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Pa. Gov's Style Will Keep Him Off National Ticket

Outspoken Rendell calls 'em as he sees 'em

(Newser) - Ed Rendell's incredible bluntness and honesty are worth celebrating, but those same qualities make the Pennsylvania governor unacceptable as a Democratic vice presidential candidate, Buzz Bissinger writes in the New Republic. Pairing him with Barack Obama might be “a fascinating marriage of the idealist and the schmoozing fixer,”...

Obama Volunteers See Racial Vitriol First-Hand

Candidate mainly insulated, but grass-roots types are definitely not

(Newser) - Volunteers in Barack Obama's campaign have had to steel themselves against racism on the trail, even as the White House hopeful has repeatedly played down the anti-black sentiment his candidacy has revealed. Though the campaign maintains its travels “only reinforced Sen. Obama’s view that this country is not...

Pa. Primary Changed the Spin, not the Race

Both candidates try to shape narrative after predictable outcome

(Newser) - The Pennsylvania primary didn't change the basic parameters of the race for the Democratic nomination in any significant way, Andrew Romano writes in Newsweek. But it had a huge effect on the narrative, handing Hillary Clinton Exhibit A for her claim that  Barack Obama can't win over white men. She...

Clinton Celebrates Pa. Win
 Clinton Celebrates Pa. Win 

Clinton Celebrates Pa. Win

She asks donors to go to her website

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton savored her win in the Pennsylvania primary tonight, pitching herself in her victory speech as the toughest Democratic contender for the job. She dismissed calls for her to drop out of the race, adding, "The American people don't quit and they deserve a president who doesn't quit,...

Hillary Notches Critical Win in Pennsylvania

She gets boost she needs to keep Democratic tussle with Obama going

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton gave her campaign a jolt of life tonight with a decisive win in the Pennsylvania primary, NBC News reports. With 99% of results in, Clinton led 55% to 45%, a margin of victory that gives her campaign enough credibility to remain in the race. "The tide is...

Holdout Superdelegates Play Wait-and-See in Pa.

Last 7 uncommitted pols may stall until after primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama face off in Pennsylvania next Tuesday not only for 158 pledged delegates, but also for seven undeclared superdelegates, many of whom are awaiting the outcome of the primary. Fourteen Pennsylvania superdelegates have sided with Clinton and five with Obama, the Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice reports. The...

Bitter Schism Dominates Faith Forum
Bitter Schism Dominates
Faith Forum

Bitter Schism Dominates Faith Forum

Dems try to close God Gap, but debate cleaves to politics

(Newser) - Secular politics won the day at last night's "Compassion Forum" in Pennsylvania, the LA Times reports, despite the Democratic contenders' resolve to present a united front on faith. Hillary Clinton used her pulpit at Messiah College to sermonize against her rival's comments on "bitter" religious voters, again calling...

NYPD Cop Accused in 3 Heists
NYPD Cop Accused in
3 Heists

NYPD Cop Accused in 3 Heists

He allegedly robbed banks to buy engagement ring

(Newser) - A New York cop nabbed for robbing a bank this week may have committed two other heists last year, the NYPD said today. Christian Torres, a transit officer described by NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly as “a model cadet,” will be charged in New York after proceedings wrap up...

Obama Clashes With Philly Pols Over Payouts

Candidate won't pay 'street money,' riling local Democrats

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been expected to do well in Philadelphia in this month's Pennsylvania primary, but a test of wills between his campaign and local party bosses might jeopardize his chances. The Philadelphia political scene has a long tradition of "street money"—payment to Democratic operatives who dispense...

Keystone State Students Won't Boost Obama

Voter drive came too late to register them as Democrats

(Newser) - College kids' love for Barack Obama won't help him in the Keystone State, Politico reports. Many of Pennsylvania's 680,000 students hail from elsewhere and have voted absentee; among natives, a high number are Independent and therefore barred from the April 22 primary. Worse, attempts by Obama backers to enroll...

Vs. McCain, Clinton Beats Obama in 3 Swing States

Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida polls show Hillary faring better in November

(Newser) - Polls in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida show Hillary Clinton faring better than Barack Obama in swing state head-to-heads with John McCain. Clinton beats the Republican by 8 points, 9 points, and 2 points, respectively, in those states while Obama wins by 4 points in the Keystone State and 1 point...

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt
 Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt 

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt

Aides explain much of it as paperwork matter

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had $8.7 million in debt at the end of February, including roughly $300,000 in unpaid health insurance invoices for her staff and $3,100 from her own high school alma mater, where she held a campaign event. Barack Obama notched only $625,058 in debt, reports...

Casey Nod Perfectly Timed, Placed
 Casey Nod Perfectly 
 Timed, Placed  

Casey Nod Perfectly Timed, Placed

Endorsement could help Obama among conservative Pennsylvania men

(Newser) - The endorsement of Sen. Bob Casey will give Barack Obama aid right where he needs it, Shailagh Murray notes in the Washington Post—among Pennsylvania’s lower-income white men. So-called “Casey Democrats”—anti-abortion, pro-gun social conservatives—are the kind of voters Obama must prove he can sway April...

Now Taking Reservations for Sometime Next Year

The country's hardest-to-get dinner reservation is in ... Pennsylvania?

(Newser) - Move over, French Laundry. The US' most in-demand dinner seat is in "flyspeck" Kennett Square, Pa., 35 miles from Philadelphia, Portfolio writes. Talula's Table takes reservations for its single, 12-seat table one year in advance. "My parents paid me $30 to stand out here," says one teen...

John Murtha, War Critic, Backs Clinton

Congressman says Hillary has 'similar position' on Iraq

(Newser) - John Murtha, the Pennsylvania congressman who has become a leading critic of the Iraq war, is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, CQ Politics reports. “I know that Senator Clinton has a similar position that I have in regards to the war in Iraq,” Murtha said. While both he...

Superdelegates Waiting to Pick Sides

Batch of party elites could pick the next nominee

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lost Wyoming yesterday, but today the Washington Post has some welcome news for the Democratic underdog: Many superdelegates say they’ll wait until the end of the primaries to chose a candidate. “You’re going to see a lot of delegates remaining uncommitted,” said one neutral...

Obama Has Loose Ends to Tie Up
Obama Has Loose Ends to Tie Up

Obama Has Loose Ends to Tie Up

Pundits offer counsel to all 3 remaining contenders

(Newser) - Barack Obama “urgently needs to come up with a new speech,” Washington Post op-ed columnist Eugene Robinson writes: He must tap white working-class voters to win the nomination. "Obama managed to escape the danger of being pigeonholed as a 'black candidate,'" Robinson writes. “Now he...

Pa. Governor a Risky Ally for Clinton

Blunt, gaffe-prone Rendell could make or break campaign

(Newser) - Ed Rendell could be Hillary Clinton’s greatest asset in Pennsylvania—or he could explode in her face, Politico reports. Pennsylvania’s governor is popular and authentic, and he knows how to raise money and find the state’s voters. But Rendell shoots from the hip, and often hits his...

One-Man Beer Outfits Take Brewing Micro Indeed

Super-small operations cater to niches in US niche markets

(Newser) - Some so-called “microbreweries” have grown much too large to use that sobriquet, but as certain outfits outgrow the label, others are just growing into it. Portfolio's Lew Bryson introduces the future of beer: one-man brewing. In a market where once-boutique names like Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada now command...

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton
Teamsters Endorse
Obama Over Clinton

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton

It's another troubling sign for Hillary and her base

(Newser) - The Teamsters union endorsed Barack Obama today, giving him a chance to make further inroads into Hillary Clinton's base of blue-collar workers. Obama met with Teamsters chief Jim Hoffa today, who afterward gave Obama the backing of the 1.4-million-member union, the Chicago Tribune reports. The move could help in...

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