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Our Memories Can Keep Hunger at Bay
 Our Memories Can 
 Keep Hunger at Bay 
study says

Our Memories Can Keep Hunger at Bay

Study: It's memories, not calories, that make you feel less hungry later

(Newser) - Hours after eating a big meal, you'll feel more full than you would have had you eaten a small meal, right? Not necessarily, according to a new study. While how much you eat determines how full you feel right away, hours later it's actually the memory of that...

15% of Americans Use Food Stamps
 15% of Americans 
 Use Food Stamps 
RECORD high: 45.8M

15% of Americans Use Food Stamps

Mississippi leads the way, with 21% of residents on the rolls

(Newser) - A record 45.8 million people—that's a staggering 15% of Americans—sustained themselves via food stamps in August, reports the Wall Street Journal . That number was up 1.1% over July, notes Business Week , and 8.1% over the year prior. In terms of sheer numbers, Texas and...

New Sesame Street Muppet Is Poor and Hungry

Lily will teach kids about hunger in prime-time special

(Newser) - Sesame Street has got a hungry, impoverished new character—and it isn't Oscar the Grouch or the Cookie Monster. Lily, a 7-year-old girl whose family often struggles to get enough to eat, will appear in the show's prime-time special "Growing Hope Against Hunger" this Sunday, reports Entertainment ...

Somalia Famine's Brutal Toll: 29K Kids Dead in 3 Months

All under the age of 5, according to the US

(Newser) - The UN has said that the famine in Somalia has killed tens of thousands, and the first specific estimate to emerge paints an even more heartbreaking picture. More than 29,000 children under the age of five have died in just the last 90 days in the southern part of...

5 Hunger-Crushing Foods You've Never Heard Of...

These vegetables could help ease world hunger

(Newser) - They're not your typical salad fodder, but each of these vegetables (and one lucky fruit) is playing a role in the fight against world hunger. The Christian Science Monitor gives the rundown:
  • Guar: Because of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in this legume's roots, farming guar is great for improving

Food Prices Will Double by 2030: Oxfam

Climate change, biofuels partially to blame

(Newser) - The cost of food staples is set to more than double over the next two decades, Oxfam says, as we enter a “permanent food crisis." World hunger had steadily decreased for decades, the Guardian reports, but with demand exceeding production, the numbers of hungry people are once again...

Hungry Judges Less Lenient
 Hungry Judges Less Lenient 
study says

Hungry Judges Less Lenient

Fatigue may lead decision-makers to choose easy options

(Newser) - If you ever find yourself before a judge, you should hope that he or she is well-fed and well-rested, new research suggests. Researchers analyzed more than a thousand parole hearings in Israel and discovered that judges were much likelier to grant an inmate parole if the hearing occurred soon after...

North Korea Begs West for Food

But US, others, not so sure that's a great idea

(Newser) - North Korea is so hungry that it has, for the moment at least, abandoned its trademark bluster and started begging foreign governments for food, the Washington Post reports. But the US, which was the largest provider of food aid to North Korea until it shut off shipments two years ago,...

UN Relief Can't Keep Up With World's Hunger

World Food Program is short nearly $3 billion

(Newser) - The UN's food aid agency has only about half the money it needs to feed the world's hungry as rises in food prices take their toll, the AP reports. The World Food Program is $2.8 billion short of what it needs, says director Josette Sheera, and the shortfall is...

US Hunger Remains at Record High
US Hunger Remains at Record High

US Hunger Remains at Record High

Roughly 15% of Americans are 'food insecure'

(Newser) - The number of Americans dealing with hunger remained at a record high last year, according to a new USDA report, with 14.7% of US households considered “food insecure.” That’s a hair above the 14.6% that battled hunger in 2008, and the highest level seen in...

Crisis Looms for 16M Hungry Kids
 Crisis Looms for 
 16M Hungry Kids 

Crisis Looms for 16M Hungry Kids

Nation needs a better way to get food to them in summer

(Newser) - Judy Pasternak rounds up stats on hungry children and sees unmistakable signs that a "crisis" looms this summer. Because of the recession, more kids than ever needed subsidized lunches during the school year. Now that school is letting out, the USDA's "patchwork" and "jerry-rigged" summer programs won't...

Haitian Pizza Joint Feeds 1,000 a Day, for Free

Muncheez has transformed from upscale eatery to lifeline

(Newser) - A restaurant on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince is taking up the slack left by still-incomplete relief efforts and feeding 1,000 hungry and homeless Haitians a day—for free. Before the earthquake, Muncheez was a pizza joint too expensive for most people in the area. But after the quake, its...

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
aughts in Review

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'

Bush put US on path to banana republic status

(Newser) - The 2000s were dominated by George W. Bush and the new American oligarchy he represents, writes Juan Cole. He lists hit 10 lowest points of an awful decade:
  • “The constitutional coup of 2000,” in which “ugly racial and other low tricks” and a “far right-wing Supreme

As Gov't Bickers, Drought Ravages Kenya

Squabbling government fails to prepare for the worst as 4M starve

(Newser) - While countries like Ethiopia and Somalia have been long associated with drought and famine, it's the robust safari destination of Kenya that's wasting away. Nearly 4 million Kenyans, 10% of the population, are desperate for food due to a lack of rainfall—some villages haven't seen rain in years, the...

Cuban Activists Rally Around Drunken YouTube Ranter

Man thrown in prison for video plea for food

(Newser) - Cuban activists have found an unlikely cause celebré in the case of Juan Carlos González Marcos, who was sent to prison last month for drunkenly interrupting a shoot for a video about reggaeton with a rant about hunger. González was drinking, as he often did, at his neighborhood...

UN: Hunger Affects Record 1B
 UN: Hunger Affects Record 1B 

UN: Hunger Affects Record 1B

Food program directors warn that hunger crisis threatens world peace

(Newser) - United Nations food officials warn that a record 1 billion people worldwide aren't getting enough to eat, the BBC reports. The UN said the number of people affected by hunger—defined as getting less than 1,800 calories daily—has jumped by 100 million people over the last year because...

India's Boom Does Little for Malnourished Children

42.5% remain underweight despite efforts to fix crisis

(Newser) - India’s economy has soared for a decade, but what its prime minister calls its “national shame” remains: malnourished, underdeveloped children, the New York Times reports. While growing China has cut its proportion of underweight children to 7%, India’s stands at 42.5%. Some say the government doesn’...

Phelps Helps SF Food Bank Tame Munchies

Swimmer's bong photo, ban lead to donation of 2 tons of cereal

(Newser) - The amateur paparazzo who snapped Michael Phelps holding a bong helped indirectly bring a little good to the world: Kellogg's, which dumped the Olympian after the photo came to light, donated nearly 2 tons of Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes in boxes bearing Phelps' winning smile to the San Francisco...

Desperate Hunger Plagues N. Korea, Forces Change

Rampant malnutrition fuels capitalist markets

(Newser) - North Korea has, in its words, an “eating problem”: unable to feed its residents, it has become the world’s first nuclear-armed “beggar,” the Washington Post reports. Malnutrition has led to a spate of mental and physical disabilities—a quarter of potential troops will be disqualified because...

Zimbabwe, Once Well-Fed, Turns to Eating Bugs

As Mugabe blocks aid, starving population's plight nosedives

(Newser) - Zimbabwe was once "a breadbasket for all of southern Africa," writes Celia Dugger in the New York Times, but a manmade crisis has turned the once-prosperous country into a land of scavengers. The UN says 7 of 10 Zimbabweans eat one meal or fewer a day, thanks to...

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