Ode to Web 1.0: Sites We Miss

Esquire: Sites that were before their time
By Emily Rauhala,  Newser Staff
Posted Jul 24, 2010 10:38 AM CDT
Ode to Web 1.0: Sites We Miss
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Everything old is new again, especially on the Web. Some of today's tech darlings owe a lot to websites of years past. Here are some of Esquire's 15 favorite, and mostly kaput, Web 1.0 pioneers:

  1. Dodgeball (2000) "A location-based social network for mobile devices, and the Internet's gift to stalkers," says Esquire. Today's Foursquare was co-created by one of its founders.

  1. Feed; Suck (1995) These pioneering 'e-zines' combined to form a site with four employees, a million readers, and a $50,000 per month overhead. It folded in 2001, but its spirit lives on at Slate and the Daily Beast.
  2. Audiogalaxy (1998) Remember the good old days, when music was free? This site was like Napster, but cooler. Now we're stuck with iTunes.
  3. The Internet Yellow Pages (1994) Not a site, but worth a mention: Before Google, people used good-old-fashion paper to learn how to 'cruise the information superhighway.' Cute, right?
Click here to read the entire list. (More internet stories.)

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