
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Official Portrait of Michelle: Gun Show

First Lady's first formal photo highlights famous arms

(Newser) - The White House released the first official portrait of Michelle Obama today, People reports, and it calls attention to her most famous accessory. No, not the Kennedy-esque double strand of pearls—her rock-solid arms. In the photo, snapped in the Blue Room, the first lady also sports a sleek black...

Michelle Breaks Out Killer Accessories: Her Arms

Once again, first lady opts for a summery look in winter

(Newser) - Washington is freezing cold, but last night Michelle Obama strode into Congress wearing a sleeveless dress, her bare arms on display. It's hardly the first time recently she's gone sleeveless, notes Jodi Kantor of the New York Times: from a photo op in the White House kitchen to the...

Barack Caught Shirtless Again
 Barack Caught Shirtless Again 

Barack Caught Shirtless Again

Ooh-la-la, president-elect is quite fit

(Newser) - New vacation photos of Barack Obama raise the next big question of his transition: How much skin is too much? Once again the president-elect has been photographed shirtless, reports Politico, prompting one Web poster to declare the well-toned Obama “smokin hot.” Observers say the pictures, snapped by a...

Sex Slips on Post-Op Checklist, Docs Say
Sex Slips on Post-Op Checklist, Docs Say

Sex Slips on Post-Op Checklist, Docs Say

Patients more eager to get back to work, hit gym after surgery

(Newser) - Hopping back in the sack no longer tops plastic surgery patients’ post-op priorities—even for those who’ve undergone curve-enhancing procedures, W reports. Sex-related questions have died down as working out, and just plain working, have supplanted sex as activities patients are itching to get back to, says one plastic...

Oprah Hits 200 Lbs, 'Fell Off Wagon'

Talk show host 'fell off the wagon'

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey has once again hit “the dreaded 2-0-0” pounds. The talk show queen, who has famously struggled with her weight for years, writes, “I definitely wasn't setting an example. I was talking the talk, but I wasn't walking the walk,” in an article in the January...

EA Offers Its Answer to 'Wii Fit'

Game maker plans line of products to get couch potatoes into shape

(Newser) - Electronic Arts has become the latest game maker to target the Wii-as-personal-trainer market, USA Today reports. EA Sports Active, developed with experts including Oprah Winfrey's trainer, hits the shelves in March and aims to help users lose weight through more than 20 exercises that work the upper and lower body...

China's Newest Fitness Trend: Pole Dancing

It's aerobic, not erotic, say the regimen's legions of fans

(Newser) - The latest fitness craze among women in China is pole dancing, and it has nothing to do with strippers, reports the New York Times. Drawn for the exercise, camaraderie, and confidence boost, women are flocking to a growing number of gyms and dance classes offering it. Even without the seedy...

'FitFlops' Latest Toning Rage
 'FitFlops' Latest Toning Rage 

'FitFlops' Latest Toning Rage

Oprah's 'summer favorite' helps back-pain sufferers, too

(Newser) - FitFlops, the sandals that exercise your leg and derriere muscles as you walk, are this summer’s must-have, Newhouse News Service reports. With celebrity support from Heidi Klum to Jennifer Garner, the fitness flip flop made Oprah’s “summer favorites” list, and has sold a million pairs since launching...

Stair Masters: Tower Running a Painful High

Racing up skyscrapers 'not all that pleasant,' yet spreading fast

(Newser) - "Think about the most painful thing you've ever done, then multiply by 10," says one devotee (yes, devotee) of tower running, in which hearty soles summit the world's tallest buildings. The Empire State Building, the Sears Tower and Taiwan's Taipei 101 are some of the majors of the...

San Francisco, Seattle Top US Fittest Cities List

Los Angeles trails in measures of healthy living, environment

(Newser) - San Francisco has narrowly edged out Seattle for the distinction of being America's fittest big city, says a new study released by the American College of Sports Medicine. Judging 16 large metropolitan areas on factors ranging from exercise frequency and fruit intake to the availability of parks and public transportation,...

Wii Fit Is Great for Couch Potatoes
Wii Fit Is Great for Couch Potatoes
product review

Wii Fit Is Great for Couch Potatoes

But more hard-core athletes should keep going to the gym

(Newser) - Nintendo's Wii Fit is great for fitness beginners who want to shed their couch-potato ways, but more experienced athletes will want to stick with the gym, writes Jinny Gunmundsen in USA Today. The game delivers a fun and inventive way to tone muscles, improve balance, and burn calories, but hard-core...

The Fittest Guys in America

Barack Makes list of fittest guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama has already nailed one nomination. He's cruised onto a list of the fittest guys in America. His 16-hour days on the campaign trail, early morning workouts at hotel gyms, brisk 45-minute runs and pick-up basketball games put him in some super-fit company, according to the list compiled by...

Are Wii Fit? Nintendo Helps Make a Dent
Are Wii Fit? Nintendo Helps Make a Dent

Are Wii Fit? Nintendo Helps Make a Dent

Interactive system great for busy parents, and earns trainer's respect

(Newser) - Nintendo’s Wii Fit system can turn a couch potato into a workout warrior—or at least make that potato a bit less lumpy, Seth Schiesel writes in the New York Times. The system, launching in North America next week, could be THE next big home fitness trend, pushing that...

Behold the Mighty Medicine Ball
the Mighty
Medicine Ball

Behold the Mighty Medicine Ball

Weighty exercise aid goes back a lot longer than you'd think

(Newser) - The thunk of a medicine ball may evoke images of football players doing strength and resistance training, but its history reaches far beyond the advent of modern fitness regimens. ESPN the Magazine chronicles the medicine ball through the ages, from gladiators' workouts to Renaissance medical texts to the earliest days...

Housewives Get Sweaty for 'Work Out' Star

Women love lesbian trainer's savvy, abs, and Bravo show

(Newser) - Jackie Warner seems unlikely to spark suburban housewife crushes. And yet the star of Bravo’s “Work Out,” about the lesbian trainer’s elite Los Angeles gym, is much-loved by straight ladies. “I have women that send me photos of themselves with their husbands and three teenage...

Big Bellies Raise Risk of Alzheimer's

Those in their 40s better trim down, study suggests

(Newser) - People who have big bellies in middle age have a much greater risk of getting Alzheimer's or dementia as senior citizens, a new study says. The bigger the belly, the bigger the risk, reports the Washington Post. The findings raise more concern about America's expanding waist lines and offer more...

Wii Fit Among Highlights of Gamers' Conference

Video game industry converged in San Francisco

(Newser) - Fitness program Wii Fit for the Nintendo Wii system, video games that let players warp Disneyized fairy tales, a parents-oriented video game review site, and initiatives by major publishers to let independent designers and even players develop games—those were the highlights of the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco...

Fit Trumps Fat in Longevity
Fit Trumps Fat in Longevity

Fit Trumps Fat in Longevity

Fitness more important than body fat in living longer: study

(Newser) - You can live longer if you're fit, even if you're fat. That's the surprising result of a new study of older Americans that found a brisk daily walk helps seniors live longer, regardless of body fat. The report, published in the Journal of the American Medicine Association, suggests older Americans...

Britain to Fight Fat in 'Fit Towns'

Government would broaden eco-friendly schemes to address health concerns

(Newser) - In light of dire predictions about the cost of the obesity crisis, England wants 10 previously planned eco-friendly towns to also combat obesity by promoting healthy lifestyles, the Guardian reported today. Among the proposals: more bike lanes; safe walking routes to school and the downtown area; larger and more modern...

Exercise Combo Helps Control Diabetes

Aerobics and strength training have powerful effect on blood sugar

(Newser) - A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training can provide enormous benefits for  people with Type 2 diabetes, new research shows. Although both types of activity helped control blood sugar in patients with adult-onset diabetes, combining them led to almost twice as much improvement as either did alone. Previously, some...

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