Type 2 diabetes

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Paula Deen's Publicist Nancy Assuncao Quits Over Diabetes Disaster
 Paula Deen's Publicist: I Quit 

Paula Deen's Publicist: I Quit

Surprise, surprise

(Newser) - What do you do when your celebrity chef client continues churning out dishes like Deep-Fried Stuffing on a Stick or Cheesy Ham and Banana Casserole three years after she learns she has Type 2 diabetes, only to start shilling for a drugmaker? If you're Paula Deen's publicist, you...

Paula's Last Meal Before Revealing Diabetes: Tiramisu

What, did you expect something healthier?

(Newser) - We'll give you three guesses what butter-flinging celebrity chef Paula Deen had to eat the night before she announced her diabetes diagnosis on Today. Salmon? A light salad? Some roasted vegetables? No. She was seen eating (or "scarfing down," as the New York Post so gracefully puts...

Stick It, Haters: Paula Deen's Laughing All Way to Bank

Paula Deen feels no shame, and America loves her for it: Josh Ozersky

(Newser) - Reactions to Paula Deen's diabetes diagnosis— including ours! —have been largely derisive , but she's going to have the last laugh … "all the way to the bank," predicts Josh Ozersky in Time . If health nuts think this experience will finally teach Deen a lesson, they'...

Deen Makes Unfortunate Declaration About Life

Her 6-word memoir would read ... 'Might as Well Eat That Cookie'

(Newser) - Paula Deen, that bastion of moderation and recent convert to the church of Novo Nordisk after her not-so-recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes , has a memoir out. Well, an Oprah-version of a memoir. Winfrey's magazine asks various celebs and non-celebs to succinctly sum up their lives in a "...

Paula Deen Confirms Type 2 Diabetes, Partners With Drugmaker Novartis
Deen Confirms Diabetes, Partners With Drugmaker

Deen Confirms Diabetes, Partners With Drugmaker

Paula wants to show American public 'simple ways' to cope with disease

(Newser) - It's as official as it is unshocking: Butter-slinging celeb chef Paula Deen—she who combined a Krispy Kreme doughnut, hamburger, bacon, and fried egg and called it breakfast —confirms that she has Type 2 diabetes . But she's determined to make something positive out of the diagnosis, like...

Report: Paula Deen Has Diabetes

She also lands deal with drug company, says the Daily

(Newser) - The Daily has a big scoop in the world of celeb chefs: It says Paula Deen, the purveyor of fatty Southern cooking like fried butter balls , has type 2 diabetes. What's more, the report says Deen is about to go public with the diagnosis as a multimillion-dollar spokeswoman for...

Night Shifts Boost Women's Diabetes Risk

Those who work rotating shifts more likely to get disease: Study

(Newser) - Women who work a night shift at least a few nights a month are more prone to type 2 diabetes, according to new research. The longer they work such a rotating schedule, the greater the risk, reports USA Today . The women saw their type 2 diabetes rates spike 5% over...

Moderate Drinking Can Fend Off Diabetes in Women
Moderate Drinking Can
Fend Off Diabetes in Women
study says

Moderate Drinking Can Fend Off Diabetes in Women

If you eat a lot of refined carbs, a little bit of alcohol helps: study

(Newser) - Good news for you ladies who like a little bit of wine and a lot of carbs: A new study shows that middle-aged women who drink a moderate amount of alcohol but eat a large amount of refined carbohydrates are 30% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than women...

366M Now Have Diabetes
 366M Now Have Diabetes 

366M Now Have Diabetes

And report says numbers are growing

(Newser) - The diabetes epidemic is getting worse, the International Diabetes Federation said today, estimating that 366 million people across the globe now have the disease. In comments delivered at a European meeting in Lisbon, the group called the numbers "staggering," noting that 4.6 million people die of diabetes...

Half of US to Be Obese by 2030
 Half of US to Be Obese by 2030 

Half of US to Be Obese by 2030

Governments need to lead fight against obesity, researchers say

(Newser) - Bulging waistlines around the world are going to cause a public health disaster over the next 20 years unless the spread of obesity is checked, a new study warns. A third of Americans are now classed as obese and researchers predict it will be 50% by 2030, resulting in millions...

Extreme Diet Cures Type 2 Diabetes

Volunteers cut food intake to 600 calories a day for 2 months

(Newser) - British researchers say obesity-related type 2 diabetes, previously considered a lifelong illness, is curable—if you stop eating. Eleven people with diabetes participated in the extreme experiment, slashing their calories to just 600 a day and consuming only specially formulated drinks and non-starchy vegetables for two months. The volunteers' blood...

Diet Soda Doesn&#39;t Boost Diabetes Risk After All
Diet Soda Doesn't Boost Diabetes Risk After All
study says

Diet Soda Doesn't Boost Diabetes Risk After All

But regular soda sure does: Study

(Newser) - A new Harvard study debunks the idea that diet sodas and other artificially sweetened drinks carry an increased risk of diabetes. Researchers followed a big group of men for 20 years, and discovered that while those who drank regular soda and other sugary drinks were significantly more likely to develop...

1 in 3 to Have Diabetes by 2050
 1 in 3 to Have Diabetes by 2050 

1 in 3 to Have Diabetes by 2050

...says the CDC; right now, 1 in 10 Americans battle the disease

(Newser) - Diabetes is a big problem—and it's about to get a whole lot bigger: The number of Americans living with the disease is projected to explode from the current rate of 1 in 10 to as much as 1 in 3 by 2050, according to a new report from the...

FDA Restricts Diabetes Drug Over Heart Risk

But regulators stop short of an outright ban on Avandia

(Newser) - The FDA today put severe restrictions on Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline’s embattled diabetes drug, but stopped short of banning it outright. The once-popular drug will now only be available only as a last resort to type 2 diabetes patients who can’t control their glucose levels with any other medication, the...

Breastfeeding Reduces Diabetes Risk for Moms

Benefits seen after only one month

(Newser) - Everyone knows breastfeeding is good for babies, but moms apparently get major health benefits, too, reports Scientific American's Observations blog reports. A new analysis confirms that moms who breastfeed, even for just one month, are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Even after accounting for age, race, and health...

How Drew Carey Lost 80 Pounds

Comedian credits 'no bread,' 'lots of cardio'

(Newser) - Have you seen a picture of Drew Carey lately? You might not recognize him—the once-portly comedian has dropped a striking 80 pounds from his 5-foot-10 frame and now wears size 33-34 pants. How did he do it? Most important was motivation: "It sucks being fat, you know,"...

White Rice Linked to Diabetes Risk

Brown rice lowers risk of developing disease; more study needed

(Newser) - People who frequently eat white rice are at greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than those who eat less than one serving a month. But rice isn't all bad: Eating the brown variety lowers the likelihood of developing the disease, new research shows. Replacing white rice serving-for-serving with brown...

Coffee, Tea Lower Risk of Diabetes

 Coffee, Tea 
 Lower Risk 
 of Diabetes 
this week, caffeine is good

Coffee, Tea Lower Risk of Diabetes

Just drink 4 cups a day; decaf works, too

(Newser) - Consuming four cups a day of coffee, tea, or even decaf dramatically lowers the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, researchers say. In 18 studies that covered a whopping half-million people, coffee drinkers lowered their risk of diabetes by 7% per cup, Bloomberg reports. More research is needed, but the...

Bypass Surgery Looks More and More Like Diabetes Cure

No one knows why, but docs are embracing bypass as a cure

(Newser) - Just why it works is still murky, but the connection between gastric bypass surgery and the reduction—or even elimination—of diabetes is so strong that some doctors are suggesting it as a treatment. “We may have a cure for diabetes,” one tells the Los Angeles Times. While...

Insulin May Help Treat Alzheimer's
Insulin May
Help Treat Alzheimer's

Insulin May Help Treat Alzheimer's

Researchers liken degenerative disease to brain diabetes

(Newser) - Alzheimer’s disease “is a type of brain diabetes”—meaning that insulin treatments could help fight it, scientists say. Researchers found that brain cells treated with insulin plus a drug to speed its effects were much less affected by the disease, the BBC reports. “Our results demonstrate...

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