Type 2 diabetes

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To Treat Diabetes, Skip Dinner
 To Treat Diabetes, Skip Dinner 

To Treat Diabetes, Skip Dinner

2 big meals better than 6 small ones, researchers say

(Newser) - "We confirmed the ancient proverb 'eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper,'" says the leader of a team of researchers that found eating just two meals a day can be an effective way to manage type 2 diabetes. The...

We&#39;ve Made Huge Progress on One Diabetes Front
We've Made Huge Progress on One Diabetes Front
study says

We've Made Huge Progress on One Diabetes Front

Dangerous complications are way down

(Newser) - A major federal study points to vast improvements in the fight against diabetes-related ailments, thanks in large part to improving treatment. Complications from diabetes have plummeted over two decades, the New York Times reports: For instance, heart attacks among diabetes sufferers have dropped 68% since 1990 (and 31% in the...

Obesity Surgery Leaves Girl, 12, Dramatically Better

Within 24 hours, there was no sign of Alexis Shapiro's diabetes

(Newser) - Texas 12-year-old Alexis Shapiro had long-fought-for the obesity surgery she got on March 21 , and just a week later, the girl's situation has dramatically improved. She's already off the insulin she had to take in connection with her type 2 diabetes and, most significantly, her body is indicating...

Gene Mutation Could Spawn Powerful Anti-Diabetes Drug

Rare mutation cuts risk by two-thirds

(Newser) - Genetic research has yielded what scientists believe could be an extremely powerful weapon in the fight against type 2 diabetes. A rare mutation has been found that slashes the risk of diabetes by around two-thirds, even in obese people, the New York Times reports. The mutation, which destroys a gene...

Tom Hanks: I Have Diabetes
 Tom Hanks: I Have Diabetes 

Tom Hanks: I Have Diabetes

Reveals type 2 diagnosis to David Letterman

(Newser) - Tom Hanks is looking slimmer these days, and when David Letterman asked him about his weight last night on the Late Show, Hanks offered a surprising revelation: He has type 2 diabetes, the Huffington Post reports. He's been struggling with high blood sugar since age 36, Hanks said, and...

When It Comes to Health, Not All Fruit Created Equal

Blueberries fare best in diabetes study, but fruit juices may make things worse

(Newser) - If you're worried about diabetes, you might want to stock up on blueberries and ditch the fruit juice. That's the upshot of a new study in the British Medical Journal that tracked the eating habits of 180,000 subjects over nearly 30 years. The simplified findings: Those who...

New Culprit in Teen Diabetes? Food Packaging
New Culprit in Teen
Diabetes? Food Packaging

New Culprit in Teen Diabetes? Food Packaging

But findings on BPA and DEHP not conclusive

(Newser) - It might not just be the foods teens are eating that lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, but the wrappers and cans they come in, two studies published recently in Pediatrics suggest. In one, researchers found that higher levels of DEHP, a phthalate found in processed foods, their packaging,...

Diet Soda Bigger Diabetes Threat Than Sugary Stuff
 Diet Soda Bigger 
 Diabetes Threat 
 Than Sugary Stuff 
in case you missed it

Diet Soda Bigger Diabetes Threat Than Sugary Stuff

Scientists find heightened risk among women

(Newser) - Sugar-packed soda has been linked to a boosted diabetes risk—but it turns out the diet version may pose an even bigger threat. Researchers tracked 66,000 French women over 14 years; the volunteers were middle-aged or older when the study began. People who drank 12 ounces of either kind...

12% of Mississippians Battling Diabetes
 12% of Mississippians 
 Battling Diabetes 
CDC study

12% of Mississippians Battling Diabetes

All states now top 6% diabetes rate, up from just 3 states in 1995

(Newser) - We certainly aren't getting any healthier: Diabetes rates have soared across the United States since 1995, up 50% in 42 states and more than doubling in 18, reports the AFP . In 1995, only three states had a diabetes rate of 6%, but by 2010 all 50 states topped that...

Cut Diabetes Risk: Drink Tea
 Cut Diabetes Risk: Drink Tea 

Cut Diabetes Risk: Drink Tea

Countries that drink black tea less likely to get diabetes

(Newser) - Care for a spot of type 2 diabetes, luv? No? Then you might want to consider forming a tea habit. A new study analyzing data from 50 countries has concluded that the countries that drank the most black tea also had the lowest type 2 diabetes rates, and lower obesity...

Weight Loss Doesn't Cut Heart Risk for Diabetics

Long-range study ends early after seeing no benefit

(Newser) - Many people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, and most diabetics die from heart disease. So it would follow that if diabetics followed a healthier diet and lost weight, they'd reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke, right? Turns out, no. A massive long-range study has concluded...

TB Vaccine Might Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

In early test, it helps people produce insulin on their own

(Newser) - A potentially life-changing development for those who suffer from type 1 diabetes, the more serious form of the disease: A vaccine used for decades to treat tuberculosis might not only reduce the need for daily insulin shots but actually reverse the disease itself, reports Bloomberg . Type 1 diabetics need daily...

Cheese May Guard Against Diabetes
Cheese May Guard
Against Diabetes
in case you missed it

Cheese May Guard Against Diabetes

Type 2 risk appears to go down in those who indulge: study

(Newser) - Finally, a reason to eat cheese that is slightly more sound than, "Because it tastes delicious." Turns out the risk of Type 2 diabetes could actually be reduced by 12% for regular cheese eaters, a new study finds. It's counterintuitive, since Type 2 diabetes is often connected...

Nail Polish, Hairspray Linked to Diabetes

 Nail Polish, Hairspray 
 Linked to Diabetes 
study says

Nail Polish, Hairspray Linked to Diabetes

Study pinpoints concentration of phthalates in urine

(Newser) - Bad news for the well manicured: If the cosmetics you slather yourself with contain phthalates, you may be more likely to get type 2 diabetes. A new study finds a link between the man-made chemicals—which can mimic human hormones and are found in everything from nail polish to shampoo...

Paula Deen Discovers the Miracle of Salad

Eschews lard, drops 30 pounds, but still

(Newser) - Perhaps this will help you to associate her name with hope, rather than butter : Paula Deen is down 30 pounds, six months after her diabetes announcement and nearly three years after her actual diagnosis. How did she do it? By going heavier on the Greek salads and (baked! not fried!...

Type 2 Diabetes Wreaks Havoc in Overweight Teens

Researchers emphasize prevention

(Newser) - Type 2 diabetes poses a particular problem for overweight teens, a study finds: Among hundreds of recently-diagnosed teenagers, almost half lost control of their blood sugar within a few years. Moreover, about one in five experienced serious complications from the illness. With a third of American kids and teens overweight...

Bourdain Again Rips Paula Deen as 'Cynical, Greedy'

Says of $30M drug endorsement, 'how much money do you need?'

(Newser) - It's just another boring Wednesday, so it's the Anthony Bourdain-Paula Deen feud to the rescue! Bourdain is again reaming Deen, this time calling her "greedy" and "cynical" for pushing fattening food while keeping her type 2 diabetes a secret for three years, reports the New York ...

Paula Deen: Bourdain Remarks 'Very, Very Cruel'

Celebrity chef speaks out in 'Prevention'

(Newser) - Paula Deen sat down with Prevention for her first major interview since announcing her diabetes diagnosis, and says that Anthony Bourdain's comments about her have been "very, very cruel." She was particularly distressed by Bourdain comparing her situation—hawking fried, buttery food and then shilling for a...

For Some Diabetics, Answer May Be Surgery

Diet, exercise, medication less effective for obese patients with Type 2 diabetes

(Newser) - It almost sounds too good to be true: You're obese, and suffering from Type 2 diabetes—how to best control your blood sugar? You can get on a strict regimen of diet, exercise, and medicine ... or just undergo weight-loss surgery. If surgery seems like the slightly easier solution, it...

Deen Talks Weight Loss ... at Fried Chicken Brunch

What else would you expect from Paula Deen?

(Newser) - As her fans were served fried chicken and waffles, jambalaya, and strawberry margarita mousse at a Sunday brunch at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival, host Paula Deen proudly told People that she has dropped two pant sizes. "I feel great!" says the diabetic celebrity chef , who...

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