grizzly bear

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Plight of Hungry Bears Prompts Unusual Move

First Nation group in Canada brings salmon to feed starving grizzlies

(Newser) - Visitors flock to Knight Inlet, north of Vancouver, British Columbia, in hope of spotting a grizzly bear. On a recent visit, tour operator and photographer Rolf Hicker actually saw three, but it was no cause for celebration. "Advertising still shows the happy bears feasting on salmon, well, sorry to...

Grizzly Came as He Slept, Took Him Away

Julien Gauthier was collecting nature sounds for a music project in Canada

(Newser) - A highly rare unprovoked grizzly bear attack took the life of a 44-year-old French man in Canada's Northwest Territories last week. The BBC reports Julien Gauthier was asleep in his tent early Thursday when a grizzly bear came upon him and dragged him away. His body was found the...

As Grizzly Attacked, He Remembered Dad's Gift

Canada's Colin Dowler thankfully reached his pocket knife

(Newser) - Facing down a grizzly bear, Colin Dowler decided to negotiate. "I know this is your territory, I'm just passing through—we don't have to do this," the Canadian recalls saying, per the BBC . It didn't help. Within moments, "I could feel the hot blood....

Man Attacked by Bear Gives Her Mother's Day Gift

Alex Neumann didn't have the heart to immediately report grizzly attack he miraculously survived

(Newser) - "Never cross a mother bear with cubs" seems pretty intuitive, a fact that Alex Neumann experienced firsthand last month—and he's still dealing with both the physical and mental repercussions of the incident. The CBC reports that the 50-year-old Canadian was early for a job about 40 miles...

Grizzly Bear That Killed Mom, Baby Ate Porcupine First

Little could have been done to prevent Yukon tragedy, wildlife officer says

(Newser) - A bear that killed a woman and her baby daughter in Canada's Yukon Territory in November was so desperate for food that it had eaten a porcupine, whose quills badly injured its digestive system, authorities say. Gordon Hitchcock, Yukon's chief conservation officer, said there was nothing Valérie...

The Grizzly Had Him. Then a Friend Fired Bear Spray

Bob Legasa recounts his close call in Wyoming

(Newser) - A grizzly bear attacked an elk hunter who surprised the sow and her cub north of Yellowstone National Park, with the bear sinking her teeth into his arm and clawing his eye before another hunter drove her off, the victim recounted Monday. The mauling of Bob Legasa, 57, in the...

Judge's Ruling Halts Grizzly Bear Hunts

He restores protection for Yellowstone-area bears

(Newser) - Score one for the bears: A judge has restored protection for a group of around 700 grizzly bears living around Yellowstone National Park, meaning Wyoming and Idaho will have to call off the first bear hunts planned in the lower 48 states in nearly 30 years. Judge Dana Christensen, siding...

Body of Missing Field Guide Found After Bear Attack

Mark Uptain of Jackson Hole was helping a Florida man hunt elk in Wyoming

(Newser) - The body of a Wyoming field guide who was mauled by a bear while hunting elk has been found. Per USA Today , 37-year-old Mark Uptain and his client, Corey Chubon, shot an elk Thursday in Teton Wilderness but were initially unable to find the animal. When they returned to the...

Judge Halts State's First Grizzly Hunt Since 1974

Wyoming hunt was scheduled to start Saturday

(Newser) - Hunters hoping to legally shoot a grizzly bear in Wyoming for the first time since the Ford administration might be out of luck. A federal judge has halted Yellowstone National Park-area grizzly hunts that were supposed to start Saturday morning, the AP reports. US District Judge Dana Christensen granted a...

Grizzly Euthanized After 20-Foot Fall

Vertebrae damage left animal partially paralyzed

(Newser) - One of an estimated 300 grizzly bears in Montana's Glacier National Park had to be euthanized this week after a 20-foot fall left it partially paralyzed. It was found on its back in the middle of a road late Sunday, leading rangers to speculate it had been hit by...

In 43-Year First, Wyoming's Grizzlies to Be Hunted

Strong opposition follows Wednesday's decision

(Newser) - Just under two dozen American grizzlies could be killed this September in what the New York Times calls the "first large-scale hunt for grizzly bears in 43 years" outside of Alaska. A year after the grizzly population near Yellowstone National Park was removed from federal protection—with numbers estimated...

A Week After Starting 'Dream Job,' a Bear Attack

Amber Kornak's quick thinking helped her survive mauling in the mountains of Montana

(Newser) - On May 11, Amber Kornak posted her new job on Facebook—a "dream job" with the US Fish and Wildlife Service that involved working with grizzly bears, People notes. But less than a week later, the 28-year-old was mauled by a bear in Montana, though her quick thinking helped...

British Columbia Just Outlawed a Certain Type of Hunting

Province says public sentiment has shifted against 'trophy' hunting for grizzly bears

(Newser) - The government of British Columbia has some good news and bad news for grizzly bears in the Canadian province: The good news is that hunters will no longer be able to kill them for sport. The bad news is that hunters will still be able to kill them for meat....

US Officials to Lift Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Protections

Bear population has increased to more than 700 since 1975

(Newser) - Protections that have been in place for more than 40 years for grizzly bears in the Yellowstone National Park area will be lifted this summer after US government officials ruled Thursday that the population is no longer threatened, the AP reports. Grizzlies in all US states except Alaska have been...

Forest Cop on Bike Died After Surprising Grizzly

He had no time to brake, investigation finds

(Newser) - A federal report on the tragic death of Forest Service officer Brad Treat is out and the message is clear: Beware of what could be around the corner when you're mountain biking. The 38-year-old officer was mauled to death by a grizzly bear he surprised while mountain biking with...

DeVos: Schools Might Need Guns to Defend Against Bears

She defends school choice in testy Senate hearing

(Newser) - Education Secretary hopeful Betsy DeVos was peppered with questions from time-limited Democrats during a testy Senate hearing Tuesday, and the exchange getting the most attention involves bears. When Sen. Chris Murphy asked if she believes that there's no place for guns in school, she referred to a school in...

Man Survives 2 Bear Attacks in Same Morning

Montana man Todd Orr played dead to survive

(Newser) - After being jumped on and bitten repeatedly by a charging grizzly bear in Montana on Saturday morning, Todd Orr survived by playing dead. The injured, bleeding man began the three-mile trek back to his vehicle—and was attacked again within 10 minutes by the same bear. The 50-year-old played dead...

Denali Hunting Grizzly After Hiker Attack

'Erratic' juvenile bear has had multiple incidents with hikers, won't be scared off

(Newser) - A young grizzly bear at Denali National Park will be put down after an attack that sent a hiker to the hospital, the National Park Service says. The bear, estimated to be between 2 and 5 years old, charged a group on the Savage Alpine Trail on Friday, reports CNN...

Bear Kills Mountain Biker in Montana

Forest law enforcement officer surprised animal on trail

(Newser) - A US Forest Service law enforcement officer was killed Wednesday in the first fatal bear attack this century in the Glacier National Park area. Authorities say 38-year-old Brad Treat was killed in Flathead National Forest in northwest Montana on a trail just outside the national park, ABC News reports. "...

Grizzly News 'Bigger Than Recovering the Bald Eagle'

US Fish and Wildlife Service proposes moving animal off endangered list

(Newser) - "This is really momentous, bigger than recovering the bald eagle," an environmental writer tells the Christian Science Monitor after the US Fish and Wildlife Service on Thursday proposed removing grizzly bears in and around Yellowstone from the endangered species list. When grizzlies were added to the list in...

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