presidential pardon

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Daily Beast: Associate's Letter Just Threw Gaetz Under the Bus

Congressman paid for sex with multiple girls, including a minor, Joel Greenberg confesses in note

(Newser) - Word on the DOJ investigation into GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz and associate Joel Greenberg over possible violations of federal sex-trafficking laws has been quiet over the past couple of weeks. That changed Thursday with an update from the Daily Beast . It got its hands on three drafts of a confessional...

Sources: Matt Gaetz Wanted Blanket Pardon From Trump

It's not clear whether the congressman knew he was under investigation at the time

(Newser) - As then-President Trump's term wound down, Matt Gaetz, one of Trump's staunchest allies, privately asked for a blanket pre-emptive pardon, two sources tell the New York Times . The Florida congressman also allegedly asked the White House for the same thing for some of his allies in Congress, though...

Trump Issued Last-Minute Pardon to Judge Jeanine&#39;s Ex
Trump Issued One Last Pardon

Trump Issued One Last Pardon

Ex-husband of 'Judge Jeanine' received full pardon in final hour of Trump presidency

(Newser) - President Trump issued a final pardon before his presidency ended—and it wasn't for himself, a family member, or Joe Exotic . In a statement issued less than an hour before President Biden was sworn in, when Trump had already landed in Florida en route to Mar-a-Lago, the White House...

Someone Is Very Upset He Didn't Get Last-Minute Pardon

Joe Exotic tweets: 'I was too innocent and too GAY to deserve a Pardon from Trump'

(Newser) - Joe Exotic of Tiger King fame had "the biggest Dodge truck limo in Texas" waiting for him outside the prison where he is serving a 22-year sentence Tuesday—but the pardon from former President Trump he was hoping for never arrived. The inmate, real name Joseph Maldonado-Passage, slammed Trump...

Here Come the Pardons: Trump's List Released

President granted clemency to 143

(Newser) - Pardon day is here. The White House was expected to announce a slew of pardons and commutations on Tuesday, President Trump's last full day in office, but instead the list came out early Wednesday, hours before his term ends at noon, CNN reports. The most notable name on the...

'Biggest Dodge Truck Limo in Texas' Waiting for Joe Exotic

His legal team is confident he'll be on President Trump's pardon list

(Newser) - The presidential pardon watch continues, with President Trump expected to issue roughly 100 pardons and commutations on his last full day in office. Joe Exotic's legal team feels confident he'll be on the pardon list. How confident? The head of his legal team, Eric Love, tells KOCO 5...

Trump Has Busy Last Full Day in Office Planned

Sources say president will issue around 100 pardons and commutations

(Newser) - President Trump's pardoning spree will continue until pretty near the bitter end, sources say. Three people familiar with the matter tell CNN that the POTUS will issue somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 pardons and commutations on Tuesday, his last full day in office. He has until noon on...

Trump Might Pardon This Rapper, Others on Jan. 19

Here's who else he is reportedly considering

(Newser) - Potentially up next in President Trump's slew of pardons are two rappers. Lil Wayne, who will be sentenced Jan. 28 on a weapons possession charge, and Kodak Black, who is currently serving a 46-month sentence for weapons charges, are on the list of people Trump is considering, according to...

Michael Cohen Apparently Made Interesting Pals in Jail

He speaks of Tony Meatballs and Big Minty in interview

(Newser) - Former "fixer" Michael Cohen went on MSNBC Monday night and had serious things to say about President Trump's recent spate of pardons . But people appear to be more interested in Cohen's passing comment about two of his former fellow inmates—"Tony Meatballs" and "Big Minty....

Pardon Brings Fresh Attention to Lurid Kushner Case
Pardon Brings Fresh Attention
to Lurid Kushner Case
the rundown

Pardon Brings Fresh Attention to Lurid Kushner Case

Charles Kushner hired a prostitute in a sting against his own brother-in-law

(Newser) - On the one hand, President Trump's latest batch of pardons was excellent news for the Kushner family. On the other hand, it has brought renewed attention to why Charles Kushner—the father of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner—needed a pardon in the first place. It's not a pretty...

Trump Pardons Included Elderly Moonshiner

Oklahoma man pleaded guilty in 1952

(Newser) - President Trump's wave of pre-Christmas pardons has included high-profile allies like Roger Stone along with lesser-known names like Alfred Lee Crum, who was busted for making hooch almost 70 years ago. Crum, who received a full pardon Tuesday, was 19 in 1952 when he pleaded guilty in Oklahoma to...

Trump Issues 26 More Pardons
Trump Issues 26 More Pardons

Trump Issues 26 More Pardons

They include Stone, Manafort, Kushner father

(Newser) - President Trump's pardon-palooza continued for a second night Wednesday, when he issued another 26 pardons—including ones for Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, who were convicted of multiple crimes after being indicted during Robert Mueller's investigation. Trump commuted longtime friend Stone's sentence in July , days before he...

UN Rights Office &#39;Deeply Concerned&#39; by Blackwater Pardons
In Iraq, Fury at Pardons
of Blackwater Contractors

In Iraq, Fury at Pardons of Blackwater Contractors

Trump 'broke my life again,' says father of youngest Baghdad massacre victim

(Newser) - President Trump's decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors convicted of killing more than a dozen unarmed civilians in Baghdad has caused anger in Iraq—and concern at the United Nations. The UN rights office says it is "deeply concerned" by the pardons for the men involved the 2007...

Trump Issues Wave of Pardons
Trump Just Issued 15 Pardons

Trump Just Issued 15 Pardons

Group includes 2 convicted in Mueller probe

(Newser) - President Trump on Tuesday pardoned 15 people, including Republican allies, a 2016 campaign official ensnared in the Russia probe, and former government contractors convicted in a massacre in Iraq. The pardons included former Republican Reps. Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins, the AP reports. Collins, the first member of Congress to...

Rand Paul: Trump Should Pardon Snowden
Rand Paul Suggests
Controversial Pardon Idea

Rand Paul Suggests Controversial Pardon Idea

Senator wants Trump to let Edward Snowden go free

(Newser) - As President Trump considers presidential pardons before his term expires, Sen. Rand Paul is suggesting a controversial one in the pages of the Federalist . The Kentucky senator says the president should pardon Edward Snowden , who is now living in exile in Russia. In Paul's view, the former National Security...

Joe Exotic: Send My Pardon Request to Trump

'Tiger King' stars after Justice Department requests his application

(Newser) - Joe Exotic really wants out of prison. The Tiger King star applied to the US Justice Department for a pardon in September, but the department quickly rejected it. Now the man convicted of trying to hire a hit man to kill a rival has sued over that rejection, reports...

Feds Investigating Possible Bribe-for-Pardon Scheme

It's not clear whether Trump knew about it

(Newser) - With President Trump 50 days from leaving office, the Department of Justice is investigating a possible bribery scheme involving presidential pardons, according to court records unsealed Tuesday. The heavily redacted federal court documents say two people are being investigated for improperly acting as lobbyists for somebody seeking a pardon from...

Giuliani Dismisses Report About a Pardon as 'Lies'

Article said Trump and his lawyer discussed the possibility

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani dismissed a New York Times report Tuesday that he had talked with President Trump about receiving a pardon. "#FakeNews NYT lies again," Giuliani wrote on Twitter . "Never had the discussion they falsely attribute to an anonymous source. Hard to keep up with all their lies....

Hannity Has New Advice for Trump
Hannity Has New
Advice for Trump

Hannity Has New Advice for Trump

Fox host uses radio, TV shows to advise president to pardon himself

(Newser) - Sean Hannity is making his advice to President Trump loud and clear: Pardon yourself. The Fox News host used both his TV show and his radio show Monday to spread the message, reports Business Insider . "The president out the door needs to pardon his whole family and himself,"...

Could Trump Pardon Himself? It May Hinge on Single Word
Could Trump Pardon Himself?
It May Hinge on Single Word
in case you missed it

Could Trump Pardon Himself? It May Hinge on Single Word

That word is 'grant,' explains Eric L. Muller in the 'Atlantic'

(Newser) - Could President Trump pardon himself before he leaves office? He faces possible liability on bank and tax issues, and a former prosecutor in the Robert Mueller investigation makes the case in a New York Times op-ed that he should get hit with obstruction charges, too. A president, of course, can...

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