working mothers

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Democratic Strategist: 'I Apologize to Ann Romney'

Hilary Rosen tries to quell working-mom uproar

(Newser) - Democratic operative Hilary Rosen has apologized to Ann Romney for "poorly chosen" words that sparked a media frenzy . Rosen suggested Romney, a stay-at-home mother of five, had "never worked a day in her life," prompting attacks from Republicans as Democrats distanced themselves from the comments. "I...

Top City for Working Moms: Minneapolis
 Top City for Working 
 Moms: Minneapolis  
no. 2: Washington, dc

Top City for Working Moms: Minneapolis

Forbes weighs women's salaries, safety, unemployment

(Newser) - With its low rates of unemployment and violent crime, combined with relatively high salaries for women, the Minneapolis/St. Paul area tops the Forbes list of best cities for working mothers. The magazine gave added weight in this year's rankings to women's income, and when the numbers were crunched, the Minnesota...

Obama Owns Up: Michelle Made More Sacrifices

Many men 'still a little obtuse' about imbalance in household dynamics

(Newser) - The men in many families need to be "knocked across the head every once in a while" to realize how much more work their partners are putting into child-raising, President Obama says, and the Obamas are no exception. "There's no doubt that our family, like a lot of...

Most Stay-at-Home Moms Aren't 'Opting Out': Census

Contrary to 'opt-out revolution' notion, most stay-at-home moms start that way

(Newser) - The so-called opt-out revolution by stay-at-home moms “is not and never has been and will not be a revolution,” says one sociologist—and statistics from the most recent census support that point. The term was coined to describe well-educated women leaving high-powered careers to raise children, but census...

Moms Deserve a Break Today
Moms Deserve
a Break Today

Moms Deserve a Break Today

Think before offering 'constructive criticism,' then ... keep it to yourself: Warner

(Newser) - The maternal resentment has evidently been building up for a while, and New York Times blogger Judith Warner is letting loose. She recounts slights perpetrated against her and her friends and wonders: "Why do people so often permit themselves to dump—verbally, emotionally, with a surgically precise ability...

This Mother's Day, She's Likely at Work

Women take on role of breadwinner as 4 of 5 lost jobs hit men

(Newser) - She's chef, cheerleader, and Florence Nightengale to scraped knees, but with the economy stinking like a previously enjoyed diaper, Mom is more and more often also a family's breadwinner, reports NPR. As male-dominated industries hemorrhage jobs, 14% of working moms are taking second jobs, a survey suggests. The recession has...

Recession's Latest Victim: Maternity Leave

Struggling moms abandon plans for months, years off work with children

(Newser) - Stay-at-home moms are becoming the next casualty of the recession, the Wall Street Journal reports. Women who hoped to take several months or even years of maternity leave are now scrambling to find work or increase their hours as the family finances crumble. One mom-centric staffing agency has seen a...

Women's Workforce Equality Comes at a Price
Women's Workforce Equality Comes at a Price

Women's Workforce Equality Comes at a Price

(Newser) - At long last, women hold more than 49% of American jobs in this country, and 50% is in reach. But hold the confetti, writes Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe. It's happening "because men are losing their jobs even faster than women." Last year, men took home eight...

Working Moms Look to Michelle
Working Moms
Look to Michelle

Working Moms Look to Michelle

Women hope mom-in-chief will use bully pulpit to push family issues

(Newser) - Working moms are waiting for their own stimulus package—maternity leave, affordable childcare, flexible work arrangements—and they’re looking to Michelle Obama to push it through, Reuters reports. The new first lady began discussing these issues during her husband’s presidential campaign. “She's saying: ‘I’m here,...

US Women Set to Surpass Men in Labor Force

Rise of working females may change office, family life

(Newser) - As unemployment rises, the US is on the verge of a surprising milestone: for the first time, more women than men will be on the nation's payrolls. As the New York Times reports, 82% of the people who have lost their jobs in the recession are men, who have substantial...

Breast May Be Best, But Pumps Get All the Attention

Companies praised for allowing women to pump ... but contact has no substitute

(Newser) - The push for regulations that give US moms a place and time to pump their breast milk overlooks a major part of the age-old breast-feeding debate, Jill Lepore writes in the New Yorker. “Is it the mother, or her milk, that matters more to the baby?” Lepore asks. High-tech...

New Maternity Leave Means Bring Your Kids to Work

Firms go ga-ga over not losing mom for months

(Newser) - Every day can be bring-your-child-to-work day, the New York Times reports, as more companies are allowing parents to bring their babies into the office. The move helps moms and dads dodge the financial hit of parental leave while simultaneously spending time with their kids. “I have not heard anyone...

What About Michelle's Career?
What About Michelle's Career?

What About Michelle's Career?

Women debate high-powered exec's switch to 'mom-in-chief'

(Newser) - What will Michelle Obama’s stint as first lady mean for her own high-powered career? Political wives, policy experts, and pundits are all weighing in, reports the New York Times. Cherie Blair tells Michelle to get used to the back seat, while more optimistic observers insist that Obama’s tour...

Congress Is Ready to Accept a Single Mom
Congress Is Ready to Accept a Single Mom

Congress Is Ready to Accept a Single Mom

Rep. Sanchez's pregnancy shouldn't make waves in DC

(Newser) - Rep. Linda Sanchez worries Washington may frown on her pregnancy because she isn’t married, but Patt Morrison, in the Los Angeles Times, thinks things have changed. “Twenty years ago, it simply wouldn't have been possible—pregnant, single and a member of Congress? Oh, the scandal! But the culture...

Palin's Flop Shows Gender Doesn't Sway Women Voters

It's the agenda, stupid: Goodman

(Newser) - This election showed a female candidate won’t automatically draw women’s votes if most women disagree with her on the issues, Ellen Goodman writes in the Boston Globe: “It’s not the gender … but the agenda.” With women traditionally putting economic issues—and more governmental control—...

Tiny Trig Palin a Vital Player in Mom's Political Life

Governor's work-family balance draws cheers, criticism

(Newser) - Baby Trig is a key part of Sarah Palin's campaign story, underlining her real-mom image and her stance against abortion. But Palin kept the pregnancy under wraps until the seventh month, "struggling to accept that her child would be born with Down syndrome" and fearing it could undermine her...

Working Moms, Conservatives Question Palin

Fellow multitaskers wonder about VP pick's judgment, values

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's candidacy adds a twist to a familiar "mommy wars" debate: Most social conservatives argue that the mother of five, one a special-needs infant, can handle the heat of the nation's second-highest job, while liberal working women by and large disagree. "You can juggle a BlackBerry and...

Japanese Women Dodge Men ISO Mommies, Stay Single

Plunging birth rate causes national alarm

(Newser) - "WANTED: Female to cook, clean, wash my socks, bear and raise my children, and generally enable my workaholism—all while maintaining your own career in a sexist environment." Sound good? Given the choice, many Japanese women are saying to heck with marriage and staying single, reports the Washington ...

'Supermom' Torres Won't Rule Out 2012 Games
'Supermom' Torres Won't Rule Out 2012 Games

'Supermom' Torres Won't Rule Out 2012 Games

3 Beijing silvers—and close call with gold— may push swimmer to try for London

(Newser) - Though Dara Torres says she’s looking forward to hanging with her 2-year-old, the US swimmer’s three silver medals in Beijing have some asking if she’ll aim to compete in the 2012 Olympics—when she’ll be 45. "I don't know," Torres told the Philadelphia Inquirer....

Nearing 50, Madonna Jabs 'Ageist' Society

'I'll be forever young,' says quiet, shy Material Girl

(Newser) - Madonna says you can take your ageism and shove it, reports the Daily Mail. "Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism, it also suffers from ageism. Once you reach a certain age you're not allowed to be adventurous, you're not allowed to be sexual,” the less-than-bashful...

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