Hoo boy. Musician and podcaster John Roderick is probably regretting his choice to tell a story about his 9-year-old daughter on Twitter Saturday night. Roderick, lead singer of the Long Winters and co-host of the Omnibus podcast alongside Jeopardy! GOAT Ken Jennings, went on the social media network to explain, in a series of nearly two dozen tweets, how he used his daughter's hunger and desire for a can of baked beans as a "teachable moment." In actuality, that teachable moment was six hours of apparent agony and frustration as she struggled to learn how to use a can opener with no help from her father. To make a long story short, "Bean Dad" went viral; Roderick defended himself; past tweets of Roderick's even more controversial than the bean story were excavated; a podcast that once used his music announced it would no longer; and ultimately Roderick deleted his account entirely.
Mashable rounds up a number of responses to the bean thread, some of them joking about its length or writing style, but many of them simply appalled Roderick would apparently refuse to help his hungry daughter get food into her body for hours on end. Some, however, hypothesized that Roderick was actually writing in character as a character from another one of his podcasts. But even if he was, that couldn't save him from the old tweets users quickly dug up, which, according to the Hollywood Reporter, were being called racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. Jennings, who's been facing his own Twitter controversy, was staunchly defending his co-host, noting that Roderick is known to tell "heightened-for-effect stories about his own irascibility" and suggesting that the so-called anti-Semitic tweets were actually just him pretending to talk like a "conspiracy theory guy." Jennings' defense of Roderick was not going over well. (More Twitter stories.)