Nadya Suleman

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Octomom to Oprah: I Feel Guilty Every Day

She rules out reality shows and porn

(Newser) - Octomom felt the need to bare her soul, so where else to go but Oprah's show? What we learned, as recapped in CNN and USA Today :
  • Name: It's Nadya Suleman, thank you very much. "Octomom" makes her feel like a "carnival attraction."
  • What she won't do: Porn,

Octomom Offers Lawn for PETA Spay Ad

She needs the cash, food

(Newser) - Cash-strapped octomom Nadya Suleman has agreed to help promote pet spaying with a lawn ad for PETA, and, no, this is not an Onion article. Suleman, desperate for some extra money to raise her own litter of 14, has agreed to let the animal protection group post an ad outside...

No Foreclosure for Octomom... If She Does Porn

Vivid Entertainment extends offer once again

(Newser) - Vivid Entertainment will not take no for an answer: After last year’s $1 million porno offer went nowhere, the porn company is approaching the Octomom again. Nadya Suleman could avoid losing her house if she changes her sex tape position—Vivid’s prez promises to pay off her $460,...

Octomom About to Lose Home
 Octomom About to Lose Home 
here we go again

Octomom About to Lose Home

Nadya Suleman more than $450K behind on payments

(Newser) - The Octomom finds herself— again —in danger of losing her home. Nadya Suleman is more than $450,000 behind on mortage payments on the La Habra home she bought one year ago, and foreclosure is imminent. The seller—who holds the note on the house—tells TMZ Suleman has...

10 Celebrities Who Definitely Need 'Prehab'

We're looking at you, Miley Cyrus

(Newser) - Now that Brooke Mueller and Charlie Sheen are hitting “ prehab ”—rehab for people (supposedly) without any actual addiction issues—it’s time for other celebrities to follow suit. Ami Angelowicz lists her top 10 candidates, on The Frisky :
  • Britney Spears: Sure, she seems OK now. But you

Octomom: Maybe Just One More Kid

'Someday far, far, far, far in the future'

(Newser) - For most people, 14 kids would be enough. But 15 might be the magic number for Octomom Nadya Suleman. Asked yesterday on The View whether she planned to have more children, Suleman first swore up and down that she didn't, then admitted that she might have just one more child—...

Celebrities We're Done With
 Celebrities We're Done With 

Celebrities We're Done With

There's no place for these 15-minute wonders in 2010

(Newser) - There are lots of talented celebrities out there…and then there’s Heidi Montag. The plastic surgery-loving reality star tops EgoTV ’s list of celebrities whose 15 minutes expired back in 2009. “In 15 years. these five will be on We Loved the Aughts and your kids will...

Octomom's Babies Turn 1
 Octomom's Babies Turn 1 

Octomom's Babies Turn 1

Nadya Suleman's octuplets celebrate first birthday

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Nadya Suleman has been in our lives for a whole year—as evidenced by the fact that her octuplets celebrate their first birthday today. The Today Show marked the occasion—and there was something else to celebrate, too: the Octomom’s 150-pound weight loss and the...

Calif. Board Calls Octomom Doc Grossly Negligent

Repeat fertility procedures show Michael Kamrava's bad judgment

(Newser) - The Beverly Hills doctor whose repeated fertility treatments turned Nadya Suleman into the mother of octuplets was accused by California’s medical board today of gross negligence. Michael Kamrava went beyond the bounds of reasonable judgment in authorizing the series of procedures, the board said today, and wants his physician’...

Parenting Tips From Octomom
 Parenting Tips From Octomom 

Parenting Tips From Octomom

Nadya Suleman offers her advice on everything from meals to tantrums

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman, better known as Octomom, offers up her best parenting advice—yes, really—to Babble . The highlights:
  • Her parenting philosophy: “Love with some boundaries and rules. I think religion is important. So are good manners, good role models, and a good education. I also try not to judge

Inside the Octo-Family Circus
 Inside the Octo-Family Circus 

Inside the Octo-Family Circus

A behind-the-scenes look at Nadya Suleman as her TV special films

(Newser) - As the paparazzi follow Nadya Suleman around, a film crew shooting OctoMom: Me & My Fourteen Kids films them filming her…and John Bowe records it for the New York Times Magazine. From the British film director to the children’s welfare representative ensuring labor law compliance, people who expect...

Jon, Octomom to Get $1M for Reality Dating Show
Jon, Octomom to Get $1M for Reality Dating Show
sad but true

Jon, Octomom to Get $1M for Reality Dating Show

Denials were just negotiating tactics, insider says

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin and “Octomom” Nadya Suleman were just being coy when they denied they’ve signed on to a one-off reality show: Both are interested and stand to make upward of $1M for the program. Jon - Kate = Jon + Octomom is being shopped as a 2-hour special...

Octomom for Halloween: Preggo Nun
Octomom for 
Preggo Nun 

Octomom for Halloween: Preggo Nun

And clever Suleman dressed octuplets as little devils

(Newser) - Even if you're one of those people that never gets scared, this Halloween costume should do the trick: Octomom Nadya Suleman dressed herself as a pregnant (scary) nun (scarier) and turned her babies into accessories—tiny devils (horrifying). View the truly disturbing photos by Splash in the Daily Mail —...

Jon, Octomom to Date on New Reality Show
Jon, Octomom to Date on New Reality Show
We Wish we Were Kidding

Jon, Octomom to Date on New Reality Show

'Cheaters' producer says show in works; stars deny it

(Newser) - We wish we were kidding, we wish we were even surprised. But we’re not. Jon Gosselin and Nadya Suleman may hook up on a new reality show entitled—wait for it—Jon – Kate = Jon + Octomom. Producer Bobby Goldstein, of Cheaters fame, says he’s developing the...

Octomom Talks Gosselin Crush

 Octomom Talks 
 Gosselin Crush 

Octomom Talks Gosselin Crush

Nadya Suleman gives her thoughts on Michael Kamrava—and Jon Gosselin

(Newser) - Hey, look, Octomom is back! Upon learning that  her fertility doctor is being expelled from a national medical association, Nadya Suleman told Radar, "I’ve always thought from the beginning Dr. Michael Kamrava was a good doctor," adding that—since other cases were involved—"I don’t...

Professional Group Expels Octomom Doc

Reproductive medicine society says Kamrava was out of line

(Newser) - Michael Kamrava, the fertility doctor who twice implanted six embryos into octomom Nadya Suleman (two embryos reportedly split into twins), has been kicked out of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The society recommends no more than two embryos for women under 35, to reduce the risk of multiple births;...

TV Special 'Shocked' Octomom
 TV Special 'Shocked' Octomom 

TV Special 'Shocked' Octomom

Plus MJ and Gosselin hangers-on still talking

(Newser) - The Octomom TV special was shocking even to the Octomom herself, Nadya Suleman’s lawyer tells Radar. Suleman “was shocked to see some of the chaos of the scenes in the show, but she understands the show has its own production agenda.” Elsewhere:
  • Mark Lester was on Today

Smug Americans Love 'Bad-Parent Porn'
 Smug Americans 
 Love 'Bad-Parent Porn' 

Smug Americans Love 'Bad-Parent Porn'

We're addicted to seeing moms and dads face 'public smackdowns'

(Newser) - America, it seems, is addicted to “bad-parent porn,” writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times. Nadya Suleman's new reality show is only the latest incarnation, along with Jon and Kate, of course. (And let us not forget Michael Jackson.) People just love to see moms and...

Inside the Octomom TV Special
 Inside the Octomom TV Special 

Inside the Octomom TV Special

Somehow, it was even worse than anticipated

(Newser) - The Nadya Suleman “suckfest” debuted last night on Fox, and it was “even more horrible than we could have imagined,” writes Natalie Finn for E! Among the “lowlights” of the special:
  • The octuplets’ delivery: “Gee, what a coup that someone was filming!” writes Finn.

Octomom Special Hits Fox

 Octomom Special Hits Fox 

Octomom Special Hits Fox

Suleman feature to air next week

(Newser) - Just when you thought you had seen enough of one mom and her eight kids: Fox will air a 2-hour special on Nadya Suleman, Us Weekly reports. Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage—which follows Suleman from the day her octuplets were born through the next 7 months—will run on...

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