working mothers

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These Are the Best US Cities for Working Parents

DC's work-life balance opportunities put it at the top of Coworking Cafe's list

(Newser) - When it comes to raising kids, some cities make life a bit easier for working parents. Coworking Cafe ranked the best US cities for families by measuring factors that really matter to parents, like access to childcare and good schools. They bucketed these measures into three main categories—work, education,...

Baby Not Yet 1? There's a Good Chance Mom Is Working

In 2022, 66.6% of US women who had given birth in past 12 months had a job

(Newser) - New mothers are returning to work at notably high rates these days, helping the US sidestep the post-pandemic "she-cession" many economists feared. Axios breaks down findings from the American Community Survey, reporting that in 2022, 66.6% of women in the United States who had given birth in the...

CEO Accuses Workers of 'Quiet Quitting,' Taking Care of Kids

Clearlink's James Clarke made some eyebrow-raising comments on remote work at town hall

(Newser) - The CEO of a digital marketing and tech firm is taking a fair amount of flak after remarks that targeted remote workers and working moms. James Clarke, head of Utah-based Clearlink, spoke during a companywide town hall last week to discuss a recent return-to-work order now that the pandemic has...

There's One State Working Moms Should Really Avoid

And it's in WalletHub's list of best and worst states for working moms

(Newser) - For mother's Day, Forbes reminds us of a salient fact: "All moms work." Other facts—like moms getting paid an average wage of 85% what men make, and being laid off faster than men during the coronavirus pandemic—are part of WalletHub 's article on the...

New Mom Goes Back to Work ... Running the Country

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern heads back to the office after 6-week maternity leave

(Newser) - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern underwent a very public pregnancy and endured some cringeworthy questions before giving birth to daughter Neve in June and beginning a much-discussed maternity leave . Now, six weeks later, Ardern is heading back to work, reports the Guardian , which she says she's "ready...

These Are the Worst States for Working Moms

Idaho leads the pack

(Newser) - Gender inequality in the US is "obvious," but the steps being taken to resolve it vary widely from state to state, according to WalletHub . The site analyzed 15 metrics, including gender pay gap, child-care costs, and parental leave policies, to come up with the best and worst states...

Best, Worst States for Working Moms

WalletHub puts Vermont at top, with Alabama at bottom

(Newser) - With Mother's Day upon us, WalletHub has looked at data to determine the best and worst states for working moms. Factors include gender pay gaps, the availability of child care, parental leave policies, and the number of women in executive positions. Here are the 10 with the best scores...

Women Deserve Maternity Leave, Baby or No

Meghann Foye is tired of working moms having all the fun

(Newser) - Fed up with working moms getting all the perks, 38-year-old magazine editor Meghann Foye writes in the New York Post that it's time for childless women to start getting theirs. "There’s something about saying 'I need to go pick up my child' as a reason to...

Ohio Politician Questioned for Running as a Young Mom

Jennifer Herold has two sons, ages 1 and 3

(Newser) - Ohio state Sen. Tom Patton is a term-limited Republican who's now going after an Ohio House seat, and he's running against a real "sweetie." At least, that's what the 62-year-old called his chief Republican opponent in a radio interview last week, but it's a...

Paul Ryan's Demand for Dad Time Gets Cheers, Jeers

Would-be speaker applauded for taking a stand, knocked for hypocrisy

(Newser) - Paul Ryan put out a list of demands he'd need met before agreeing to become House speaker, and one is getting its fair share of attention. Ryan—who the New York Times notes is a regular at his kids' basketball and volleyball events, as well as the family's...

Daughters of Working Moms Make More Money
Daughters of Working Moms
Make More Money
study says

Daughters of Working Moms Make More Money

And their sons help out more around the house, says study

(Newser) - Debate in the mommy wars usually focuses on what kids lose out on if their mother works. But a major new study out of the Harvard Business School flips the question to ask what they gain. It turns out, quite a bit, according to the study. Some key takeaways:
  • Daughters

Here's What Happens When a Working Couple Has a Kid

A once equal division of labor is equal no more

(Newser) - "These are the couples you would expect to have the most egalitarian relationships," is how researcher Claire Kamp Dush describes the participants in her study of dual-earner straight couples as they transitioned to parenthood. The male and female both work, are more highly educated than the average American,...

16 Weeks of Paid Maternity Leave? Yes, at Vodafone

Company to also offer full pay for 30-hour weeks for mom's first 6 months back

(Newser) - The US is the only country out of 38 that doesn't require paid maternity leave, according to a 2013 Pew Research Center study. And while the US Family and Medical Leave Act does provide for up to 12 weeks of leave for some employees with a new baby or...

How a Mom With a Printer Made $100 Bills
How a Mom With a
Printer Made $100 Bills
in case you missed it

How a Mom With a Printer Made $100 Bills

Tarshema Brice turned $5 bills into $100s. Yeah, not legally

(Newser) - A Hewlett-Packard 3-in-1 inkjet printer was essentially all it took for a working mom in Virginia to become a counterfeiter. Bloomberg takes a look at the case of Tarshema Brice, a 34-year-old hairstylist and janitor in Richmond who pleaded guilty last month to creating as much as $20,000 in...

Mom's the 'Breadwinner' for 40% of US Families

But in many cases, it's because she's a struggling single parent

(Newser) - You kids had better respect your moms: In a skyrocketing number of American homes, she's the one putting food on the table as stay-at-home moms become things of the past. Women are now the primary or only income source for 40% of US households with kids, according to a...

Flexible Work Hurts Working Mothers

 Flexible Work 
 Hurts Working 

Flexible Work Hurts Working Mothers

Think twice before taking that telecommuting position: Dwyer Gunn

(Newser) - Amid all the uproar over Marissa Mayer ending telecommuting at Yahoo , the biggest concern of many was that the new policy would hurt working moms. But studies show it's actually flexible work policies that do the most harm to working moms, writes flex-worker and mom Dwyer Gunn on Slate...

New Yahoo Chief Marissa Mayer Is Pregnant

Due with first child Oct. 7

(Newser) - If you were impressed by yesterday's announcement of Marissa Mayer's big jump from Google to the helm of Yahoo, get ready to be a little more wowed: The 37-year-old is making the leap while pregnant with her first child, a boy due Oct. 7, reports Fortune . (Dad is...

Stay-at-Home Moms Suffer More Sadness
 Moms Suffer 
 More Sadness 
survey says

Stay-at-Home Moms Suffer More Sadness

Cite more depression, anger compared to employed mothers: Gallup poll

(Newser) - Stay-at-home moms struggle with sadness, depression, and anger more often than employed mothers do, according to a sure-to-be-controversial new Gallup poll. While 26% of stay-at-home moms reported feeling sadness much of "yesterday," that figure was just 16% among employed moms. Some 28% of stay-at-home moms said they have...

Romney: Welfare Moms Need 'Dignity of Work'

Pundits see holes in attacks on Hilary Rosen

(Newser) - New twists in the saga on working moms: The Romney campaign has hammered Democrats over Hilary Rosen's comment that stay-at-home mom Ann Romney had never worked—a comment Ann Romney called an "early birthday gift." But MSNBC unearths video of Mitt Romney himself arguing that parents on...

It's Your Turn to Apologize, Ann Romney
It's Your Turn
to Apologize, Ann Romney
Joan Walsh

It's Your Turn to Apologize, Ann Romney

Or at least it would be if Democrats had the GOP's killer instinct

(Newser) - In Republicans' rush to make the most of Hilary Rosen's statement that Ann Romney " never worked a day in her life ," the aggrieved spouse herself told Fox News, "I know what it's like to struggle." Joan Walsh of Salon was shocked, and she's...

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