Baylor College of Medicine

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Shots Could End Coke Addiction
Shots Could End Coke Addiction

Shots Could End Coke Addiction

Vaccine stops drug from producing a high

(Newser) - Scientists have developed a potential vaccine against cocaine addiction and have asked the federal Food and Drug Administration to greenlight large-scale clinical trials. The injections of modified cocaine work by stimulating the immune system to attack cocaine when it's ingested, preventing the drug from producing a high, reports the Houston ...

Scientists to Test Promising New Theory on Cancer

Medical centers will directly attack cancerous stem cells

(Newser) - Cancer researchers are poised to begin what could be a revolutionary approach to treating cancer, the New York Times reports. Instead of trying to destroy tumors, scientists at three leading medical centers will go after cancerous stem cells that feed the tumors. The controversial approach—not all scientists buy the...

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