Gulf of Mexico

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Feds: Big Oil Not Using the Leases They Have

Interior Department issues report to push back against complaints

(Newser) - With oil companies and Republicans criticizing the Obama administration for being too slow to issue new offshore drilling permits in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the Interior Department hit back with a report yesterday revealing that the industry isn’t using the majority of the leases it already...

Baby Dolphin Die-Off in Gulf Grows

Officials say it's too soon to blame the oil spill

(Newser) - More and more young bottlenose dolphins are turning up dead in the Gulf, and scientists aren’t entirely sure why. The number of dead dolphins has swelled to 80, according to National Geographic , with about half of them being calves. Speculation is running rampant that the deaths are connected to...

US Greenlights Gulf's 1st Deepwater Well Since Spill

Feds under pressure to drill as oil prices skyrocket

(Newser) - With oil prices again spiking above $100 a barrel, the US issued its first deepwater drilling permit in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon made ocean-disaster history in the region. Noble Energy got the go-ahead to continue work on its Santiago well, which it had begun drilling just...

Dead Dolphins Washing Up Along Gulf Shore

Four babies collected since Monday; total for year is 28

(Newser) - More sad news from the Gulf: Four baby dolphins have washed up on the shores of Mississippi since Monday—adding to a growing tally. The Sun Herald reports that 18 stillborn or infant dolphins, some not even three feet long, have been collected this year. They're washing ashore at 10...

BP Workers Could Have Averted Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Disaster: Report
Workers on BP Rig Could Have Averted Disaster
says report

Workers on BP Rig Could Have Averted Disaster

No one asked visiting engineers about problematic test results

(Newser) - Experts on the BP Deepwater Horizon rig could have prevented last year’s huge oil spill—but no one checked with them, said the White House commission investigating the matter. A knowledgeable BP engineer was visiting the rig, but when a key pressure test returned odd results, workers didn’t...

Deep-Water Drilling Could Resume in Weeks

13 companies to get the OK to resume work on 16 wells

(Newser) - It looks like the oil industry will be able to resume deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico in the next month or two, reports the Wall Street Journal . Even though the Obama administration lifted the moratorium put into place after the Deepwater Horizon disaster in April, it hasn't issued...

Before Gulf, BP Had Azerbaijan Spill: WikiLeaks

Cables say PM accused firm of stealing billions

(Newser) - Eighteen months before the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the company experienced a similar huge leak in Azerbaijan, WikiLeaks cables reveal. The firm was tight-lipped about the incident, angering its partners, the cables note, adding that BP was fortunate in getting its 212 workers to safety, the...

BP to Gulf Residents: Here's a Bonus ... Now Don't Sue Us!

Feinberg offering $5K to individuals who agree not to sue

(Newser) - The administrator of BP's $20 billion compensation fund is offering Gulf residents cash bonuses to speed up the process, reports the New York Times. But there's a catch: Anyone who takes the money ($5,000 for individuals, $25,000 for businesses) has to agree not to sue BP or any...

BP's Other Rig May Be Primed for Disaster

Whistleblowers have said the Atlantis isn't safe, but nothing's been done

(Newser) - Oil companies are once again happily drilling in the Gulf of Mexico—including a BP rig that watchdog groups have called a “ticking time bomb.” Well before the Deepwater Horizon explosion, a whistleblowing ex-BP contractor told the government about a host of safety and legal issues aboard the...

Cement Tests Showed Trouble Before BP Blast

Macondo well went ahead, despite Halliburton data

(Newser) - Tests performed before the deadly blowout of BP's oil well in the Gulf should have raised doubts about the cement used to seal the well, but the company and its cementing contractor used it anyway, investigators with the president's oil spill commission said today. The finding appears to conflict with...

Panel: White House Blocked Worst-Case Gulf Spill Figures

Findings slam government's handling of Deepwater Horizon disaster

(Newser) - The White House's response to the Gulf oil spill was sluggish and flawed by "a sense of over-optimism," according to a presidential panel investigating the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The panel discovered that the White House budget office rejected a request from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists for...

Study: Gulf's Carcinogen Levels Explode 40-Fold

Meanwhile, Obama administration issues new drilling safety rules

(Newser) - Researchers have detected a 40-fold increase in potentially cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons off the coast of Louisiana’s Grande Isle. The study is especially scary because it only measured PAHs that could seep through a biological membrane, the Huffington Post explains. “This is a measure of what would enter...

Oil Driven to Gulf Floor Via 'Slime Highway'

Huge layer of oily residue found on seabed

(Newser) - Scientists trying to figure out what happened to the oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster believe most of it likely sank to the seafloor instead of evaporating or being eaten by microbes. Researchers taking sediment samples say they have found evidence that a huge amount of oily residue is on...

Who Is Getting Gulf Cleanup Contracts?
 Who Is Getting Gulf 
 Cleanup Contracts? 

Who Is Getting Gulf Cleanup Contracts?

Review finds some oddball examples of big spending by feds

(Newser) - It might have been cheaper if the feds had plugged BP's blown wellhead with dollar bills—or so an early AP analysis of Uncle Sam's expenditures on the response and cleanup. Mind you, these details are for the first $142 million the government is disclosing, a small fraction; BP , however,...

Hurricane Watch Issued for Texas, Mexico

 Hurricane Watch Issued 
 for Texas, Mexico 

Hurricane Watch Issued for Texas, Mexico

Hermine likely to hit hurricane status before making landfall

(Newser) - A hurricane watch has been issued today for the coasts of Texas and Mexico in the Gulf as Tropical Storm Hermine approaches. The hurricane watch covers the area from Rio San Fernando, Mexico, northward to Baffin Bay, Texas. Hermine's maximum sustained winds have increased to near 50mph. Additional strengthening is...

Feds Grab BP's Blowout Preventer

Evidence ferried to NASA facility for examination

(Newser) - No sooner had BP raised the device that was supposed to prevent an oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico than the US Coast Guard took possession of it yesterday. The blowout preventer will be a key piece of evidence in the US probe into what went wrong in...

At Last: BP Raises Blowout Preventer

Key piece of evidence should tell feds what went wrong

(Newser) - BP is slowly raising from the depths of the Gulf the blowout preventer that, well, failed to prevent a blowout at its infamous Macondo well. The 50-foot, 300-ton device is on a delicate mile-long trip to the surface that will place it in the hands of federal investigators eager to...

Oil Sheen Spotted at Platform Explosion—Or Not

Crew members safe, say they shut down active wells

(Newser) - Confusion reigns in the aftermath of today's oil platform explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. This much good news stands: All 13 crew members were rescued from the water. Everything else is changing quickly. The Coast Guard spoke of a mile-long oil slick at the site but now says it...

13 Workers Rescued From Oil Platform Blast

One person injured; no oil leaks seen

(Newser) - An offshore oil platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico about 100 miles off the Louisiana coast today, but this one appears headed toward a better ending than BP's explosion. All 13 people aboard have been rescued—though one is reportedly injured. Earlier reports that the platform was inactive have...

Microbes Gobbling Gulf Oil
 Microbes Gobbling Gulf Oil 

Microbes Gobbling Gulf Oil

Newly discovered species may have consumed plume

(Newser) - The latest take on the oil plume left behind by the Deepwater Horizon disaster: It's vanished, thanks to the luckiest microbe species on Earth. Researchers say that the newly discovered species, one of several that eats oil, multiplied rapidly after the spill and have dominated the natural clean-up in the...

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