
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Germany Creates 3rd Gender
 Germany Creates 3rd Gender 

Germany Creates 3rd Gender

Baby can be 'indeterminate' at birth

(Newser) - Baby boy or baby girl? As of today, parents in Germany have the option of choosing neither, leaving the gender spot on their newborn's birth certificate blank if the baby's sex can't be determined. As many as one in 2,000 people are born with ambiguous genitalia,...

Activists Fume Over Quick Fix in Western Wall Gender Fight

Plaza offers site for mixed prayer

(Newser) - Jerusalem's Western Wall has been embroiled in controversy over prayer rules tied to gender, and the latest attempt at a solution is rubbing many the wrong way. Backed by the Israeli minister for Jerusalem, Naftali Bennett, a new, 4800-square-foot prayer plaza is meant to offer an equal-opportunity praying location,...

Mammal Moms Can Choose Baby&#39;s Sex
 Mammal Moms Can 
 Choose Baby's Sex 

Mammal Moms Can Choose Baby's Sex

They subconsciously produce boys or girls, based on a slew of factors

(Newser) - Call it "sneaky Machiavellian girl power," as the lead researcher does in the Washington Post . His study in PloS One concludes that female mammals have the innate ability to determine the sex of their offspring. It's not a conscious decision—the expectant moms somehow factor in a...

'Neither' Now an Acceptable Gender in Australia

Person who doesn't identify as male or female wins court case

(Newser) - You don't have to be a man or a woman in Australia anymore if you don't want to be. An appeals court today ruled in favor of a Sydney activist who goes only by the first name Norrie, who identifies as "neuter," and who wants to...

Te'o Spent Hours on Phone With Guy Playing His 'Girlfriend'

Ronaiah Tuiasosopo's lawyer says he affected a female voice

(Newser) - You probably didn't think this was possible, but the Manti Te'o story just got even weirder. A source close to Te'o has given ESPN phone records that appear to indicate that Te'o did indeed spend hours on the phone with someone he thought was Lennay Kekua—...

Maybe Obama Needs a Binder Full of Women
Maybe Obama Needs
a Binder Full of Women

Maybe Obama Needs a Binder Full of Women

Margaret Carlson notes the lack of diversity in Obama's prospective Cabinet

(Newser) - Barack Obama's new Cabinet is coming into focus, and at this rate, it's going to look "more like the Augusta National Golf Club than America," quips Margaret Carlson in a Bloomberg column derisively titled "Obama to Romney: Send Me Your Binders Full of Women."...

Teen Wins Fight for Less 'Girly' Easy-Bake Oven

Hasbro adjusts colors, marketing in wake of McKenna Pope's campaign

(Newser) - A 13-year-old girl who complained to Hasbro that its purple and pink Easy-Bake Ovens needed to be a little more unisex for her 4-year-old brother has won: Thanks to her online petition, Hasbro is releasing a blue, silver, and black version—and adding boys to advertisements for the classic toy,...

Dad-Daughter Dances Axed for 'Gender Discrimination'

District also bans mom-son sports events after ACLU steps in

(Newser) - A Rhode Island school district has banned father-daughter dances—and mother-son sports events—because of "gender discrimination" after a challenge by the ACLU. A single mom complained that her daughter was shut out of a dance in Cranston, and the civil rights organization argued in a letter that the...

Women May Be Smarter, But They're Also Lazier

Despite longer lifespan, ladies are less active

(Newser) - Guys, here's something to cite the next time your gal is nagging you to get off the couch: An international study suggests that women are lazier than men. A paper published by Lancet this week surveyed 122 countries to find out how active the global population is, reports Time...

House Rejects Sex-Selection Abortion Ban

GOP argued abortion of female fetuses is 'real war on women'

(Newser) - The House fell short in an effort to ban abortions based on the sex of the fetus today, as Republicans and Democrats made an election-year appeal for women's votes. The legislation would have made it a federal crime, subject to up to five years in prison, to perform or...

Hey, Guys: Women Are Better People Than You

And we all grow more moral as we age: study

(Newser) - Women are the more moral sex, making choices in light of others' needs, a study suggests. Men, on the other hand, tend to focus on themselves, the Telegraph reports. The female approach "tends to produce better decisions," says the philosopher who conducted the study. But both sexes become...

What It's Like to Have Gender Identity Disorder ... at Age 4

Zach Avery one of the youngest to be diagnosed with GID

(Newser) - Zach Avery was just three years old when he decided to live as a girl, wearing dresses and keeping his hair long. By four, he had become one of the youngest children in Britain to be diagnosed by NHS specialists with Gender Identity Disorder. "They told us that although...

Gender-Bending Fish Swap Sexes in Harems

Wild hawkfish change gender to suit the moment

(Newser) - Talk about a dynamic dating scene. The richly colored hawkfish of southern Japan can transform into a female or male depending on circumstances to improve their reproductive chances, New Scientist reports. Many marine animals change gender during a lifetime, but in the hawkfish, scientists have for the first time discovered...

Aussie Passports Get a Third Gender: X

Male, female joined by one more option

(Newser) - Australians applying for new passports now have three gender options to choose from: Male, female, or "X." The government says the option for indeterminate gender has been added to remove discrimination against transgender people, some of whom had faced questioning and detention at airports, the AP reports. Applicants...

Google+ to Let Users Keep Gender Private

Site wants the information, but it can be hidden

(Newser) - As Google works out its social-networking kinks, it has announced a new privacy setting: Google+ users will soon be able to keep their gender hidden from others. "Gender can be a sensitive topic, especially on the Internet," says a Google product manager in an online video. Starting this...

Bradley Manning Considered Switching His Gender

'Bradley felt he was female': counselor

(Newser) - Bradley Manning “felt he was female," and looked into changing his gender, his former counselor tells New York . Though the suspected WikiLeaker “really wanted to do surgery,” the counselor says, “he was mostly afraid of being alone, being ostracized or somehow weird.” Manning used...

Gender-Neutral Pre-School Cans the Words Boy, Girl

At Egalia preschool in Stockholm, everyone is a 'friend'

(Newser) - Teachers don't say things like "him" or "her," or read fairy tales like Cinderella or Snow White at the gender-neutral Egalia pre-school in Sweden, and boys and girls play either in the play kitchen or with Legos, reports CNN . The Stockholm classroom uses the genderless pronoun...

Parents Won't Reveal Gender of 4-Month-Old

Toronto couple hopes to avoid society's stereotypes

(Newser) - A Toronto couple is taking their beliefs about parenting and gender stereotypes to new heights: They refuse to tell people the gender of 4-month-old Storm, reports the Toronto Star . Even the kid's grandparents are in the dark. “In fact, in not telling the gender of my precious baby,...

Fox News Nails J. Crew for Boy's Pink Polish

On, doctor warns of raging gender confusion

(Newser) - If there's one thing that Fox News cannot abide, it's pink nail polish on a little boy. Now he and the nation are apparently in for a world of psychological pain and years of therapy. And it's all because of a J. Crew email ad that featured a mom painting...

Transgender New Yorkers Sue to Alter Birth Certificates

Birth-record rule needs to change, plaintiffs say

(Newser) - Three transgender New Yorkers are suing the city in a bid to change what they call an outdated and discriminatory policy on changing birth certificates. The city requires people to undergo genital surgery and a psychiatric evaluation before the gender on birth certificates can be changed. The plaintiffs say that...

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