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Ford Cars to Read Text Messages Aloud

Company frees drivers' hands for safety

(Newser) - The next generation of Ford cars will be able to read your text messages aloud. The update to Ford's SYNC technology—which will be available on 2011 models—is pitched as a safety improvement so drivers can keep their hands on the wheel. The new version of SYNC (for Blackberry...

Toronto Loses Power During Queen's Visit

Outage may cancel or delay scheduled state dinner

(Newser) - A power outage struck late this afternoon in Toronto, where Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are visiting at the end of a 9-day swing through Canada. The prince was at a downtown hotel when the lights went out and gamely presented the Duke of Edinburgh Awards for community service to...

Refurbished BlackBerry Contained NFL Player's Secrets

Verizon gives X-rated photo to new owner

(Newser) - For one New York banker, a refurbished BlackBerry came with a few extras: the secrets of a former NFL player with a torrid personal life . The replacement handset provided by Verizon somehow hadn't been purged of its former owner's information, and so contained an X-rated picture of the footballer's wife,...

Twitter Will Make You Smarter
 Twitter Will Make You Smarter 

Twitter Will Make You Smarter

Like other new media, site beefs up brain if used wisely

(Newser) - It's fashionable to cry about how Twitter and other new forms of electronic media are making us intellectually lazy and downright stupid. In fact, the opposite is true, writes Harvard's Steven Pinker. "Don’t rail at PowerPoint or Google," he writes. "It’s not as if habits...

Have Some Malware With That Smartphone App

Malware sneaks in to smartphone software stores

(Newser) - The millions of apps available online have greatly expanded smartphones' capabilities—but at the price of security, cybercrime experts say. Google, Research in Motion, and Apple have all had to pull malicious or deceptive applications from their stores, but not before some had already been downloaded by scores of users,...

Microsoft's Kin: Does the World Really Need a 'Social' Phone?

Heir to the 'sidekick' throne misses the mark

(Newser) - If you're a Facebook-addicted, text-loving teenage girl, you might, maybe, like this phone. If not, look elsewhere. Microsoft's Kin isn't a smartphone, but a cell designed for social media. Is it any good?
  • Gizmodo calls it "the most seamlessly connected phone on the planet," but doesn't love the

What Your Phone Tells Marketers About You
What Your Phone Tells Marketers About You
iphone = rich, childless

What Your Phone Tells Marketers About You

A look at what demographic advertisers think you're in

(Newser) - Advertisers trying to reach customers via a smartphone have a pretty good idea what each smartphone user looks like. Here’s how Advertising Age breaks down the demographics of each phone:
  • Blackberry: The typical user is a “salt-and-pepper businessman” who uses the phone primarily for email and messaging. He

New for BlackBerry: Kindle App
 New for BlackBerry: Kindle App 

New for BlackBerry: Kindle App

App works similarly to popular iPhone version, but no annotations

(Newser) - BlackBerry users no longer have to look longingly at others reading e-books on their Kindles or iPhones, as Amazon today released an e-reader app for their device. After the iPhone app launched last year, an exec tells CNET , “customers have been asking us to bring a similar experience to...

BlackBerry Takes Bullet for Ohio Woman

Boyfriend's gun fires accidentally, and device is there

(Newser) - Having a smartphone can save your life—an Ohio woman's BlackBerry took a bullet for her when her boyfriend's concealed handgun accidentally went off in a diner. Anthony Holtvogt, 24, and his girlfriend were preparing to leave a diner after some beers, when a .32-caliber handgun caught in his sleeve,...

BlackBerry Email Restored After 8-Hour Outage

Problem with IM software at fault, RIM urges upgrade

(Newser) - BlackBerry email service in North America was restored this morning following its second outage in less than a week. Research In Motion said the root cause of the 8-hour lapse is still under review, but a flaw in two recently released versions of its BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging software appears...

Blackberry Bug Snarls Delivery of E-mails

RIM says it has fixed today's widespread smartphone glitch

(Newser) - Don’t panic, Blackberry users. Research In Motion says it’s resolved the particularly ill-timed technical issue that caused crippling e-mail delays throughout North America this morning. Customers, however, may still experience delays for a while as the system works through the backlog of unprocessed e-mails. “The timing couldn’...

Why Grandma Texts Better Than You

Careers that revolved around shorthand give grannies fast fingers

(Newser) - Text messaging opened up a new—and better—method of communication for Matthew DeBord and his mother (gone were the days of “rambling, nonlinear” phone calls), but he was shocked when he realized his 70-year-old mom wasn’t just good at texting: “Mom texted like someone who’s...

Celebs' Fave Smartphone Apps

Katie Couric, Ivanka Trump share the best apps for iPhone, Blackberry, Palm

(Newser) - Got a smartphone, but just not sure where to start with the apps? New York magazine has the faves of some famous New Yorkers:
  • Jimmy Fallon, Bionic Eye for iPhone: “Basically, you aim your camera down the street and it will show you floating graphics of where, say, the

Google, Verizon Team Up on Smartphones

Move to Android seen as real challenge to iPhone, BlackBerry

(Newser) - Google and Verizon will partner on a line of smartphones and software running the search giant’s Android OS and served by the carrier. Verizon is the largest-yet wireless network to back Google, and the announcement could complicate what was once a simple smartphone rivalry between Apple and BlackBerry, BusinessWeek...

How to Improve the BlackBerry
 How to Improve the BlackBerry 

How to Improve the BlackBerry

RIM dominates in sales, but the iPhone has big advantages

(Newser) - The iPhone has become a cultural phenomenon, but RIM sells way more units than Apple does. Why, then, does the BlackBerry have such obvious flaws? Wired lists five improvements RIM needs to make:
  1. Browser. The web looks much the same on an iPhone or Palm Pre as it does on

Can BlackBerry Addicts Switch to iPhone?

(Newser) - For BlackBerry users, the lure of the iPhone can be hard to resist, despite the Apple device's lack of a keyboard and AT&T-only service policy. The Wall Street Journal followed five BlackBerry users who switched to the iPhone and charted the highs and lows: All of them said they...

Families' Mornings Start with Tech Check

Families boot up computers, phones on waking

(Newser) - When it comes to morning routines, the modern family has a new set of priorities, many of which require a screen, the New York Times reports. “It used to be you woke up, went to the bathroom, maybe brushed your teeth, and picked up the newspaper,” says an...

BlackBerry Saves Skier From Death Plunge

(Newser) - A British skier who fell into a crevasse in the Swiss Alps was saved from plummeting 700 feet to his death when the BlackBerry in his breast pocket stopped his fall, the Telegraph reports. The extra width of the half-inch-thick gadget kept David Fitzherbert, 52, wedged firmly in place for...

Smartphone App Puts Infidelity a Few Clicks Away
Smartphone App Puts Infidelity a Few Clicks Away

Smartphone App Puts Infidelity a Few Clicks Away

Extramarital affair site releases program to help cheaters

(Newser) - Mark Sanford emulators, take heed: A company that hooks up adulterous sex-seekers has released iPhone and BlackBerry apps to make extramarital flings even easier, Jeremy Caplan writes in Time. Unlike its website,, which leaves an electronic trail spouses can track, the company's apps hide safely on cheaters'...

Smartphones Dial Up Etiquette Debate

Some call tapping rude; others call it necessary

(Newser) - Most companies don’t have rules about smartphone use at work—but with more people eying their BlackBerrys during meetings, a debate is raging over smartphone conduct, the New York Times reports. Many call excessive BlackBerrying the height of rudeness, but others hold that today’s world requires constant electronic...

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