Kaiser Permanente

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Octuplet Granny: Nadya's a Good Mom After All

(Newser) - The grandmother of the California octuplets has backtracked on a well-publicized, and rather dim opinion of her daughter, Us reports. Nadya Suleman “is trying so hard to take care of these children, and she's a good mother,” her mother, Angela, said. “She's a very good mother,”...

Octuplet Mom Leaves Hospital
 Octuplet Mom Leaves Hospital 

Octuplet Mom Leaves Hospital

(Newser) - The woman who recently gave birth to octuplets has been released from a Los Angeles-area hospital, the Times reports. Where Nadya Suleman will go, or whether any of her eight infants will accompany her, is uncertain. Doctors had suggested that she would be released while her children remained under supervision....

Murder-Suicide Parents Fired for Misconduct

Dad claimed suicide pact; blamed Kaiser

(Newser) - The Los Angeles man suspected of killing his wife and five children before committing suicide lost his job due to misconduct, not layoffs, the Times reports. Ervin Antonio Lupoe and wife Ana were terminated from a Kaiser Permanente medical center, and sources say allegations of fraud were involved. A letter...

TB Scare Unsettles Calif. Maternity Ward

Nearly 1K babies may have been exposed to worker with active case

(Newser) - Nearly 1,000 babies born since March at a San Francisco hospital could have been exposed to tuberculosis, the Chronicle reports, by a maternity-ward worker with an active case. Kaiser Permanente says infection risk is very low, but testing and any treatment needed will be provided to 960 infants and...

Caffeine May Double Miscarriage Risk: Study

25% of women who drank 2 cups a day miscarried: study

(Newser) - Pregnant women who drink two cups of coffee a day may double their risk of miscarriage,  a new study concludes. Almost one-quarter of women in the study who consumed 200 milligrams of caffeine a day—the amount in 10 ounces of coffee or 25 ounces of tea—miscarried, reports...

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