Internet freedom

10 Stories

Google Accused of 'Gross Attack' on Internet Freedom

Company reportedly developing apps in line with Chinese censorship

(Newser) - Google is looking to reenter the Chinese market it exited in protest over government censorship in a move critics say is nothing short of hypocritical. According to the Information and Intercept , Google has presented to Chinese officials two mobile apps—one for internet searches, one focusing on news aggregation—that...

Twitter Registers Lobbyist, Forms PAC

And yes, it has a hashtag in the name

(Newser) - DC's profound love for Twitter may be tested or cemented, with news the social media service is turning political. The company has announced it's forming its own PAC, to be named Twitter#PAC, and has registered its policy manager (and former Republican aide) William Carty as a lobbyist, the...

'Cat Signal' Shines Tonight for Internet Freedom

Internet Defense League to launch in sync with 'Dark Knight'

(Newser) - As The Dark Knight Rises prepares to open at midnight, the Cat Signal—not the Bat Signal—will be projected into the sky in a number of big cities around the world. The Cat Signal, inspired by the Bat Signal but instead featuring a so-called "LOLcat", was dreamed up...

Google's Brin: Free Internet in Serious Danger

Sergey Brin sees threat from governments, Hollywood, Facebook

(Newser) - Internet freedom is under attack, says Google's co-founder. "It's scary," Sergey Brin tells the Guardian , saying he's "more worried" than ever about "very powerful forces that have lined up against the open Internet on all sides and around the world." Once, Brin...

New Google Hire Attacks Apple, the iPhone

Tim Bray 'hates' Apple gadget because freedom isn't 'optional'

(Newser) - XML co-inventor Tim Bray has signed on with Google to be a “Developer Advocate” focusing on its Android mobile OS, and used the announcement to fire a broadside at Apple on his blog. While Google is all about freedom, he writes, Apple is about control. “The iPhone vision...

Google Execs Convicted Over Abusive Video

Italian court wants content monitored

(Newser) - When a video of an autistic Italian teen being beaten turned up on a Google-owned video site, Italian authorities stepped in to prosecute and convict the bullies—and Google. In a verdict with far-ranging implications for Internet freedom, an Italian judge today found three Google executives guilty of privacy violations...

Chinese: Google Flap Is a US Conspiracy

But government tries to tamp down drama

(Newser) - Google is a puppet of US foreign policy, Chinese state-owned media are reporting, calling the company's threat to pull out of China unless censorship is dropped a conspiracy by the US government to interfere in Chinese politics. One paper quotes a political scientist saying, "the Google incident is not...

Digital Age Makes It Harder to Cheat
Digital Age Makes It Harder to Cheat

Digital Age Makes It Harder to Cheat

Even your Wii can give you away in the era of too-much-information

(Newser) - The Wii may look family-friendly, but tell that to the US soldier who discovered from the console that his wife was having an affair, virtual-bowling with her lover while he was in Iraq. Welcome to the digital age, Nick Harding writes in the Independent, where secrets are impossible to keep,...

OMG! Parents Friend Kids on Facebook

Some are cool with it; others horrified

(Newser) - What to do when their father starts talking about “getting poked" is a question many high school and college kids are asking themselves these days. It's a modern-day dilemma: Do teens allow their folks into their friends network on Facebook and grant them access to blogs, photos, and messages?...

Internet Activists Target Scientology

Church can no longer control its image

(Newser) - Scientology is increasingly under attack on the Internet, where critics and dropouts are undermining the church's traditionally tight control of its public image, reports the LA Times. Three ex-Scientologists, including the niece of the church's head, launched last week. Its motto: "We were born. We grew up....

10 Stories
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