Health / doctors Highest, Lowest Doctor Salaries Radiologists at top, pediatricians at bottom By John Johnson Posted Apr 26, 2012 5:17 PM CDT Copied (Shutterstock) The annual survey from Medscape/WebMD has all kinds of interesting factoids about physician finances—including the fact that many doctors regret their career choice. Highlights: Highest paid: Radiologists and orthopedic surgeons make $315,000, followed by cardiologists ($314,000), anesthesiologists ($309,000), and urologists ($309,000). Lowest paid: Pediatricians ($156,000) make the least, followed by family medicine doctors ($158,000), internal medicine doctors ($165,000), diabeticians/endocrinologists ($168,000), and psychiatrists ($170,000). Regrets: Nearly half (46%) of doctors say they would not go into medicine if they had to choose again, up from 31% last year. They're worried about declining pay, increasing red tape, the pay gap among specialties, and malpractice claims. Click for more details on the survey. (More doctors stories.) Report an error