Vladimir Putin has a new piece of his empire, Robert Gates said today. "I do not believe that Crimea will slip out of Russia's hand," the former defense secretary told Fox News. Asked by Chris Wallace, "You think Crimea's gone?" Gates responded, "I do. I think it's part of a long-term strategy on Putin's part to create a Russian sphere of influence, a Russian bloc. I don't think he will stop in Ukraine until there is essentially a pro-Russian government in Ukraine, in Kiev." Turning to President Obama's handling of the Ukraine crisis, Gates pointed out that Putin "invaded Georgia when George W. Bush was president" and no one "ever accused George W. Bush of being weak or being unwilling to use military force." Furthermore, notes Politico, Gates said that "Some of the criticism, domestic criticism of the president ought to be toned down while he's handling this crisis." Elsewhere on your Sunday dial, as per Politico: