What Could We Learn Tonight?

Washington Post's Dan Balz runs down the possibilities
By Jonas Oransky,  Newser Staff
Posted Jan 3, 2008 11:54 AM CST
What Could We Learn Tonight?
Mitt Romney Campaigns In Iowa Ahead Of Caucus   (Getty Images (by Event))

How might the presidential race turn on tonight’s Iowa caucuses? What answers await after the election’s first vote? The Washington Post’s Dan Balz runs down some possibilities:

  1. Will either race end immediately? Probably only if Hillary Clinton sweeps
  2. How big a bounce can the victors expect? The shortened time between races will help carry winning momentum to New Hampshire
  3. Which hopefuls will draw out the most first-time voters? Should be Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee

  1. Which celeb spokesman will matter most? Could be Bubba, could be Oprah, could be Chuck Norris. Or maybe a couple of sleepers: Clinton's mom and daughter
  2. What would John Edwards or Huckabee do with a win? Probably just founder: Neither has deep-enough pockets
  3. Will Hillary rise on woman power? No, her gender’s more likely to help in November
  4. Can evangelicals carry the day? This one’s unclear. The grass roots are untested
(More Iowa caucuses stories.)

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