"Hey, man, it’s people’s processes." So said Morbius director Daniel Espinosa in an interview with Uproxx, in which the "people" he happened to be discussing was the star of his film, Jared Leto. The actor plays Dr. Michael Morbius, and in a wide-ranging interview with Espinosa that sought to get at why the film has been so resoundingly panned, Mike Ryan asked one question he couldn't resist: Was Leto was so committed to playing Morbius, complete with his physical limitations, that he would use crutches when going to the bathroom—and that it was taking so long he finally agreed to sit in a wheelchair and be wheeled there. Espinosa's reply in a word: Yup.
He expounded: "I think that what Jared thinks, what Jared believes, is that somehow the pain of those movements, even when he was playing normal Michael Morbius, he needed, because he’s been having this pain his whole life. Even though, as he's alive and strong, it has to be a difference." At Gizmodo, Germain Lussier writes Espinosa's answer serves as "it’s further confirmation of a trend we've been following ... for some time: that Jared Leto can be a menace to his co-stars." Lussier references Leto's decision to wear contact lenses that rendered him blind while filming Blade Runner 2049. Rebecca Alter puts it less delicately at Vulture: "Jared Leto, you're on goofy little s--- notice." (Read the interview in full here.)