Technology / Anonymous Anonymous Mostly Doesn't Want to Kill Facebook If hackers are aiming for Facebook, they're not with us, says Anonymous By Mark Russell Posted Aug 11, 2011 10:35 AM CDT Copied Hacker group Anonymous is denying connection to plan to hack Facebook on Nov. 5. (Twitter) So, about that assault on Facebook rumored to be coming on Nov. 5 from Anonymous? It looks there may only be a sliver of truth to it. A few Anonymous hackers are apparently involved, but Anonymous as a whole isn't on board, reports ZDNet's Friending Facebook blog. "#OpFacebook is being organised by some Anons. This does not necessarily mean that all of #Anonymous agrees with it," read a tweet from one Anonymous Twitter account ZDNet considers credible. ZDNet also noted that Anonymous rarely announces attacks more than a few days in advance, and finds it telling that the news took three weeks to gather steam. Need more proof? In the more enthusiastic words of another Anonymous-related tweet: "TO PRESS: MEDIAS OF THE WORLD... STOP LYING! # OpFacebook is just ANOTHER FAKE! WE DONT "KILL" THE MESSENGER. THAT'S NOT OUR STYLE." (Click for more on the alleged "kill Facebook" plans.) Report an error