Society's Views on Gays

(Newser) - The California Supreme Court’s landmark decision in May to grant gays the right to marry is based on a simple but inevitable idea, Andrew Sullivan writes in the Atlantic: Gay marriage is just marriage, and gay people are no different than straight people. As homosexuality moved from being considered...

Journo 'Ecstatic' Over Demise of HIV Travel Ban
Journo 'Ecstatic' Over Demise of HIV Travel Ban

Journo 'Ecstatic' Over Demise of HIV Travel Ban

'Massive burden lifted' for gay, HIV-positive Brit Sullivan

(Newser) - HIV-positive journalist Andrew Sullivan is “ecstatic” over yesterday's passage by the Senate of a bill that would lift a US ban on visitors and immigrants with the virus that causes AIDS, he writes in his Atlantic blog. "I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's one of the...

US Must End Ban on HIV-Positive Immigrants
US Must
End Ban on HIV-Positive Immigrants

US Must End Ban on HIV-Positive Immigrants

Andrew Sullivan uses own case as example

(Newser) - The US is one of only 12 countries (including Sudan, Moldova and Libya) that flouts UN law by barring HIV-positive visitors or immigrants—and the restriction must end, writes Andrew Sullivan in the Washington Post. The HIV-positive Sullivan, a senior editor at Atlantic magazine, remains in the US only with...

Why Small Government Has Collapsed
Why Small Government
Has Collapsed

Why Small Government Has Collapsed

Prospect writer says Dems can drown movement in bathtub

(Newser) - Democrats have never been so well positioned to sell big-government liberalism—as the other side looks pathetically out of step with Americans’ desires to expand health care and bolster infrastructure, says the American Prospect’s Paul Waldman. After the Minnesota bridge collapse, the public is ready for the party that...

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