New Hampshire primary

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New Hampshire Newspaper Union Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich

 Key NH Paper 

Key NH Paper Endorses Gingrich

'Union Leader' helped McCain start path to 2008 nomination

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's turn as the GOP's latest presidential pet gathered some big momentum today: The former House speaker has picked up the endorsement of New Hampshire's main newspaper, the Union Leader , which announced its pick with a banner headline in today's edition. While Gingrich "is...

Newt Gingrich Catches Up to Mitt Romney in Latest New Hampshire Poll
 Newt Surges  
 in Romney Land: 
 New Hampshire 
Poll Numbers

Newt Surges in Romney Land: New Hampshire

Gingrich is statistically tied for first in new poll

(Newser) - The Newt Gingrich comeback train just keeps on rolling: He’s now just 2 points behind Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, with 27% to Romney’s 29%, according to the latest poll from the New Hampshire Journal . That's within the poll’s margin of error, and well ahead of...

Dana Milbank on Jun Huntsman's Doomed Campaign for the Center

 Huntsman Running 
 a Noble, Doomed 
Dana Milbank

Huntsman Running a Noble, Doomed Campaign

The former governor is making a lonely pitch for moderation, Dana Milbank writes

(Newser) - The Republican nominating process, “controlled by the religious warriors and anti-government agitators who dominate straw polls, has reached its logical conclusion,” writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post : A former pizza exec who "likes to joke about electrocuting illegal immigrants" and has no government credentials is topping...

Iowa Sets Caucuses for Jan. 3
 Iowa Sets Caucuses for Jan. 3 

Iowa Sets Caucuses for Jan. 3

December vote looking likelier for NH

(Newser) - New Hampshire can vote whenever it wants, but Iowa will definitely hold its Republican caucuses Jan. 3, the state's Republican chairman has announced. New Hampshire is now the only state yet to announce its presidential nominating contest date, and it has threatened to move its primary to December in...

NH Eyes December Primary
 NH Warns Nation: 
 We'll Go as Early as Dec. 6
election 2011?

NH Warns Nation: We'll Go as Early as Dec. 6

It's all Nevada's fault, top election official says

(Newser) - New Hampshire may be forced to hold its GOP primary as early as Dec. 6, and it will be all Nevada's fault for moving up its caucus date , the Granite State's top election official warns. Secretary of State William Gardner says New Hampshire has no intention of surrendering...

South Carolina Sets Primary for January 21

Which means Iowa and New Hampshire will be even earlier

(Newser) - The dominos are toppling from Florida’s decision to hold its primary on Jan. 31 . South Carolina will today announce that it’s holding its vote on Jan. 21, in an effort to put some distance between itself and Florida, a pair of GOP sources tell CNN . “Last Friday,...

Election 2012: Has Michele Bachmann Given Up on New Hampshire?
 Bachmann Gives Up on NH 

Bachmann Gives Up on NH

Campaign confirms she's focusing on Iowa, South Carolina

(Newser) - Where’s Michele Bachmann? Well, she’s certainly not in New Hampshire. She hasn’t visited the state since two months ago, and she canceled her last planned visit, after the Ames straw poll. In fact, every single 2012 GOP candidate other than Bachmann has been to New Hampshire since...

Primaries May Start Before Christmas
Primaries May Start Before Christmas

Primaries May Start Before Christmas

Arizona considering January primary, pushing up Iowa, NH

(Newser) - There’s a distinct possibility the 2012 presidential primaries could start in 2011. Jan Brewer is considering holding Arizona’s primary as early as Jan. 31, the Arizona Republic explains, and if she goes through with it, New Hampshire and Iowa are likely to bump their contests to December to...

Poll: Bachmann Closing In on Romney in NH

Gap is down to single digits after surge in Tea Party support

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is still the GOP's front-runner in New Hampshire, but Michele Bachmann has captured the momentum, according to Public Policy Polling . The Tea Party candidate has gained 14 points since April, and is now supported by 18% of voters polled, just seven points behind Romney. He has dropped...

Top Cain Staffers Jump Ship

Cite lack of commitment to Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Despite an impressive third-place showing in Iowa polls, Herman Cain staffers are running for the hills—though his campaign insists it’s no “Newt Gingrich situation.” Cain’s organizational director for Iowa and his New Hampshire campaign director have both quit over their candidate’s limited engagement with...

New Hampshire Republican Primary Voters 87% Undecided: Poll
 87% of New Hampshire 
 GOP Voters Undecided 

87% of New Hampshire GOP Voters Undecided

43% not happy with current choices

(Newser) - New Hampshire's Republican voters aren't too impressed by the party's current crop of candidates for 2012, according to the latest CNN poll. Some 87% of likely primary voters say they have no idea who they'll be voting for early next year, with only 9% leaning toward...

New Hampshire Weighs 'Birther Bill'

 NH Weighs 'Birther Bill' 

NH Weighs 'Birther Bill'

Nothing to do with Obama, lawmakers insist

(Newser) - Ineligible candidates aiming to sneak into the White House won't make it past the New Hampshire primary under a proposal being considered by the state House. The chairman of the state's election law committee, a Republican, says a bill is being considered that would require presidential hopefuls to provide a...

Ayotte Wins New Hampshire
 Ayotte Wins New Hampshire 

Ayotte Wins New Hampshire

Lamontagne has until 5pm to seek recount

(Newser) - New Hampshire has certified former state Attorney General Kelly Ayotte as the winner of the Republican primary for US Senate. Ayotte was endorsed by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and won a narrow victory over Ovide Lamontagne. His conservative credentials and courting of the Tea Party pulled him close in...

NH Race Still Too Close to Call
 NH Race Still Too Close to Call 

NH Race Still Too Close to Call

Ayotte, Lamontagne may be headed for recount in GOP Senate race

(Newser) - The final round of primaries before the midterms delivered some big wins for the Tea Party and there's still a prize to claim in New Hampshire. The state's seven-way Republican US Senate primary is down to two candidates and it's still too close to call between attorney Ovide Lamontagne and...

Why the Polls May Be Wrong
 Why the Polls May Be Wrong 

Why the Polls May Be Wrong

Use of cell phones, unexpected turnout could skew results

(Newser) - Opinion polls can be wrong—just look at Thomas Dewey in 1948 or even Barack Obama, who led Hillary Clinton before the New Hampshire primary but lost anyway. Reuters outlines some factors that could be skewing current results:
  • Turnout: Polls filter the results of phone surveys through models of who

Meghan McCain: I'll Get NH Tattoo If Dad Wins

A loss in the state would be 'very depressing' for her

(Newser) - If John McCain takes the White House and wins New Hampshire, Meghan McCain says she'll get a tattoo of the state’s motto, the Union Leader reports. "New Hampshire is so important to me and my family," the younger McCain told supporters in the state where her dad...

Don't Get Cocky, Obama Cautions Supporters

19 days is a long time in electoral politics, candidate warns

(Newser) - Polls show that Barack Obama has a solid lead, nationally and in several swing states, over John McCain. But the Democrat warned supporters today to be wary of overconfidence, Reuters reports. “I've been in these positions before when we were favored and the press starts getting carried away and...

NH Town in a Tizzy as Obama, Clinton Seek Unity

(Newser) - A no-traffic-light, one-store New Hampshire town is scrambling to prepare for Friday's joint appearance by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the first since she bowed out of the presidential race and endorsed him, reports the Concord Monitor. They're the biggest names to hit town since Arlo Guthrie in 1979, but...

McCain's Men: The Team Behind the Turnaround

'Sedona Five' crack team of loyalists revamped battle

(Newser) - John McCain's back-from-the-dead presidential bid can attribute its triumph to a number of factors: the successes of the Iraq surge, the rise of Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani's concession in New Hampshire. But before any of those game-changing events, the McCain comeback was engineered by a small, crack team of loyalists...

Obama Pulled In $32M in January
Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Meanwhile, McCain makes headway after beginning '08 in debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $32 million this month, the Washington Post reports—a massive number in such a short span. The Democrat's campaign manager reported 170,000 new donors in January, raising the total number of contributors to 650,000. The best fundraising day was immediately following Hillary Clinton’s...

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