poll numbers

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In Latest Poll, No One Comes Close to Trump

He's up 20 points over Ted Cruz in CNN poll

(Newser) - Last week's dip in poll numbers was apparently no indication of things to come for Donald Trump. A new CNN/ORC poll shows the Republican contender with his biggest lead yet: 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support him, while his next-closest opponent, Ted Cruz, sits 20 percentage points...

This Poll Might Be the One Hillary Needs to Worry About

Support among women drops sharply

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is currently holding several weeks of "Women for Hillary" rallies ... but in a span of just eight weeks, support for Clinton among Democratic-leaning female voters dropped 29 percentage points. A Washington Post - ABC News poll back in July found that 71% of such voters expected to...

Poll: Obama the Worst President Since WWII

Plurality would rather have Romney

(Newser) - The public isn't just unhappy with President Obama, it has him pegged as the worst president of the modern era, according to a new Quinnipiac poll . Asked to pick the worst president since World War II, 33% said President Obama, pushing him ahead of George W. Bush, who got...

35 Countries Feel More Free Than US

Possibly because almost 80% believe government is corrupt

(Newser) - Americans are feeling a lot less like the land of the free than they were eight years ago—possibly because they believe the government is corrupt, a new Gallup poll finds. Asked in 2013 if they were satisfied with their level of personal freedom, 79% said they were, down from...

Only 1 in 4 Millennials Plan to Vote This Fall

And other poll data

(Newser) - Democrats got some polling news today that might be even scarier than yesterday's approval numbers . Only 23% of voters age 18 to 29 say they "definitely" plan to vote in the 2014 midterms, according to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll spotted by the Christian Science Monitor...

Voters Sour on Obama, Warm to GOP Congress
Voters Sour on Obama,
Warm to GOP Congress
new poll

Voters Sour on Obama, Warm to GOP Congress

Poll: Obama's approval rating sinks to new low

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has sunk to a new low, and a majority of the public would now prefer that Republicans control Congress as a check on his power, a new Washington Post / ABC News poll reveals. Obama's approval dropped 5 points to 41%, his lowest ever...

Majority of Americans Doubt the Big Bang

 Majority of Americans 
 Doubt the Big Bang 
in case you missed it

Majority of Americans Doubt the Big Bang

Poll shows 51% Americans unsure

(Newser) - Americans aren't really sold on scientific consensus. A new AP-Gfk poll finds that while the public generally believes scientists on issues of personal health—just 4%, for example, doubt that smoking causes cancer—there's widespread doubt on bigger picture subjects. A slim majority (51%) said they doubted the...

Even More Young People Tilting Toward Democrats

But polls also show support for ObamaCare is at just 26%

(Newser) - Young voters have almost always leaned Democrat, but that trend has intensified drastically since 2006, according to a new Gallup report. From 1993 to 2003, an average of 47% of 18-to-29-year-olds identified as Democrats or independents who leaned Democrat, compared to 42% who identified or leaned Republican; in 1994 and...

At 5 Years, US Thinks Obama's a Great Guy, Meh Prez

Public also unhappy with our system of government

(Newser) - Americans like Barack Obama—they're just not totally sold on President Obama. In a new AP-GfK poll , less than a third of respondents said Obama had been an above-average president, even though 58% found him likeable. "He would probably be a guy I would like to hang out...

There Are More Liberals Than Ever: Poll

...But conservatives still outnumber them

(Newser) - More Americans are calling themselves liberal today than at any point since Gallup started measuring in 1992, according to a new Gallup analysis—though conservatives still far outnumber them. The ranks of self-identified liberals swelled to 23% in 2013, according to the analysis, which collected data from 13 polls spanning...

Obama, Clinton Keep 'Most Admired' Crowns

Though Obama's number has declined substantially

(Newser) - President Obama and Hillary Clinton may still be the most admired man and woman in America, respectively, but 2013 took a huge chunk out of the public's esteem for both of them, a new Gallup poll suggests. Obama won by a huge margin, with 16% of respondents naming him...

Mitt Romney Would Win Election Do-Over: Poll

Obama's numbers looking bad in wake of health care rollout

(Newser) - Just how bad are things for President Obama a year into his second term? So bad that if the American people got a mulligan on the 2012 election, there's a good shot we'd be looking at a President Romney. A Washington Post - ABC News poll reveals that...

Congress' Approval Rating Hits 39-Year Low

Gallup records lowest figure ever

(Newser) - It is hard to get 91% of Americans to agree on anything, but this is nearing unanimous: Congress stinks. Gallup's latest poll pegs Congress' approval rating at 9%, the lowest mark in the 39-year history of Gallup. The number brings 2013's average to 14%, which would be an...

Irate Voters Ready to Throw the Bums Out

Just 4% say we'd be worse off if every Congressman was replaced

(Newser) - The American people want to see some heads roll in Congress, with new polls out today showing that the shutdown has drastically soured voters on just about everyone. Just 4% of respondents said the country would be worse off if every single congressman were replaced in the 2014 elections, while...

GOP Popularity Hits All-Time Low: Poll

Plus, 60% of public would throw out all of Congress if it could

(Newser) - America is sick of the Republican Party, a new poll suggests. Just 24% of the public has a positive view of the GOP in the Wall Street Journal / NBC News survey. That's the lowest in the history of the poll, which dates back to 1989. The Tea Party...

Poll: Tea Party, GOP Not Really Into Each Other

Support for conservative movement nears record low

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement continues to make its presence felt on Capitol Hill, but its influence over the American people is on the wane. A new Gallup poll shows support for the movement nearing an all-time low at 22%, compared to 27% who oppose the movement. Those who oppose the...

Public: Obama Needs Congress' Blessing on Syria

80% say White House shouldn't go it alone

(Newser) - The American people aren't excited about the prospect of attacking Syria, and they overwhelmingly believe that President Obama should get congressional approval before doing it. In a new NBC News poll, a whopping 80% said the White House should get the OK from Congress before attacking. While the Constitution...

Who Needs Polls? We Have Twitter
 Who Needs Polls? 
 We Have Twitter 

Who Needs Polls? We Have Twitter

Fabio Rojas reveals a new study showing social media predicts outcomes

(Newser) - Bad news, professional pollsters: Twitter is about to put you out of work. Or at least, that's what sociologist Fabio Rojas is predicting, based on a study he helped conduct. The study found that "Twitter discussions are an unusually good predictor of US House elections," he writes...

Surprise: McConnell Trails in Reelection Poll

Alison Lundergan Grimes is in front of Senate minority leader

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell might be in for a nail-biter of a reelection campaign in Kentucky. A new poll from Public Policy Polling shows McConnell in a dead heat with Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes, with Grimes ahead by a chin at 45% to 44%, with 11% undecided. That's well within the...

Nobody's Ready to Forgive John Edwards

North Carolina poll shows residents not open to a comeback

(Newser) - Mark Sanford. Eliot Spitzer. Anthony Weiner. It seems everywhere you look there's a politician proving there is life after sex scandal. So Public Policy Polling decided to ask North Carolina if they'd be open to a comeback from once-favored son John Edwards. The response: Heck no. Only 15%...

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