John McCain

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Party's Not Over for Romney
Party's Not Over for Romney

Party's Not Over for Romney

What's in his future? Maybe a Cabinet post, Utah state office, or 2012 White House run

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won’t share a ticket with John McCain, but the former Massachusetts governor’s political future is still rosy, the Boston Herald reports. “He’s a very viable candidate,” one expert said, whether for a Cabinet post in a McCain administration—Treasury or Commerce, perhaps—or...

To Palin: No Love From Alaska
 To Palin: No Love From Alaska 

To Palin: No Love From Alaska

Home state's media, politicians question McCain's pick

(Newser) - We’ve heard much talk about Sarah Palin from pundits who barely know who she is. But what do her home state papers think of her? Not much, according to Greg Mitchell of the Huffington Post. The two top papers in the state both questioned the pick —and the...

Palin Choice Clever, Irresponsible
 Palin Choice 
 Clever, Irresponsible

Palin Choice Clever, Irresponsible

She may help woo voters--but could she handle the presidency?

(Newser) - As a political move, John McCain’s VP choice makes sense: Sarah Palin’s social conservatism should appease the party base, while her “maverick status” and gender may help the ticket win centrist voters and working-class women. But as “bold” and “shrewd” as the choice may be,...

A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP
 A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP

A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP

An Obama win will energize the struggling party, but McCain won't accomplish anything in office

(Newser) - A John McCain win in November would be the worst loss Republicans have endured in decades, Peter Beinart writes in Time. On the other hand, an Obama win—and subsequent torrent of liberal legislation—would reinvigorate demoralized Republicans. If McCain takes the White House, he will likely compromise with Democratic...

Palin All for Drilling—and Has Been Tough on Big Oil

Positions put McCain's running mate in good stead with more than just conservatives

(Newser) - Gov. Sarah Palin wants the US to drill for oil, offshore or in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in her home state. Not only does recent drilling convert John McCain get backup, Andrew Leonard writes in Salon, but Dems will have a hard time branding Palin a pawn of Big...

How Sarah Palin Instantly Improves McCain's Chances

AK gov. steals Dems' after-glow; could attract indy, Hillary voters

(Newser) - John McCain turned heads by choosing Sarah Palin today as his running mate, and the Weekly Standard explains why she’s the right woman for the job.
  • Democrats just wrapped their glitzy convention, but the Sunday talk shows will be abuzz with Palin chatter.
  • The mother of five softens McCain’

Palin Stunner: A Brilliant or Brutal Pick?
Palin Stunner:
A Brilliant or Brutal Pick?

Palin Stunner: A Brilliant or Brutal Pick?

McCain gets mixed reviews for bold choice on running mate

(Newser) - John McCain certainly turned some heads by selecting Sarah Palin as his vice president. Here’s what people are saying:  
  • Given how perfectly Palin fits his needs, it’s surprising that this is so surprising, write Mark Grunwald and Jay Newton-Small of Time. McCain needed to prove he was

Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits
Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits

Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits

It was the right speech ... the speech Dem had to give ... a mashup of speeches ...

(Newser) - The chattering class saw strength—even Rovian aggression—in Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, for better or worse. A sampling of what observers are saying:
  • The Democratic nominee managed to be about voters, not himself, magnificently deflecting John McCain’s entire “celebrity” narrative, Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian.

Palin 'Exactly Who I Need' to Remake Washington: Mac

Alaska governor 'honored,' aims appeal at women displeased with Democrats

(Newser) - John McCain described Sarah Palin, his choice for vice presidential running mate, as "exactly who I need. She's exactly who this country needs to help us fight the same old Washington politics of me first and country second." McCain and Palin appeared together in Ohio on their way...

West Turning Blue, Dems Say
 West Turning Blue, Dems Say

West Turning Blue, Dems Say

Party boasts strong voter registration, turnout in Mountain states

(Newser) - The Mountain West has historically gone for the GOP, but thanks to aggressive grass-roots organizing, Democrats believe they have a shot at turning red states blue, Politico reports. More field offices, opened much earlier than the GOP's, have boosted registration in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. “This presidential cycle...

Palin Facing Alaska Ethics Investigation

State probes claim that Mac pick had former in-law canned from job

(Newser) - John McCain’s running mate comes to the national campaign embroiled in a scandal back home, Talking Points Memo reports. Alaska’s legislative council has appointed a special commission to investigate Gov. Sarah Palin, who’s accused of pressuring the state’s department of public safety to fire her former...

Palin Is Risky Gamble for McCain
Palin Is
Risky Gamble
for McCain

Palin Is Risky Gamble for McCain

Alaska gov. helps with women, conservatives, but lacks experience

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is an unconventional vice presidential pick for John McCain, the Wall Street Journal notes. Her selection seems like the latest ploy to lure Hillary Clinton supporters to the Republican ticket, while simultaneously appeasing McCain’s conservative base and burnishing his reformer credentials. But Palin also lacks experience, undermining...

McCain Picks Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for Veep

42-year-old first-termer is first woman to serve on top GOP ticket

(Newser) - John McCain has chosen Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his VP choice, NBC reports; McCain is expected to make the announcement at a rally in Ohio at noon today. Palin is a socially conservative mother of five who is both the state’s first woman governor and, at 42, its...

Pawlenty, Romney Said Out; Odds Rise for Alaska's Palin

Rumor says Alaska gov. Palin is the one

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been told he won’t be John McCain’s running mate, MSNBC reports. The governor told listeners to his radio show that “I'm not going to be” at the nominating rally planned for today in Ohio. “I plan to be at the state...

Putin: US Sparked Georgia War
 Putin: US Sparked Georgia War

Putin: US Sparked Georgia War

Part of plot to win votes for McCain, he claims

(Newser) - Invoking the era of Cold War conspiracies, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US of sparking conflict in Georgia to give John McCain a campaign boost. “They need a small victorious war,” the told CNN. He insisted the US encouraged Georgia to attack their two breakaway...

Gustav May Delay GOP Convention
Gustav May Delay GOP Convention

Gustav May Delay GOP Convention

Storm could raise specter of Katrina, detract from McCain

(Newser) - Republicans are considering delaying the start of next week's convention in Minneapolis if deadly Hurricane Gustav hits big, reports the Washington Post. The storm is on course to nail the Gulf Coast with full force early next week, and party officials don’t want America thinking about President Bush’s...

McCain Puts Gloves On for a Night, Offers Congratulations

Campaign takes a break from attack commercials to say 'job well done'

(Newser) - John McCain delivers an unusual message to Barack Obama tonight in a new campaign ad: "Congratulations." In the ad, which the Republican's camp had teased as "exciting" early in the day, McCain looks into the camera and says,"How perfect that your nomination would come on...

Cindy McCain's Half-Sister Goes for Obama

'I have a different political standpoint,' estranged sib says

(Newser) - Cindy McCain’s estranged half-sister is not voting Republican, Us Magazine reports. “I’m voting for Obama,” says Kathleen Hensley Portalski, 65, adding she has “a different political standpoint. I’m not a big war believer.”

Dems Plan to Crash GOP Convention, Too

Campaign lays out anti-RNC programs

(Newser) - All's fair in the war between conventions, and the Democrats are readying their spoiling machine ahead of the GOP gathering next week, the Swamp reports. An Obama campaign operative’s email lays out the attack Dems will launch from their war room literally across the street from the RNC:
  • A

Next Prez Will Have to Save the Planet
Next Prez Will Have to Save
the Planet

Next Prez Will Have to Save the Planet

Winner of election will immediately have to combat climate change

(Newser) - Whether it's John McCain or Barack Obama, the next US president will instantly face "the most momentous political challenge of all time"—saving the world from catastrophic climate change, Carlos Pascual and Strobe Talbott write in the Washington Post. We have 7 years to begin reducing greenhouse gas...

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