Debbie Stabenow

10 Stories

Unexpected Senate Race in Michigan Has Huge Stakes

Stabenow's retirement sets up a likely race between Elissa Slotkin and Mike Rogers

(Newser) - The AP takes a look at the Senate race unfolding in all-important Michigan in the wake of Democratic incumbent Debbie Stabenow's surprise decision to retire .
  • Democrats: Rep. Elissa Slotkin quickly emerged as her party's top choice.
  • Republicans: It took Michigan Republicans longer to find their frontrunner. Buffeted by

Her Surprise Senate Decision May Be Bad News for Democrats

Michigan's Debbie Stabenow will not seek re-election in 2024

(Newser) - Democrats already had a tough challenge ahead in trying to keep control of the Senate in the next election. That challenge just got a little tougher. Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow said Thursday that she will not run for re-election in 2024, reports the Hill . As the AP notes, the 72-year-old—...

Democrats Not Taking Kid Rock Senate Run Lightly

Schumer: 'We can't afford to take this tweet as a joke'

(Newser) - Kid Rock has announced on Twitter that he’ll be throwing his fedora in the ring for Michigan’s 2018 senate seat. While some find his bid to be “ pimp of the nation ” humorous, Democrats are not discounting the rocker. CNN reports that Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Minority...

Kid Rock Hints at 'Major Announcement'

Suggests he may be planning Senate run

(Newser) - Is America ready for Senator Rock? Kid Rock strongly hinted Wednesday that he's planning a run for the US Senate from his home state of Michigan for the 2018 election, reports USA Today . The rocker—whose real name is Robert Ritchie— tweeted that the website is real...

Congress Gets to Work on Milk Cliff

...But will likely extend unpopular agriculture subsidies in the process

(Newser) - Fiscal cliff negotiations may be going nowhere fast, but the House and Senate agriculture committees are poised to temporarily avert another pressing crisis: the milk cliff . The two committees are drafting a short-term extension of as many as 37 expiring agriculture provisions, including one staving off a 1945 law that...

Tea Partier Scores Missouri Win With Democrat's Help

Claire McCaskill ads called Akin 'too conservative'

(Newser) - Missouri Rep. Todd Akin has won a close three-way GOP race to challenge Sen. Claire McCaskill in November, breaking Sarah Palin's winning endorsement streak in the process. All three contenders, including Palin-pick Sarah Steelman, had the backing of different Tea Party groups, and each claimed to be the most...

Senate Clears Huge Farm Policy Overhaul

Sens. Debbie Stabenow, Pat Roberts lead bipartisan effort

(Newser) - The Senate approved a historic farm bill today that eliminates all cash payments to producers, but invests massively in food stamps and crop insurance, Politico reports. The overall bill: $1 trillion over 10 years, which means $24 billion in savings, the New York Times says. The bill was forged by...

GOP Ad in Broken English Sparks Charge of Racism

Pete Hoekstra commercial attacks incumbent Debbie Stabenow

(Newser) - A US Senate candidate sounded upbeat today after his Chinese-themed ad in broken English triggered accusations of racism, the Huffington Post reports. "I’m excited," Michigan GOP contender Pete Hoekstra told Politico . "It has jump-started the debate.” The ad shows a Chinese woman biking through rice...

Congressional Death Threats Up 300%: FBI

Most suspects are men with guns, many mentally disturbed

(Newser) - Death threats against members of Congress are up 300% this year, the FBI tells Politico , and almost everyone doing the threatening owns guns. Capitol Police say they've had to dramatically step up security efforts, which were also boosted in 2009. “We have about 12 open cases at any given...

Mich. Senator's Husband Caught in Hooker Bust

Ex-Air America exec wasn't arrested, might be called as a witness

(Newser) - A Michigan police sting has netted another notable john: Sen. Debbie Stabenow's husband was caught in February paying a 20-year-old prostitute $150 for oral sex. Police observed Thomas Athans enter a Troy hotel room and leave 15 minutes later, reports the Detroit News. Officers arrested a woman inside the room,...

10 Stories