The British royal family has welcomed its newest member. Buckingham Palace announced Wednesday that Princess Beatrice has given birth to her second child, a girl named Athena. She was born last Wednesday, several weeks prematurely, but "is said to be doing well," the BBC reports. "The baby was born weighing 4 pounds and 5 ounces," the palace said in a statement. "Their Majesties The King and Queen and other members of The Royal Family have all been informed and are delighted with the news." In a post on social media, Beatrice's husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi said the baby is "tiny and absolutely perfect" and the family is "completely besotted with her."
The baby's full name is Athena Elizabeth Rose Mapelli Mozzi, and she is 11th in line to the British throne. Beatrice gave birth to daughter Sienna Elizabeth in 2021 and is also stepmother to Wolfie, Mozzi's son from a previous relationship. Since Athena is the grandchild of Prince Andrew, not King Charles, she won't have an official royal title from the British side of the family. But Mozzi is an Italian aristocrat, the eldest son of Count Alessandro Mapelli Mozzi, so Athena will have the title "nobile donna," meaning "noble woman," Vanity Fair reports. (More Princess Beatrice stories.)