Top Democrats circled the wagons today around the Affordable Care Act, with Kirsten Gillibrand offering what Politico calls "a stirring defense of the law." "The point is, if you are being offered a terrible health care plan that the minute you get sick you have to go into bankruptcy, those plans should never be offered," she said. President Obama "should have just been specific," when he said Americans could keep their plans. She dismissed 39 Democrats who voted with the GOP on a fix as "just responding to the worries of their constituents." (James Clyburn said they were "insulating themselves against soundbytes.") Nancy Pelosi, meanwhile, said "Democrats stand tall in support of the Affordable Care Act. This is an issue that has to be dealt with, but it doesn’t mean, 'Oh, it’s a political issue so we're going to run away from it.’ It’s too valuable for the American people." Of the president's comments Thursday, she said, "He is gracious and he is taking responsibility." Elsewhere, on your Sunday dial: