poll numbers

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Pennsylvania Poll Results Are a 'Bit of a Puzzle'

NYT says Harris is ahead in key battleground state but tied with Trump nationwide

(Newser) - Pennsylvania and its 19 electoral votes could be key to winning the White House in November—and it's currently neck and neck between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, according to one of two major polls. The candidates are in a statistical tie in the state, with 48% of likely...

Major New Poll Raises Stakes for First Trump-Harris Debate

New York Times /Sienna College poll sees a dead heat, suggesting Harris' rise has ebbed

(Newser) - Just ahead of their only scheduled debate on Tuesday, one of the bigger polls—by the New York Times and Sienna College—sees the race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as "neck and neck," reports the Times .
  • Trump leads Harris 48% to 47%, within the poll's

Trump Has 6-Point Lead in National Poll

Though in three key states, he and Biden are about even

(Newser) - A new national poll by CNN has Donald Trump six points ahead of President Biden when the two are placed in a hypothetical head-to-head contest, with the support of 49% of registered voters compared to Biden's 43%. Those numbers have held basically steady since CNN's last national poll...

Biden-Trump Poll 'Way Too Close to Call'

Analyst says national poll shows things are about as close as they can get

(Newser) - A new national poll reveals a presidential race that is "about as close as it can get," a polling analyst says. The Quinnipiac University poll shows President Biden edging Donald Trump 48% to 45% when the poll asked about just those two candidates. However, when the question expanded...

National Poll Has Really Bad News for Democrats

Concerns over the economy boost Republicans ahead of midterms in 'New York Times' poll

(Newser) - With the midterms closing in, a new poll from the New York Times and Sienna College delivers troubling news for Democrats: Worries about the economy are giving Republicans a renewed edge. The big takeaway stat is that likely voters would prefer a Republican to represent them in Congress over a...

New Biden Poll Numbers Are Very, Very Bad

'New York Times' finds that only about a quarter of Democratic voters want him to run again

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with a new political poll that has remarkably low numbers for President Biden—among his fellow Democrats.
  • Don't run: Maybe the most striking stat is that only 26% of Democratic voters want him to run again in 2024. For those under 30, that

Biden's Support Keeps Dipping —Among Democrats

New poll numbers show his approval rating overall at an all-time low of 39%

(Newser) - President Biden’s approval rating dipped to the lowest point of his presidency in May, a new poll shows, with deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party. Only 39% of US adults approve of Biden’s performance as president, according to the poll from the Associated Press...

Biden's 'Rock Bottom' Poll Numbers Get Worse

Quinnipiac, Gallup say support is crumbling among younger voters

(Newser) - In February, a poll conducted just before Russia's invasion of Ukraine showed " rock-bottom " numbers for President Biden, pollsters said. Turns out there was room for them to fall further. According to a new Quinnipiac poll, the president's approval rating is now at just 33%, with a...

With 100 Days Til Election, Trump Faces Steep Climb

Poll finds the incumbent in trouble with voters, with 32% approval on his COVID handling

(Newser) - With the November election 100 days away, more Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction than at any previous point in Donald Trump’s presidency, putting the incumbent in a perilous position as his reelection bid against Joe Biden enters a pivotal stretch. A new poll from...

Biden Opens Quite the Lead
A New Poll Is Loving Biden

A New Poll Is Loving Biden

The former vice president stakes out a 13-point advantage

(Newser) - Sure, Joe Biden has been campaigning mostly from home —but that doesn't mean he's behind. A new Reuters /Ipsos poll has him ahead by 13 points as Americans fume over President Trump's handling of the pandemic and police brutality protests. Conducted June 10 to 16, the...

Trump Campaign Orders CNN to Apologize for Poll

Not going to happen, network says

(Newser) - CNN says that for the first time in its 40-year-history, it has been threatened with legal action by a politician displeased with its polling results. The network says it received a cease-and-desist letter from President Trump's campaign, demanding that it retract—and apologize for—a poll released Monday...

GOP Prefers Trump to Lincoln
Trump's Wild
Polling Boast
Just Came True
new poll

Trump's Wild Polling Boast Just Came True

The GOP likes him better than Abe Lincoln

(Newser) - President Trump's polling dream has become a reality. A new Economist/YouGov weekly survey says 53% of Republicans consider Trump a better president than Abraham Lincoln, compared to 47% for Honest Abe, the Hill reports. But across parties and independents, Lincoln still wins by a firm 75% to 25%. Maybe...

Americans Blame Mostly One Side for the Shutdown

Two polls ask who's at fault

(Newser) - Who to blame for America's longest-ever government shutdown? Two polls posed that question and got pretty similar answers. A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that 53% mostly blame President Trump and congressional Republicans, USA Today reports; 29% point the finger at Democrats, while another 13% say both sides are...

Trump's Approval Rating Is Now at Its Highest Ever

Reaches 45%, thanks to sky-high ranking among Republicans

(Newser) - A new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News contains some stats that President Trump might be boasting about soon, but also some warning signs for the White House. The big takeaway is that Trump's overall approval rating has hit an all-time high of 45%—and that...

Trump and Clinton Are Neck-and-Neck Nationally

Clinton has slight edge, but Trump is gaining

(Newser) - The race for the White House does indeed appear to be tightening . A new CBS/New York Times national poll shows Hillary Clinton with just a 2-point lead over Donald Trump among likely voters, 46% to 44% in a two-candidate race, with a 3-point margin of error. With Gary Johnson and...

In Clinton vs. Trump, 60% Say No Thanks
 In Clinton vs. Trump, 
 60% Say No Thanks 

In Clinton vs. Trump, 60% Say No Thanks

Voters have deep reservations about both candidates

(Newser) - On the brink of the Cleveland convention that will take Donald Trump from "real estate mogul" to "Republican presidential nominee," a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that 58% of Americans are not happy with the choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton. Trump finds similar numbers of...

Poll: Trump Would Be Most Disliked Nominee Ever

His unfavorable rating hits 67%

(Newser) - The Republican Party establishment can't be thrilled with this milestone: A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that Donald Trump has a 67% unfavorable rating, meaning that if he secures the nomination, he'd be "more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been...

Trump Hits New High in National Poll

He has double the support of nearest rival Ted Cruz

(Newser) - The good news keeps on coming for Donald Trump. A CNN poll that sampled 1,002 adults from Thursday to Sunday shows the real estate mogul with 41% support among Republican voters across the country—a new high up from 39% in December. That's more than double the 19%...

Sanders Gives Clinton a 'Nightmare' Scenario in NH

Sanders leads by 27 points among likely Democrats in NH

(Newser) - Things have gone "from bad to nightmare" for Hillary Clinton thanks to a new CNN/WMUR poll out of New Hampshire, per the Washington Post . The poll—which quizzed 927 of the state's likely Democrats from Jan. 13 to 18—shows Bernie Sanders has expanded a solid lead in...

Bernie Sanders Now Beating Clinton in Iowa

New poll shows him at 49% to her 44%

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders was already leading in New Hampshire polls —but now, a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday shows him beating Hillary Clinton in Iowa, ABC News reports. The poll finds that Sanders has 49% support from likely Democratic Caucus participants, compared to Clinton's 44% and Martin O'Malley'...

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